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Everything posted by PaulMcGrath_5

  1. I don't care that you don't care, don't care. To confirm--it's you that thinks people are "crying, screaming, kicking toys out of the pram"?
  2. Why's that? How has it negatively impacted us so far?
  3. Basically he has been alive for 365 days, 26 times.
  4. Dukey boy has won the European cup 5 times, to be fair.
  5. Nice to see VT is still home of the bed wetters.
  6. And the old "Birmingham Live understands"
  7. Highest form of wit, in my opinion too.
  8. As mentioned numerous times before--Poch or Potter are the stand out candidates. I really hope Gerrard can turn things around, first and foremost.
  9. Would you not rather Gerrard prove you wrong and we start winning every game we play? Or is this about you being proven right more than anything else?
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