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Posts posted by blandy

  1. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    Mainstream journos now saying it out loud

    Left wing commentator more than Journalist, really. Doesn't make him necessarily wrong, mind.

    But they're like cockroaches, the tories. Hard to kill, they'll mutate into maybe two different entities - so self replicating mutant cockroaches will be our overlords in 10 years time. Nice!

  2. 5 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    those threads sure have a lot of intolerance

    Intolerance of intolerance, perhaps?  Like you say, Bravermann and those throbby types deserve the labels they get. Same with the lockdown law breakers, the PPE profiteers, the liars, the parliamentary code breakers, the tractor porn viewers, the grifters, the drunken Johnson acolytes, the unlawful conduct crew…

    ”Scum” hurts because for many of them it’s piercingly accurate. For others, you’re right, it’s not.

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Whats interesting is that the Spectator article (linked below )is predicting a 11% vote share for Reform , but potentially zero MP's  v 30 Lib Dems with 10% of the vote 


    there is some evidence in the data published here , that both parties are losing votes to reform in the past 2 years   .. but obviously its hard to validate that chart when it misses out Lib Dems , Greens etc 



    Snapshots from the Britain Elects poll tracker
    Source: Britain Elects

    There are plenty of seats where the LDs are the main challenger to the Tories, and their whole campaign will be about winning those kinds of seats. The purple mutter party, though has no such luxury, nor do they have the infrastructure or candidates even to win any seats, in all likelihood.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    I don't see "agility" as an important skill. Unless you are a team of acrobats.   How about "adaptable"? 

    Agility is a good skill in corporate buzzword speak, implying flexibility and an ability to move quickly to respond to issues as they arise. It seems one up the hierarchy of buzzwords from adaptable, at the moment.

  5. 5 minutes ago, GarethRDR said:

    Looking for a quick temperature check here, chaps, if you'll indulge.  I've just given a presentation at an interview where the subject was "What makes an effective operations team?", and I mapped out my presentation so that my final slide said:


    What makes an effective ops team?





    Taking Ownership



    Have I either:

    a) made myself a shoe-in for the job

    b) jeapordised my career/credibility in pursuit of "the lulz"


    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:

    wondering if they will reduce the away allocation - google tells me ours is 3000 and the minimum is 2000.

    Rules is the lower of 10% of capacity or 3000. So for any ground over 30k it’s 3000 and for smaller grounds, it’s 10% of capacity. VP is 3000, nominally, under the rules, for away fans in the league.

    The club hasn’t mentioned anything about moving season ticket holders and home fans to relocate, or reprofile the away section, only to add posh seats.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    Ready Salted are the best crisps

    This is the correct analysis.  They’re not the nicest, that varies, but if I could only have one flavour for the rest of my life, then ready salted is it.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  8. 56 minutes ago, omariqy said:

    But this is addressed to Abbas and their ‘government’.

    It’s like when people (cough Jonny Gould) got outraged at footballer holding Palestinian flags. These people don’t want Palestine to exist lets be honest.

    You're right, it is. But politics - It's like (media question) "Prime Minister, why, when Hamas is holding women, children, elderly as hostages, raping, killing, murdering, do you feel now is the right time to recognise Palestine as a state?" and (some) politicians will answer "it isn't, I condemn those terrorists for that. Hamas is a designated terrorist organisation and as such, until they are gone from Governing half of Palestine I cannot contemplate recognising Palestine as a nation". You know and I know that for 25 years or so, it should have been done, but wasn't. But that's the situation and some politicians will be very reticent about doing it right now, until the "war" is over.

    • Like 1
  9. Why do you need a bespoke password manager? Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. all have them built in and are multi-platform, multi device compatible.

    Like if you have an Android phone, a Windows PC, an Apple tablet or whatever mix, you can use (say) Firefox, or Chrome, or whatever to store your passwords. Not just for websites, but for apps and stuff too.

    You can also export passwords from one and import them to another.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, omariqy said:


    Surely this is a great thing? Why are the peace loving Zionist’s in uproar in the comments? This isn’t Hamas. They want peace no? Weird…

    I'm a little bit torn about it. On the one hand, it's clearly right that Palestine be recognised as a nation. But the glitch is that currently the government of Gaza (rather than Palestine overall) is holding hostages, mounted a terrorist attack, is fighting a war with Israel's IDF, and is about an awful a government as you can get, both for the people of Gaza and for any nation. So I could see why there might be some reticence right now to hold off on recognition (though it should have been granted years ago).

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