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Posts posted by blandy

  1. 3 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    And the labour party is still here? Thats why when i read the tories are finished after this election  they wont be.

    Both the two major parties manage ti stick no matter what.

    Correct. That this version of the Tories has gone completely mad and deserves to be exterminated is one thing, but there is a huge chunk of the nation that would vote for a centre right party, if there was one. So while there are that many potential voters there will be a party that seeks to represent them after the current throbbing not rights are banished from memory.

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  2. 30 minutes ago, Danwichmann said:

    I'm not sure. I've probably had the receipt sent to my Gmail and might have paid with Google Pay, so seems a fair chance they can know for a lot of people (although not everyone). 

    Fair comment. I barely use Google, normally, so had overlooked them reading your emails and your google pay history.

  3. On 14/06/2024 at 10:52, Anthony said:

    Google. "We use our highly sophisticated and secret algorithms to work out who wants to buy your stuff, and only advertise to them! No wasted ad spend! Isn't that awesome? Give us lots of money"

    Followed by 90% of ads targeted at the consumer are for stuff they've just bought.

    I’m not sure that’s reflective of the constraints. I mean if I want to buy a sofa, I search for a sofa, maybe several searches. Google will know that. What they won’t know is whether I bought one and nor should they. If I buy one from Amazon, say, Amazon will know and might recommend I also buy a chair, or cushions, or sofa cleaner, but google doesn’t and shouldn’t be able to record my actual buying activity.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Danwichmann said:

    Under FPTP, where one party normally has a majority so can win almost every vote in parliament, how important is the size of the opposition? They can make a lot of noise but a small Tory party can do that as well as big one. But if Labour gets a majority of 50 rather than 200, does it make a material difference to their ability to pass legislation? 

    Not really sure of the answers myself, just speculating. 

    It’s arguable that big majorities lead to “actual stuff getting done” and small ones to “nothing changes”, because with a big majority internal debate and rebels don’t have a sway. Whether the stuff that gets done is good or bad is obviously a personal opinion, but “change” needs a big majority. Thatcher, Blair, Johnson, even (with Brexit) changed the country perhaps more than Cameron, Major etc. but there does need to be credible and competent opposition to point out flaws and errors and drawbacks and so on.

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  5. 2 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

    their best chance now is to leave him in a room and get out all of the throbbers and go full gammon to avoid a collapse of their support base to Reform.

    That would be even worse for them. The pollsters I’ve listened to all say there’s a huge number of undecideds and stay at home tories. If the Tories go even more throbby, those folks will in large number come out and vote Lib Dem or Labour, because they’re mostly unhappy with @their” party, but not unhappy enough to vote for someone else other than Tory, at the moment

  6. 2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    Jeebus, I get arsey about ‘normal’ dust. When I was sanding the floor on the weekend I basically went full tape down the other doors and opened front and back doors to get a horizontal chimney going!

    Yeah, me too. But it's like this - to get them out the way before, or remove them after and clean and put back - similar amount of effort really and the "I need to fix this problem, and I've actually got the vibe to do it" was there. If I'd spent the next 2 hours moving CDs, it'd have gone - I'd have been "I haven't listened to this one in ages"

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  7. 6 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    the big boys, white, and black.

    All mine are currently white. Due to a coating of dust from the floor and walls in the same room which are undergoing (when I'm not dicking about on VT) some restoration. I only gave them their bi annual take from the shelves and clean/dust about a month ago, and am going to have to do it all again when I've finished decorating and stuff. Still more sanding to do, though.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

    All kinds of fun in the green party manifesto


    That’s simplistic. I mean how many nations have nukes?  A handful. Are the ones that don’t less secure because they don’t? Are they less secure because others do?

    I am not supporting or defending the Green manifesto on this, and it’s possibly less likely Ukraine would have been invaded if it had nukes, but it is also perhaps less likely that the world, or Eastern Europe would have been safer if they had kept their decaying, crumbling nuclear capability.

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  9. 23 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    This is the exact issue. They can find a way. Only way is with West working together to tax wealth.

    Not gonna happen, though, IMO. Because (say) if one country sets a slightly lower rate, they know they can attract the Richies to go there, and get the tax from them, rather than some other country getting that tax. Ireland attracted Apple like that. Switzerland is nabbing 'wegian's as someone posted earlier( @magnkarl maybe?).

    But the real issue is tax havens, and that's something the UK could still do a lot more on (though stuff has been done) - loads of them are under our "wing", if not direct control. Caymans and whatnot.

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