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Posts posted by Midfielder

  1. 7 hours ago, Don_Simon said:

    So whilst packing my bag last night for a sneaky trip to Romania today, I opened a beer, or four, and I watched on YouTube my favourite ever Villa match. In all its glory.

    1994 Coca Cola Cup 2nd leg semi final against Tranmere. 

    It's incredible. The noise from the stadium, the players we had, the complete drama. It was a little emotional too, watching Ugo and DalIan on the pitch. Big Ron too, full of swagger.

    Then the there's the less discussed heroes like Earl Barret, Kevin Richardson and Shaun Teale. Bozzie with the penalties, (quite how he avoided a red card I'll never know!) God of course is beyond hero status. 

    So, I'm curious. What's your favourite Villa game? Perhaps we could include some links so we can catch up on the best of Villa times whilst the current time is in a slight lull...

    Snap but tied with the final. You're right though that game was mental. In all my years supporting Villa those two matches were truly euphoric. Do you remember after the game all the traffic, cars non stop horning victory horns. Me as a 15 year old on the longest number 7 bus trip back into town ever that day, squished into the luggage bit, chanting and singing with my mates led by blokes in their 40/50s who were elated almost to tears, the happiest they'd ever been in their lives. Was literally like a happy non-violent riot. Then hours later at home, being sat in and still hearing cars driving around doing the same victory horn pattern. Memories

    And the United match. We weren't expected to win and to actually win was crazy. I went with schoolmates, no accompanying adults which scared the crap out of my parents with us all heading to big bad London. Aside from all the obvious things about the victory, the match itself, for me it was the trip too with the nutters who sat near us in the Trinity Lower at the time. The coach. The beers they got for us (only a couple), the cigs, the freedom. Sounds petty I know but mid teens and no parents, great victory on and off the pitch that day. 

    • Like 1
  2. News story of the day.

    Reports are circulating on an online football forum that a 38 year old child has achieved a new Personal Best of 2 minutes with a phone prank off the old FoneJacker app. 

    The reports quote a Mr Midfielder, of Hereford, stating 'yeah it seemed like the least I could do, my mate has recently started complaining about her phone and so I thought to see if she was interested in upgradings her iphonings, especially as I found out she had phoned in sick when all she did was drink the same amount as me last night and I haven't got some magic flu, so thought the 11am wake up call to be therapeutic.'

    'Naturally I withheld my number, dialled through, almost made a sale, until the spankings and nastings scared her off'.

    link - http://videobelix.com/fonejacker1/share/playfj-e.php?file=providings_11-08-17_11-18-58598d87c0d0ba36.51316186.mp4

    mods- can't add text excerpt from link, link is to a webpage hosting the audio file. Link is safe, not malicious / virussed. It auto plays, no downloading required etcetc

  3. 3 hours ago, choffer said:

    Would love to see it. Got any photos? 




    Yeah it's back a few pages. There was even a spinny picture of it someone did as I uploaded sideways accidentally , even though it was correct orientation on my screen. 


    also, it still shows as vertical not the wrong way round on my device. Just clicked back it's page 115 I think

  4. 3 hours ago, BOF said:

    It's worth noting too that the video is from the official X Games youtube channel.  Not some pisstake fan compilation.

    That is scary and what's more doesn't exactly showcase their abilities only shames their abilities. 

    Like at the start of the clip one of the riders just makes a beeline straight for a post doesn't even seem to make any evasive adjustment almost like a magnet sucks her in. Yet, probably seems confused as to how it happened or what could have been done to avoid. Ummmm, turn? Crazy vid that. 

  5. I have no idea my fiend. I dread waking up. But I agree with you. Eloquence and reasoning is gone I'm not sure it'll be back tomorrow either. Best I just do that Homer Simpson gif with the bush. Sorry dude

    • Like 1
  6. Agreed. I had high hopes. I know Basel are hardly AC Milan or Real Madrid but I was excited when we signed him. 

    This reason is this, genuinely ,

    before we we were even linked , I thought fk me this Iceland team have some balls, some ability and don't seem to give a fk who they are playing they seem impetuous. 


    as above, this lad sticks out. Goes and gets one against Portugal or whoever and plays well overall in Euros. Then , we go and sign him. 

    Then , typically we turn him sh-- somehow. And yeah yeah some people might say he was sh to begin with , but fk me is frustrating. 

    Personally I wish this lad well. He's 28/29 allegedly in his prime, hadn't come here to sit on the bench, probably works his ass off in training.

     Might not be considered a first XI'er but , when given the chance I hope he excels as personally I don't think we have ever sussed out how best to use him. Like a weapon we forgot to take "the safety off". Good luck Birker


    • Like 1
  7. My one "contribution" to this thread is a confession. Despite being required in my career to read textbooks A through Z I have hand on heart read maximum five books my entire life. One of those was Jim Morrison's 'biography', Cantona's autobiography, likewise Zlatan and Merson. 

    The other I think was Andy McNab's Bravo Two Zero, at the time when the hype surrounded it.

    I am38. There is no hope for me. 

    Not knocking anyone on here. I'm just "repping" , as the kids say, for any other similarly afflicted types on here. Just me? I'll get me coat. Sorry. 

  8. @snowychap

    i clicked your link.

    Anyone on here, should you ever Gary Speed / finish yourself off whether it be from the depths of depravity or the the high crest of highs, should you ever "top yourself" I will totally kick your ass in the afterlife. I will seek you out. It'll be my mission. Despite the fact I am amidst an existential consideration myself , it points me toward a realisation of my purpose. Though not visible to me in this mortal coil , I am destined to be an American style Marshall of ass-kickiness, like said, if you ahem "cut things short" don't give me a remit. I'll kick your ass and fk it, you know what I'll bring your tortured soul to VP and you can week in week out be tortured by the shit on display 

    where's the off switch you ask, there isn't one ! Muhahahahaha morale of the story is...

    "stay afloat fvckos" you know what I mean. In your own ways. I'm outtta here (this thread . But you know what I mean. I'm deadly serious VT'ers). :) we take care of our own, despite my 


  9. Didn't you hear Trump there is no such thing as global warming :ph34r:

    but yea in all seriousness as diesel driver think it is a dirty fuel hazardous en masse. I only have to look in my rear view mirror when I floor it , to see that is bad for environment (no im not burning oil , but I do leave a trail of black dirty exhaust behind me( which by the way,,:;;

    i do actually enjoy GIVING to some convertible driver who give me "attitude" here have some, choke on this fvcko 

    but that's besid e the point I agree with this lad above despite being complicit me edit sorry ; @darrenm I actually agree with this lad but can't put it into words. Like given take it easy Darren M 

  10. Can I just "rep" the Uk pickup driver at this  point. My pickup gets decent MPG and Is tax about 180 200 can't remember not everyone's cup of tea but workhorse, reliable, occqsi Bally something need doing but all ok. Just the regular

    ok doesn't suit all on here but not as bad as an option as you might think. Even as an urban tractor is safe as hell for your kiddies and wife and weeeekebds away. Mine is 1O years old but nice fronthe money these days. Superb machines. Credit MitsubishiL200!in particular In particular but also Nissan Navarro and ford RAnger personally down with then L200s. 

    But for those on here considering work / family vehicle Mitsubishi L200 all the way. Just my recommend ation.  Shat myself recently about big job needing doubt turned out much cheaper than thought.  

    Min is basic. But otherwise is easy to park and maintain. Just saying , pickups nice economical option I know that sounds daft but in some cases very viable option. No, I'm not a Mitsubishi fanboy but worthy of consideration. Some nice kit as standar on series 5s and above parking cameras blah blah etc.  Anyway.  

    Edit and for the record my daily commute is 50-100 miles minimum and that's for a bag o'shut pickup never mind a new one  and I would not want nowt else right now  although to be fair my commute is 50\60mph roads but even so I am telling you I stick a twenty £ diesel in and it goes a long way  just saying 


  11. Alcohol. Is crP just saying no matter how u n manly that is to say. Alcoloj is detriment to this thread do not want to misrepresent.  Piev of shit. any ways you get what I s said o

    esot - Steve Bruce. Can we lease have ptomortion this season it would dl the world of good to us, fvckos of this on topic thread can we have please have pmrpyoiont this season mint much to ask is it really co sdeoridng the money Tony spent which to be quite frankful is disgraceful as Championship level club and still be here one season on, let alpine two.  Anyway. Gotta go , talking shit screen twice too many coreectuon and fingers too fat

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  12. https://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/depression#path=view%3A/pathways/depression/step-3-persistent-subthreshold-depressive-symptoms-or-mild-to-moderate-depression-with-inadequate-response-to-initial-interventions-and-moderate-and-severe-depression-in-adults.xml&content=view-index

    esit / - mods sorry it's hard to post content from this link. It's a flow chart with clickable links relevant to each stage. 

    In this example , it's the NiCE care pathway for depression treatment as an example. For anyone interested as exampln regarding this "care patheayb this knob midfielder speak of Anyway. The relevance of this post is to show any Vt 'ers say for depression treatment as an example , what stages are involved , who is involved. This Is no insider kniwkedge here here by the way these are piblicsky accessible 

    doesn't link to gobbledegook not sure have explained eloquently enough but seeing what's your Gp refers to behind the scenes might be useful to you. 

    No im not a Gp though am frequently at war with them whatever I think of the white paper  F U lansley and latter Hunt

    Sorry had a drink or two. Back on soon. Not the authority o this matter justbwanr to present a different side. Have studied mental health and for thrn matter have demons of my own , take care lads 


    • Like 1
  13. On 3 August 2017 at 12:11, BOF said:


    Oh my God what has BOF posted. These are <regardless of gender> competition-deemed-ready participants making unforgivable mistakes as if first time on a bike probably had someone else start them. Painful to watch, in fort of a paying crowd too? This clip has set female MotoX / exhibition MotoX back decades

    no instinct to brake or navigate around as if like a YouTube Fail video. Damn. I thought I was a pussy on a dirt bike this has reassured me. Truly shocking, were these literally sat on a readied bike for the first time, I don't think so. Unforgivable. Proves many points I regrettably say, whether it regards two or four wheels. 

  14. Sorry for the thread irrelevance.  But this Carabao sh-- tastes quite nice. I bought it today on impulse out of curiosity of all the football advertising (on the billboards recently on telly not just the cup reference) and have to say damn, and the green apple too, as a Monster fan I have today damn that's mightily acceptable indeed. Rarely do I ever get influenced by advertising but ok I'll let this one pass as its on offer in Morrisons. 

    Will look after 10pm as to who we get thanks @andykeenan

    no I'm not paid by caribao just personal taste but um I'm a redneck so .... 


  15. So he's gone then. Time to Other Football him. As things are, Marseille are a bigger club, good luck to him. I think we will see him back in England in the future, maybe a Stoke level signing in a year or two. 

    At least they didn't f about, like who was it, Sevilla, who played the BS game after his medical. Oh so wait, he passed their medical with flying colours? Quelle effing surprise Sevilla! Your loss. Well done Tony and the "money men" for recouping and good luck to Amavi. Not sure to this day what your best position is but fair enough. New chapter, best wishes, cash in the bank. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    At game last night, disappointed with amount of diving from his team but they did try get ball down and play which is a credit to him. No.2 looked a good player

    Zatman, our BrommaBoy, what's the news fella regarding talk of Mellberg jumping ship? 

    I think the great Bearded one may have as we say "torn strips" off the divers for their "simulation" doesn't seem to be A Mellberg-compliant trait that. Those divers probably got "the hairdryer treatment" and by thati don't mean a nice quiff blow dry.

  17. 10 hours ago, TheAuthority said:


    I think this thread should just have pics of Olof. All the wordy stuff is superfluous.

    One day all Mellberg talk will be on the Mellberg when he comes to VP and it'll be Swedish Leagues talk only. Until then and while employed in Swdeen he is ours all ours muhahahahaha hashtag MellbergLove

  18. First off, I don't "own" this thread but love this thread and thanks for those who update on Bromma. Have plenty of stuff going,on outside of VT but when through it I'll be posting regular updates on Sweden's Allsvenskan and Superettan, I'll get there. Thanks though.

    point of this thread is all about Swedish leagues and of course our main man. One day, the great bearded one won't even be relevant to this thread and all will be relevant to the Mellberg specific thread in Other FootbLl, and we know that will happen as one day, in that he will manage abroad ,the great man will advance beyond Swedish League. Which is , no offence to the Swedish League but a compliment in that Mr Mellberg is serving more than an apprenticeship in management in Sweden. Maybe even, Mellberg will replace John Terry as manager one day you'll see. 

    As for this IFK news, in a way I hope this happens. As Sne has pointed out, IFK are maybe not seen as the current powerhouse of Allsvenskan and if the bearded one goes there, it is a massive step up and challenge to restore them to their Svennis level glory, I. Confident of that. More resources, better infrastructure. 

    Should that happen, Bromma will still warrant respect in our minds but our Mellberg love will switch to IFK making us all fans of Gothenburg instantly. I hope this happens for a number of reasons. I like Sne's account of the assistant manager and it sounds as Sne said, that to IFK fans in particular that it would be a dream pairing. 

    Anyway, I'm rambling. But I like logging on sometimes and whatever is happening with Villa I'll always have an interest in Allsvenskan in particular and like seeing what's happening over in Sweden. I'm serious though about a trip over one day, VT away day. Asked before, no joy, may ask again, even if I have to hire a white van, hire a private investigator to track you all down, or trace your IP addresses, bundle you into said van, get some match tickets and let you out who knows, at Ullevi :huh: and set you all loose in the stadium almost like Muslims go and visit / do with that Mecca thing, except without the kidnapping. Except in this random analogy, mellberg is the Mecca, whatever stadium it be. Anyway yeah @sne keep us posted because we are all sleeping on your floor (although I can't remember if Sne lives in Stockholm) so we may have to kidnap Sne too. Who knows. Either way..... Take it easy lads! In a few months do not be alarmed of erratic white hire-van parked outside your house and be considerate to leave passports by kitchen Windows left open enough for me to reach in. Thankd

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