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Everything posted by zab6359

  1. So whats that got to do with Dean Smith's new contract?
  2. We were very poor against a very good side yesterday, losing to them isn't the end of the world but the way we lost was very disappointing indeed, from the manager down we were poor, why can't we keep possession? And it's not just this game we give the ball away far far to cheaply. Our defending is woeful again not just this game but it really stood out yesterday, if we hadn't signed our signing of the season in Heaton we'd be even deeper in the poo right now. I'm beginning to question the manager a bit now, I think because he's one of our own he's rightly or wrongly getting a bit more slack than most would, why didn't Guilbert start? he's our best RB was suspended for a game and should come straight back in even if Elmo had had played a blinder against Chelsea no room for sentiment start your best 11. DS's insistence on this 4-3-3 all out attacking football could be his undoing, Brendan Rodgers changed Leicesters formation during that game I don't see DS making those types of decisions it's all shit or bust score more than you concede football but with a questionable defense! If Kodj isn't good enough to come on for an under performing Welsey why is he on the bench? If DS has no confidence in him get Archer on the bench until Davies is fit! Our discipline was shocking 6 yellows is unacceptable and Targett's with a different ref could have been a red! To many players throwing there toys out the pram and getting silly yellows, wtf did Wesley feel the need to smash Schmeichel into the netting idiot! I'm a bit down on us right now, the next few games are massive. UTV!
  3. What has DS done to deserve a new long term contract? Not calling for him to be sacked before anyone spits there dummy. But what has he shown us to deserve a new 4 year deal? How many other managers have had similar new deals put to them when they have a 25% win rate in a season?
  4. Really poor team performance, I really thought they would raise there game today, it's late here and I'm going to bed doubt I will getnto sleep in the next hour though. MOTM.......nah don't think I will bother, as for managers performance!! Good night UTV
  5. Win lose or draw (lose) I want this game over I'm hating it!!
  6. There's no shame in losing to Leicester.....unless you do it in this manner!!
  7. We are going to get smacked with a counter soon, pressing to hard.
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