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Everything posted by Daulmakan

  1. Article mentioned he wanted continuity to keep his spot in the national team, might not be an automatic pass due to exorbitant wages, might be willing to discount some.
  2. Nico Paz was born in Spain but technically plays for us, heh. Rest of Argentina's starting elven is either past their prime or not really gettable for you guys. Copa America in late june might provide some more scouting on our youngsters. Exequiel Palacios, rotational starter and super sub, champion with Leverkusen might be a sneaky option. But I really haven't watched him at all in Bundesliga and I actively disliked him way back when he played for Riber, so not fully endorsed.
  3. Defense should be top priority. I'm not keen on either wing back and it's in the air how Mings will return after his horrible injury. Losing Kamara was another defensive blow, and Douglas Luiz' form dipped quite a bit without him. Another defensive CM would be nice. As to names, I'd try and swing a loan for Madrid's Nico Paz. With Guler seemingly healthy now and both Kroos and Modric staying (plus Jude, Ceballos, Brahim, Tchou, and Camavinga), they really have no minutes at all for him. Would serve both teams and the player. Ian Maatsen from Dortmund could be another good option if Chelsea wants to keep shopping him around. Leipzig's Xavi Simmons (from PSG) apparently isn't assured to return. Would ask around for sure. Stones from City is reportedly unhappy with Guardiola (no surprise there), he's their best centre back and is the one that plays the least (he's returned from injury for a while now). They already have Ake, Dias, Akanji, and Gvardiol in his place and Kovacic to play as second 5/Rodri's replacement (Gvardiol has played as such too). I'm confident they'd sell him for less than he's worth.
  4. Getting out of the group means more money. But if you want Villa to make a jump in quality and be a permanent feature in the Champions' group stage, you need to compete against the best european teams to measure yourself and improve.
  5. IMO all of them suck except for Skriniar. I'd grab him if the price was right.
  6. He seems to have lost a step since his stellar 2020 Euros, he's 28 and he already had very little defensive acumen to speak of before. I'm pretty sure Villa is better suited looking elsewhere. It's tough shopping for defenders today, almost seems like a lost art. The last defensive star transfer, Gvardiol, does much better in attack than in defense.
  7. If it's irrelevant he's injured because he couldn't play due to suspension, why is it relevant to complain about his suspension when he can't play due to injury?
  8. Need to at least make it 3-4 then look for the victory in Greece and rely on Emi on pens.
  9. Dibu is injured, he wouldn't have been able to play today regardless.
  10. Pau can stay, Mings returns. Everyone else should go.
  11. For next season, I'd like Villa to bring in at the very least one defender, possibly two. That, coupled with Ming's return, would go a long way.
  12. Man, what a player Bailey turned into. Excellent definition by Rogers too.
  13. He already did. FIFA changed them right after the World Cup finals. https://www.essentiallysports.com/soccer-football-news-its-too-late-emi-martinez-mocks-fifa-rule-change-after-achieving-world-cup-dream/ The suspension is not for double yellows in this match, but rather for being booked in both games against Lille. Suspensions do not clear.
  14. Correct. https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/determining-the-outcome-of-a-match/#winning-team Only downside is Dibu being suspended for the first leg (booked in both games against Lille, owed suspensions do not clear).
  15. Too true. Had to compensate by seeing Moz three times (would've been four but he cancelled two months ago). Charming man.
  16. I was being born in 1982. Really hopeful this is your year guys.
  17. Welcome again to the amazing magnificence that is Dibu. Enjoy! You guys go win that trophy now.
  18. I don't think you can, this season. Alisson has been injured like half of it, Ederson has been mid, conceding lots of goal with a world class defense.
  19. They have something to cry about now, alright, losing both games to Villa.
  20. I can't stand City but Arteta's antics sour me even worse.
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