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Posts posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. I don't :) went and got drunk last night and only spent about 6 quid on drinks, other people just kept buying and what's more insisted on doing so!

    I think its the wheelchair and NHS specs that help...

  2. Do people on here get more genorous when they're drunk or not? I get extremely free with the purse strings and it pisses me off in the morning when I glance at my empty pockets.

  3. :lol:

    Started snowing around me. Secretly hoping for a fair bit of snow and coldness so can stay inside and watch the Villa on the internet. Woop.

    Around you but not on you? hmmmm...


  4. Still no parcels, yet my mum has recieved all of hers, even though she only ordered stuff a couple of days ago.

    I'm waiting for 7 things and not one has turned up. Two of her pacels came from Guernsey yet they are still here before anything that comes from the mainland.

    Who are you blaming? The French, Flemish, Waloons, Dutch, Schwabians (why not?) Which company are you using?

  5. Do any of you ever go to the toilet and avoid touching your dick at all costs just to avoid washing your hands? Too much fuss IMO.

    Can't say I do, but I see where your coming from though. Especially when it's cold. I hate pissing in the cold, having to find your cock, coaxing it to pee and then looking aghast as the arc of wee turns into ice and kids slide underneath it with a gleeful giggle.

  6. The word "cad" is my next project, then "trollop" "balderdash" and "chutzpah".
    I see user "Gadzooks" has just joined. Hmmmm... :suspect::detect:

    My challenge to you, is to use these words in the VT section. Within a cohesive and valid sentence to the subject.

    Bonus points for use on matchdays after a game.

  7. Just killed a man.

    On a Nintendo 64 game. Well, on my laptop, on an emulator I managed to download. Goldeneye FTW.

    Where ? was it free and virus free??? and AND PM me the link !!!

    Get me in on this! Do you need a controller?

  8. Just bought a new tuff brush and it has a 'tongue cleaner'..i thought bollocks but it really does clean my tongue like I've never felt before, :lol:

    According to my mate, you can get these little spiky ball type things from vending machines, that clean your teeth when you chew them.


    Yeah..but they're crap. They're basically plastic with crystalised mint/sugar shit on them. Not worth it and they dont clean your teeth just make your breath smell like you've chewed a toy soldier.

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