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Posts posted by The_Rev

  1. awesomemace1vm.jpg

    Is this the best weapon on the whole game?


    A question that needs answering.


    And the game being rather pretty. Me, in Stranglethorn, today. Note to people who dont play the game, that all those trees and hills in the background arent just a painted on background. You can actually travel to them and look back to where this picture was taken.

  2. TRL hit level 30 earlier, so he get an evil "mind control" spell now, where he can actually take control of hostile players and monsters for a period of time.

    Fun to be had here:

    Running Alliancepeople into big groups of monsters.

    Running things off the cliffs in Thousand Needles (bonus points if you get an Alliance)

    Running people into the sea in Booty Bay, and hopefully drowning them.

    Running people out of the portal in Warsong Gulch.

  3. You just run through the woods, and watch the Ally camp, where the elites on the gate will **** you over. Just stay in the woods off the path, and skirt around the edge of the camp. If you keep moving, you shouldnt have any bother, and you should be big enough to take on the mobs by now. In fact, you arent that far away from being able to gank people now. :mrgreen:

    I made it up on my own to Zoram stand when i was about level 17 or 18, so you should be able to do it now!

  4. Some shots for the Uldaman dungeon.


    And this is how im trying to learn to fight in Instances. Attacking multiple targets at the same time, but its not that easy at all, especially trying to pick the right curse to cast on the right mob. If i can get this technique down, ill be very happy!


    Just who is that short arsed Rogue? ho ho!


    And i cant think of anything to write about this shot. Looks nice though, doesnt it?

  5. I cant see the point in buying a level 60. I can imagine the sales pitch though:

    "Bought world of warcraft? Cant be arsed to play it? Give me 200 quid, and ill play it for you!"

    Most of the fun is getting to level 60, not actually being there.

  6. you can get a +intelligence enchant on the staff for more mana. I think they are actually quite cheap. Certainly less than 1gold.

    I just had a + damage one on mine cos i like the way it looks. I never use it to fight with.

  7. Thats actually quite cheap.

    See, it depends on whether you are keeping the weapon for a long time or not.

    D1 had one done,and kept the Axe it was on for ages. If you think about it, you are having a higher level weapon than you are enititled to at your level, but if you are going to get a new axe in three or four levels time, it might not be worth it.

    Have a look in the Auction House, see what weapons some five-ten levels above you are doing, and try and figure out how long you can keep yours for before you outgrow it. If its going to be a while (say it was a good axe you got in an instance or something) then its worth spending the money on. As you use the weapons all the time, you might as well have the best ones you can get hold of. You could try to find out what the ingredients for the enchant is, get them yourself, and get the enchant for free, but as most ingerdients are sold in bulk for enchanters to buy, this could be more expensive.

    So, do your homework, but if you have a nice blue axe that you cant see yourself binning for a good few levels, get an enchant. If you are going to replace it anytime soon, sit tight.

  8. ie will probably do you one for a reasonable price. This will basically give you an axe which is more powerful than someone of your level should have. And you get a cool blue glow.

    Can that be done with staves and wands too?

    Staves, yes. Wands no.

    There are loads of Enchants available, so ask in Orgrimmar what people can do.

  9. You ARE getting pretty tough now Tarj, no mistake. I think I'm right in saying that if nyou the same spell more than once against a player it has less effect each time, so it's best to use a combination. I'm starting to think that Shammies aren't that overpowered really, especially when in one on one PvP. We're pretty handy to have in a group situation as back up tanks and healers, but when I duelled you yesterday I had no answer to your spells apart from one totem that helps dispel fear. My only chance is to try and slow you down with shocks and totems, and batter you with my huge new axe, but I'm not confident.

    thats diminishing returns.

    It was introduced to stop Priests and Warlocks just spamming people with fear, and laughing at them. It also encourages people to actually learn to play the game instead of keep hammering the same button like you can get away with when you are fighting the computer. The good thing is that if you roll an alt on a PvE server, you are probably ten times better than the people over there at the game, making you duel tastic!

    And persever with Shammies Riss, the higher level you get, the more tricks you pick up and abilities you learn. Its just a case of picking the right totems for the right job, and then wailing on them while they are worried about the Totems. If you have found an axe that you intend to keep for quite a few levels, it might be an idea to get a +damage enchant on it. Sie will probably do you one for a reasonable price. This will basically give you an axe which is more powerful than someone of your level should have. And you get a cool blue glow.

  10. Mages and priests are opposites, as far as the cloth wearers go.

    Mages are just out and out damage dealers. They can give out some serious damage, but they go squishy very quickly. They just hit you with everything they have and hope to god your health runs out before their mana. This is quite often the case though.

    As you know, Priests can take one hell of a kicking, and hit back all the time they are taking that kicking. People always estimate them, and thats why they die.

    Btw. That spell-buff add0n..how can i choose what spells to be auto-casted??

    It keeps casting my shield spell, and without that when i need it im ****.


  11. I remember when myself and Si were standing in that spot looking at bloke.

    "Reckon we can take him?"

    "Yeh, probably"

    "Wanna have a crack at it?"


    (15 seconds later)

    "Fuuuck! Im dead here! Help!"

    "I cant, i cant move, im **** here"



    (we both die)

    We did come back and pay him a visit a week or two later though...

  12. Join Deathwing.

    The migration is to enable people to move from full servers (deathwing) to new servers (twisting nether) to reduce the occational queues, ie if you log in at about 8pm you might have to wait 5-10 mins to get in, but 99% of the time there are no queues.

    We are all settled on Deathwing now, and have friends and enemies on the server, so moving isnt going to happen.

    You will find yourself quite a way behind us lot, myself, D1 and Sie (from Cuss) are into our level 40's, and the rest of the Villatalk lads are in the early/mid 20's, so you might find yourself questing with random people a lot of the time to begin with (though you can solo the first 25-30 levels if you need) but im sure there will be plenty of help from the likes of TRL, Risso, Bicks and Dan to help you catch up quicker.

    Have you decided what character you want to be yet?

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