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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. What does Nacho have on the ref , why is he getting away with bloody murder
  2. Card for SJM what a laugh after all they have got away with
  3. Come on Villa have to keep hold of the ball for longer
  4. Martinez having to work. Glad we have him
  5. more up to date game watching bet 365 as my cash out went down to zero
  6. Konsa and Mings busier than I would like to see
  7. Come on Villa hold the ball, its like watching tennis
  8. Ollie letting them know he is here, Great to see from our striker
  9. Bloody annoying Sky ids about 50 seconds behind actual play
  10. Not many on here will even know who that is
  11. Ha ha that fox with its blue eyes compared to our Lion with beating heart
  12. Mines a can of Guinness cheers lads here we go
  13. I am starting to get carried away if we win this we go second. But more importantly its 12 points
  14. Was just wondering how many of that said we wouldn't pay up to watch this game have done
  15. It works for me and two magpies have been in my garden for ages
  16. Quite reserved about this game. there again were gonna win the league My son had a £1 on Villa to win the league and is being offered £5 to cash out
  17. even a draw will take us to second
  18. sorry already pressed the purchase button. I believe most of the money goes to the Villa and I cant miss the chance of seeing us get 4 out of 4, how many times does that opportunity come along in the Prem
  19. Not paying for pay for view, Total rip off, definitely not paying NO WAY Oh ok then
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