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Posts posted by blandy

  1. 26 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    If those two scenarios play out, and I don’t think the odds are outlandish, where do you think our benefit has been? What have we gained? 

    There is nothing to gain. There never has been. Not for Russia, for Ukraine, or for "us" (whoever you thing "we" are - the west, the UK, Yurp?). 

  2. 1 hour ago, chrisp65 said:

    Can’t be true, they’ll be completely out of money, fuel, personnel, and bombs by the middle of 2023.

    I find it genuinely fascinating how ‘we’ refuse to use history as any sort of metric on how stuff could potentially play out There was an opportunity to really give that regime a proper bloody nose. Of the calibre that could potentially have lead to regime change. It was blundered. If another opportunity was to come up, I don’t doubt for a second it’s worse than fifty fifty on whether it would be blundered again.

    The only thing that has come out of this is some long term Ukrainian debt to the west, an enlarged NATO, and some fat long term increased military spending promises to private companies.

    Knowledge of what has happened will now be used to predict future war as if the military hawks are **** psychic gurus. But hey, at least when the next thing happens we’ll be moderately well prepared for what happened in Ukraine in 2023.

    Hmmm. I don't share all of that take, or perspective.

    "There was an opportunity to really give that regime a proper bloody nose". No, there wasn't, at least not without starting world war 3. As for regime change, there is a lesson from history - how have recent ventures into regime changing gone? It's pretty much a dreadful idea to try and replace a nation's leaders, however much we disapprove of them. Russia is a **** mafia state, in effect. various competing warlords and gangsters kept in their places and played off against each other by Putin. Remove him, and who knows what happens in a state with a eff-ton of weapons, including Nukes, and a load of people ready to sell them on to terrorists and criminals.

    The long term things coming out of this also include a move away from oil and gas, efforts to repair the neglected and dilapidated state of Europe's military and defence capabilities and a move away (though not as far as we should) from London being a centre for Russian money laundering and wotnot.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Don_Simon said:

    If Villa played Man United and two Man United fans celebrated Man United scoring in the Holte End, you wouldn't want them thrown out? Or am I mis-reading your post?

    They were spurs fans, so yeah, misreading. But even in your example, probably not. I've occasionally sat in the wrong end at away games and been sussed pretty much every time. Not through any overt action or words on my part, but I mean you can just tell. 90% of the time friendly chat ensued. Once I got threatened, but there was a fence in way.

  4. 1 hour ago, Genie said:


    What kind of loser club accepts home fans supporting the away side? Joke club, and it’s clear why being “Spursy” is a thing.

    Why?  Because calling a steward and confronting people who have a different view to you about how much they want your shared team to win is pathetic for a grown man. **** man baby is why. You (he) don't have to like it, but wanting them thrown out? Pathetic.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, bickster said:

    I disagree. Whatever one number is, the other has to match, the first number isn't relevant

    You're both right. If the second PIN is randomly chosen, then it's 1 in 10,000, but... They're not. banks don't issue some numbers as the initial PIN, and people don't randomly select their own PINs - cards don't get sent in the post with 1111, or 1234 etc, because, obvious.

    Folk often pick birthdays, or years of birth, or etc. Which makes it way more complicated.

  6. 1 hour ago, tomav84 said:

    need help. what's everyone's typical everyday brew brand? pg tips went to shit so we've been trying various others (tetley, yorkshire...both regular and gold) and just don't like any of them. anyone swear by any others? supermarket brands etc? thanks in advance

    Clipper Everyday tea, and not just because I once won an absolute ton of their tea bags. Also it’s fair trade organic free range and dolphin friendly, probably. But it tastes of tea, like tea should.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 18 hours ago, bickster said:

    Just spotted Courtney Barnett at the arts club in Liverpool on June 19th, best be some left on payday

    I failed to get any for Band on the Wall, in Manchester. I'm not that miffed, I'm guessing that she's doing these smaller venues because it'll be the instrumental album (the last one), mostly. I like it, but it's kind of not really a full gig kind of thing.

  8. 8 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    I'd enjoy it for about a week, then I'd have had more than enough. 

    It’s weird how people are so different. I think my scale is out of kilter, because anything below 22C is “cold” to me. Anything above 40 is “on the warm side” and in between those two is “nice”.  I did find working in 48 degrees “a bit uncomfortable”. Living in the north of England is okay, but gimme a better climate and I’d be happier.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nor-Cal Villan said:

    I used C to preempt the inevitable complaining 😉

    This is just the opening act. Will be extremely warm until around Halloween. At least our weather is extremely predictable 


    Nice. Perfect weather for me.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:

    So only Chelsea then (just) but who no doubt generate much greater match day revenue do they not?  Hardly pedantry to have concerns over competing with your rivals.  

    The pedantry is aimed at me and my fellow pedantry fans, not you or your post. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, Brumstopdogs said:

    They may have have reduced that limited total since but haven't heard anything to suggest they have...

    They’ve told the FCG that they have, because of the (then) planned knocking down of the North Stand, and the need to be able to relocate people affected, while still leaving a decent number of matchday tickets available for each game.  In April 2022, so 2 years ago, they said there were 29000 and they were going to reduce that number for the reason I’ve explained 

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