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Posts posted by The_Rev

  1. Always carry Mana potions on you Risso!

    And Si, i agree, the quest was shit, but the grinding wasnt bad. Especially for me as a skinner. But its definately a grind-o-quest, and if it wasnt for the fantastic XP reward, i wouldnt be touching it.

    Oh, and prepare for me to badger yourself and TRL to join our guild soon. Its undead only, but as undead are probably the strongest race on the game (easily the strongest race on the Horde side) its not a problem. Its the best guild ive been in so far, and if you are only using VT as a chat channel, it might be worth coming over for some higher level instance runs and stuff. I can see myself playing endgame with this guild.

  2. sweetdeadpally1ch.th.jpg

    And the Paladins tactic of hoping i ran out of mana before he could pussy bubble, heal, and press his auto attack failed spectacularly. I suppose seducing him while he had his back to me, and twatting him with a couple of big shadowbolts confused the **** out of him...

    Gotta love the 1-0.

  3. That quest took bloody ages Si. I was there for about an hour and 20 minutes getting all that crap.

    Ill think it would be easier to Solo, because last night there were three of us competing for the same drops.

    The rewards were ace though. With the grinding to get the drops, then the rewards, 3500 at gadgetzan, and you then get sent back to undercity, where you basically get another 5500 XP, 1g30s, and an item that i sold for 60s It really is quite lucrative.

    I have 35000 XP in that shot, and we had been doing the quest for a while then. I now have 53000 XP. So ill say i got over 20k and almost 2 gold for one quest. Well worth it.

  4. That pet thing Hunters have seems to be similar to the Warlocks minions i have access too.

    They seem to break into four catagories:

    High DPS pets, of which cats seem to be the king, and a PvP must, as PvP is all about doing as much damage as you can in a short a space of times as possible (well, thats my experience anyway) and cats seem to be able to give out the most damage per second, and with the ability to chase down fleeing Alliance, and get a nice free hit in with their prowl ability which they learn, seems that they are a force to be reckoned with in PvP. That lion we got earlier seems to be well thought of by hunters too. Cats will **** any casters over too, because of the interuption of spell casting times. I guess this means Hunters own Mages, who dont really have a way to get the cat off of them. Warlocks and Priests have fear to get rid of the pet for a period of time, but the Hunter can still do big damage while we worry about getting the pet off of us.

    I keep seeing the name broken tooth come up again and again and again as the best cat, cos of its stupidly fast attack speed. But it is a rare elite. Might be worth a look for when you are about level 40 though..

    Tanking Pets: of which there are two sorts. High health pets which tank well in all situations, but more so against people who use magic as opposed to people who use melee, and high armour pets where the opposite is true. Probably better for using as a tank in quests and instances, cos in PvP, good opponents will just ignore your pet and come for you, and with the slower speed and lesser damage of a tanking pet, we can ignore them for longer before they start to hurt us. Still good for kicking the computers arse though, cos that cant decide who to attack independently, it just attacks the thing giving out the most aggro.

    Balanced Pets

    Like citizen smith was. Alright at both giving out a kicking, and taking one, but not especially good at either. Yawn!

  5. And ive had a proper good look at that site now.

    Seems that those cats are ace PvP pets:

    The 1.2 speed cougars (23-28) (Starving Mountain Lion (23-24), Needles Cougar (27-28), Feral Mountain Lion (27-28) are all noteable reminders that some of the most exceptionally fine pets in the game are also the most common spawns. These "Saturday Night Specials In A Plain Brown Wrapper" are found in the Hillsbrad and Thousand Needles zones. These are great speed cats outperformed only by the unique Broken Tooth, and far easier to acquire. They have the same stats as The Rake,(who seems to be the most sought after pet in the game, probably because of the way he looks, elsewhere on the site, it says that he is probably the best pet in the game beacuse his is just so damn fast. These things have the same stats, and seem to be a lot easier to get - Nayson). and a good choice for both PvP and Beast Mastery builds. Their chase speed is the same "Fast" rating as most other cats, it's their attack speed that is exceptional. The easiest of any "fast attack" pets to acquire in the game. Starving Mountain Lions come knowing Cower 2, Feral Mountain Lions know Cower 3

    We should swing by Hillsbrad, and get you a Feral Mountain Lion instead. He is the same, but has the extra bonus of a "cower" ability, which is the same as my succubus "soothing kiss"

    Basically, it means that while the pet is attacking a target, it can make the target it is attacking hit something else (quite often you, so you have to be prepared to do a bit of tanking. From experience, i can tell you that its worth it, i use my succubus more than any other pet for her fast attack speed and low aggro)

    Shall we go get one?

  6. Btw. Nays... did Sie just join the board?

    Yeah, we were on about the hugeness of the WoW thread on this site, and he thought he would have a read of it.

    Dont expect many posts by him though. He hates football, and Sunderland are his local team (which probably explains why he has no interest in football)


    Oh, and this is me, this morning. A couple of addons in my profile too. Ive got one which is for casters, and gives a total of all the +spell damage gear ive got on, like the + spell resist stat that is on the profile automatically, and one called Tankpoints or something, which i got from Cursegaming. Ill send them over MSN if anyone wants them.

    Oh, and another plug for the READER which is fantastic.

  7. Okay. A tip.

    skill up your first aid

    In a couple of hours, ive got mine up to 300/300, which gives me the ability to make heavy runecloth bandages, which will heal me for 2000 in 8 seconds.

    Basically, how first aid works, is you learn to make various types of bandage from the really shit (linen) through wool, silk, mageweave and runecloth.

    Each type has a "heavy" version, which requires two sheets of cloth to make the bandage, but it does offer more healing. Make the light versions until they turn green in the first aid menu. Then make the heavy versions. Then move onto the next type when you can learn it. Sell all the bandages you made back to the vendor before you make the next type, and you will find you probably get about 60% of your outlay back, making levelling up cheap.

    When you get to 150 skill, you have to go buy a first aid book from a fella in Dustwood (at the camp where the flightpath is) and at 225 skill, you get a fun little quest which is set entriely in the camp at Hammerfall, and will give you 3900 XP.

    Sion can probably skill up from 0-300 in one session, for no more than about 10 gold (probably a lot less than that in fact, i wasnt counting) if all the goods are purchaced from the auction house, and a lot less if all the goods are collected from drops.

    Bicks and Risso and Juju and Dan and TRL (though its not as important to a priest. Healing is kinda his thing as it is, but i guess if mana efficency is a concern first aid will be a massive bonus) might want to stop at mageweave or somewhere, because you would be getting to the point where the bandages will heal you for more health than you actually have, which seems a bit of a waste. But it really does seem to be a good thing to be 300/300 by the time you hit the mid 40s level wise.

  8. I cant summon him yet, thats level 50, but if i see one out in the field (any demon in fact, up to level 49) i can enslave him, which is a bit like priests mind control, i guess.

    Its mainly for comedy/scaring lowbies, because they arent actually that good a pet to have.

  9. We formed something of a gank squad after you left Si, and headed for Ally territory.


    And this poor little one was killed just for the fact she had a comedy name.


    But from Ashenvale, we decided to do a bit of a world tour. We hit Westfall, which is the Ally equivilant of The Barrens i guess. Same kind of levels. Anyway, we cant attack unless attacked first, as are the rules of being in the other sides area. But i stumbled upon a load of Level 10-20 alliance duelling, and one of them had a PvP flag on. Whether they had turned it on deliberately, or whether they had flew in from a PvP area, and was still flagged, i dont know, but i rode over and killed them regardless. Anyway, the rest of the group started attacking after that (there were about half a dozen of them, probably) and they all became flagged. Easy meat for us three (level 46 Lock, 49 Priest, 50 Rogue) and we just tore the area up. Funny, but not spectacular. And i wouldnt have even mentioned it had this screenshot not have happened..


  10. zfoutdamage6cw.th.jpg

    A valliant, if ultimately fruitless attempt at a level 50 elite quest.

    The squad were:

    Level 46 warlock, me

    Level 46 warrior, Si

    Level 49 priest, Flesha, who turns out to be from Tamworth.

    Level 46 rogue, Biffo,

    Level 44 rogue, Kongmini

    And we werent a bad party, but we were totally carrying Kongmini, who was quite frankly, shit. He was nearly outdamaged by the Priest, which is a terrible thing to happen considering all Rogues are invited along for, is to dish out damage, which along with mages, they are probably the best in the game at. If we had have had a second tank, either a Druid, or a Shaman instead of Kongmini (who's basic strategy seemed to be to stand there stealthed, and watch everybody else fight most of the time, as you can tell from this screenshot. He has full health, so he isnt getting hit, and full energy, so he probably isnt hitting anybody) we might have got some joy.

    Still im pleased with my contribution, outdamaging two rogues, and finishing top with almost 40% of the groups total damage output, when im not really an out and out damage dealer like a Rogue is made me very happy. And i will do this quest over the weekend. Oh yes, i will.

  11. I just use the standard game one, plus a Warlock Specific one called Necrosis, which is for all the non combat skills we have (and belive me, there are a lot!)

    I really must get my combat interface sorted. I wouldnt mind sticking everything on the right hand numberpad actually.

  12. And now i feel like a hero.


    Im riding through Ferelas to do a quest, and as Si will testify, its quite a twisty main path in points. I come around the corner to see an Alliance Warrior (level 44) wailing on a Horde Warlock (level 41) the Horde guy is just trying to run away, but the Alliance isnt having any of it, and charge stuns the warlock.

    I dont think he banked on me coming around the corner. I slapped on the curse of shadows while the Warrior was still trying to kill my mate, and then i start to cast the shadowbolt....

    2.5 second casting time, and every fraction of every second im saying to myself "please crit-please crit-please crit..." and as the shot is fired off, boom! 1052 crit! :mrgreen:

    The warrior drops in one hit. And look at the honour points i get! PvP servers rule sometimes. They really do..

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