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Posts posted by New_Hope

  1. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    I just hope those that have high optimism don't start bringing negativity towards the players and manager if we are 17th/18th at christmas.

    Exactly!! But unfortunately, we have those VTers that will and I think we know who they will be ;) if things are like this.

  2. 1 hour ago, villalad21 said:

    Still have my concerns.

    This is a new experience for the entire coaching staff. They've never managed at this level before.


    Concerns shared by Barca with Pep and Luis Enrique and Madrid with Zidane obviously  😒😒

  3. Now we have got our 'Ins' pretty much sorted, I think we will be seeing the 'outs' happen....Thor, Lansbury, Tish and Hogan. 

    I can't believe the balance of the squad. No square pegs in round holes. Players all comfortable with pass and move....what is this witchcraft??

    One thing for sure, despite the transformation of the team, we will lose games we should win and win games we should lose but it will be a hell of an enjoyable ride!!

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, jonjon said:

    I can't for the life of me understand why Villa don't/can't,won't buy and develop their own young players, it can't be cheap the way you are doing it, I suppose it's because you are awash with Premiership money and can't be asked.

    It takes years to set up the system that bears the fruit...our youth set up won't produce players of DS's system for a couple of years.

  5. I like 'em!

    I think we give kits 'iconic' status depending on our success with them for instance last season's kit because we got promotion, the 1st Reebok one because of winning the Coca Cola cup, the Asics kit because of similar. 

  6. 3 hours ago, maqroll said:

    What concerns me having seen that though is that he's got a bit of a reputation for being a prick.

    Lol....and how do you know this?? Worked with him have you? Or really good mates with someone who has? Or just speculating because it suits your point??

    I have no problem with players having high expectations of their team mates and if they don't reach those expectations then they need to be told!

  7. We have this all the time with the will he won't he sign etc.  Just be patient...too much had been said and done (insta post in Minnesota) for it to go tits up!! You wouldn't fly out to the USA if you were 'weighing things up' IMO.

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