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Posts posted by blandy

  1. 31 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Have you also decided that fixing up the parquet flooring is less of a great idea than you’d imagined?

    No, but kind of similar. Damp in the chimney had caused a floorboard to start to rot. Chimney cap removed, vented pot fitted (by roofers).  I knocked out the blocked up bottom to let air circulate, removed the skirting board, sanded and treated the wooden floorboard, and the skirting board, made a (vented) cubby hole in the opened up bottom of the chimney and now need to finish that and repair the plaster, sand, paint…

    But it was while I was walking back from the DIY shop that I saw the election posters and boards, and googled the candidate.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    For the first time in forever Labour were actually around here knocking doors canvassing yesterday.

    I got the impression from the kid with the out of town accent that I might have been the first non Labour voter he’d encountered.

    To be fair I was probably also the first he’d encountered that was head to toe in dust and wielding a sander. 

    Those party political placards are usually an interesting thing to keep count of. This time around the only tory one is literally out of town, and literally on the turn off for the cemetry.

    I’ve been head to toe in dust and wielding a sander today, but no one canvassed me.

    Also, it’s got mildly interesting here. The MP (Tory) isn’t standing again, due to being disgraced for a second time. But on the signs thing, an independent is standing and she’s got loads of signs up. Mind you she lives in the next street along. She’s one of those (genuine) pillars of the community and will pick up loads of Tory votes ultra locally and that might help Labour to squeak in, despite always being miles behind in normal gen elections.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    How are they moving or obscuring a building in central London one a large slice of Scotland.

    Stick it in a trust for their kids or some such loophole?  “Sell” it to a charity or company they set up for the purpose, basically transfer ownership to another org or person, who is their wife/husband/associate?  The buggers will find a way 

  4. 1 hour ago, DaoDeMings said:

    While I kind of agree that their economic policy probably isn't fully fleshed out (because they know they have no chance of governance anyway), I see no problem with changing the tax system so that the billionaires and shareholders that have been bankrupting our country for years can finally pay their fare share rather than stealing from us.

    Minor quibble, perhaps, but it's true that overall taxes are now at their highest rate in 70 odd years. And the reason is that the middle and more wealthy folks are paying more in taxes. Stuff like the multi year freeze on 40% rate income thresholds has got loads more people paying higher rate tax. Corporation tax went up and so on and so forth.

    The problem is more complex than "billionaires and shareholders bankrupting the country" - they're not. We might like them to pay more taxes, still, but a heck of a lot of the tax take comes from them (and the sort of mid level earners, too).

    Where the Greens are right is that if you have a system that is based (only) on economic growth powering services and stuff, but you have little or no growth, then you're ****. The system firstly should not just be about "how many pounds?" something is worth. Currently if you dig up a peat bog and turn it to arable farmland, say, they the economy grows in £ from the new farm products being moved and sold etc. But you've lost nature, you've lost carbon capture by the peat, you've lost flood reduction measures, etc and so forth. There's more to life than torynomics.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, PaulC said:

    Whilst I'm theory I like the Greens. Their  policies would bankrupt the country. 

    Quite possibly. The way I look at it is similar to what I've heard Caroline Lucas say. Basically they're aiming to get 4 seats. That's the realistic aim they have. So they're not going to be the government, or put their more "out there" policies into place.

    But, if there are more Green MPs, then their influence can be greater, and the stuff they're less bonkers about gets more of a hearing, and it also puts pressure on other parties to adopt environmentally beneficial approaches. So it shifts the debate a bit.

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry if my last post is some days behind events. Not watched any of the telly things. I mean why would I? It’s simple, Tories out, so vote for whoever is going to possibly beat them where I live. That’s Labour. Job done. I’m not a Labour enthusiast, or member or supporter, but they’re the only choice for my town to beat the baby eaters.  #electoralefficiency.

    • Like 4
  7. On 07/06/2024 at 00:08, chrisp65 said:

    Why not just resign and leave? Why do it this way?

    Haven’t you heard?

    He defected to Labour a bit ago and due to an admin error it didn’t get announced, but basically he’s a double agent, now. You know, like a mole, or some little burrowing creature that eats worms and stuff. Anyways, he’s doing his bit for Britain… unloved, unrecognised, unknown, even. But in years to come, his contribution to the cause of ridding the nation from the grip of a wealthy elite will come to be recognised and respected…at least until the PM needs to scurry off and do a TV interview to say why he did some lies about a thing.

  8. 8 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    a distracted or partially sighted bee and it tried to extract a meal, a succulent nectar based meal. It would get confused, very possibly angry, and sting him.

    What if this caused anaphylaxis and Farage swelled up to the size of a barrage balloon and then exploded?

    An assailant of an altogether different stripe...

    but it seems plausible. I guess the clean up efforts and associated costs would add to GDP, so there's another upside to it, too.

    Amazing what the hive mind can come up with.


    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, bickster said:

    it happened round here, literally the day the election was called

    That new law is.... horseshit quite frankly, it allows the government to monitor fuel prices.

    It really isn't that that caused the fall 

    I bet it was. Election called on the same day as the new law came in. I’m saying causation/correlation aligns better with the law than the decision to surrender by Sunak.

  10. 24 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Amazing how the fuel prices came down the day of the election announcement

    My two guide price self service stations, price not changed at all. (still the cheapest) but ALL the other petrol stations are now within 2p of them

    Isn’t there some law just come in about price gouging? Start of June I think, but I might have dreamt it.

    edit. I didn’t. May 24th it came in.

  11. 8 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    I quite like the blackout tops to be honest. 

    I’d wear that

    Well that puts a context on your multiple posts slating the new badge, so thanks for the heads up 😝 .

    And maybe buy some socks while you’re at it 😜

  12. 4 minutes ago, T-Dog said:

    Ok, so something like this


    but almost with a 'fake' lid, so plain site it looks like a normal desk, lift the hinged lid, and there's a controller underneath.

    Is this a lot more complicated than I'm imaging?

    Do you plan to make the whole thing from scratch, or to buy a wooden desk and fettle it?  Also you don’t necessarily need a hinged lid, a removable/ replaceable flat top would do the same job. 

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