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Posts posted by Midfielder

  1. 5 hours ago, Zatman said:

    with the mighty Jose Crespo in defence, it will be a difficult job

    I just had one of those moments when you sit scratching your head thinking I know that name , how do I know Jose Crespo. One of those almost where you think am I imagining that he was a Villa player? 

    Glad Zatman switched on. 4am though 

  2. anyway sorry. I came here to post. Vulgarity alert don't read If daily mail type

    ok what cheers up. I'm a simple man but ok here goes. When you go in to "log off" you know, drop the kids offf at the pool, and Jesus Christ it's like new street station , intercity 125 flies through and God damn, all logs out and wiped up in the time it takes to take a piss, especially when at work and no one knows (except the poor fker who uses the bogs after). 

    Yeah so ummm yeah a rapid pit stop. No need for newspaper or not even enough time to log into VT type dump 


    edit - yeah actually it's like say when the kids are off school and you get a fly -through easy commute that's well quicker. And you get to destination and think "yeahhhhhhhh". I'm gonna shut the f up now

  3. On 15/08/2017 at 16:24, Stevo985 said:

    Is there anything less funny than when you're mowing your lawn or washing your car and a neighbour says "Can you do mine next?"


    This man knows.

    Absolutely spot on... same with when washing your car. Creates an awkwardness almost when your mind is tied up with the "no" and "fks sake not that quip again" which distracts you from a witty response, that when given you are almost worse off giving a pacifying pointless reply like "No thanks I'm knackered / this one took long enough."

    yeah thanks for backing me into a corner you fvcko! When what you're really thinking is hell yeah, check out my wheels. 

    Dammit I'm gonna go wash me truck. It's dirtier than Ron Jeremy's wet dreams 'tis. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    In other news ojo has rejected us apparently and goibg fulham. Dont blame him after watching how bruce makes our forwards flourish 

    agreed, shame we werent in for Tom Lawrence, Derby f f s, excellent value at £7m but we would only have Bree'd him anyway

  5. 1 minute ago, momo said:

    Jürgen Klinsmann

    Would probably sit in the dugout first match, then get a weird feeling.... something not right..... then the flashback


    Regardless of anything else in Klinsmann's career, any time i think Klinsmann this above is always my first thought. The sound....... unforgettable.

  6. The amount of work he's had done, he's probably all titanium and kevlar by now, a bit like...


    I'd like to see him come to play for us, but this is like the "move" we made for Joe Hart. Not gonna happen. Probably aim at Wilshire and end up with someone Simon Dawkins-esque, but it's the thought that counts.

    Simon Dawkins eh... was that real or did we hallucinate that?


  7. 9 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Do you analyse data for a job? 

    Absolutely, work in healthcare. 

    Which you might think, fit 'nurses... consultants, registrars, paramedics' whatever etc but where I work, people mostly look like they come from Royston Vasey and patients and relatives are strictly off the menu. Casualty / Holby City it ain't.

    will do the Internet thing next month I think, probably EHarmony for 3 months just to see. 

    If that is crap I might try Match. If that is crap then I have heard that Liz Hurley has a place in rural Herefordshire somewhere, funny that I do too. She's single? Funny that I am too. Well already have more in common than I did with my ex. 

    Liz you can choke my chicken any day luv, what's your postcode please?





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  8. Been a while since I've been in this thread and have some questions for those on / have done online dating. Quick background. 38, recently moved to new place. Have made friends here with neighbours and other locals  but they're older and socially redundant. Will do the Meetups thing eventually but there's minimal activity on that here. Right so online dating it is, ETA September. My questions.

    1- which is better, Match or EHarmony? I understand Eharmony is a bunch of questions and matching whereas Match is more like a profile and ad-board. 

    2- if anyone lives in a small town, did they get any worth off it at all? where I am the population is probably 50,000 plus I'm ultra-rural in location at that. 

    Now the reality of moving here kicks in. Not defeatist but semi humorous / realist crude maths of my predicament :

    50k people here. Halve that to exclude males.

    25k. Very elderly population. Deduct them, kids and women too young for me. Maybe about 5,000 then aged 30-40 as I think I'll specify on whichever site.

    Then deduct all those in relationships and simply not on a dating site. Damn.... say 250 left.

    deduct all munters... crazy cat ladies, and scary Marys... umm maybe 50 left? of which some might be single mums say 25 left (not prejudiced against single mums but personally for me that wouldn't work and have experience of that not being right for me)

    of that 25 some who I simply wouldn't get on with and some who wouldn't be into me, my looks or my personality. 

    0-5 maybe? Hmmmmn low numbers but worth a shot. Or maybe I should just order a Russian bride , might be cheaper and more than 0-5 of them available. Might even get two for one offer maybe? 

    :ph34r: anyone have experience of Russian mail order brides?

    • Like 1
  9. The title of this thread is 'things that piss you off that shouldn't.'

    Being a Villa fan shouldn't piss me off, but it does. Everyone on here loves Villa, through thick and thin. So do I. I accept the bad with the good of course, it's part and parcel of having claret and blue blood. 

    Think though of the die-hards who support clubs worse than us, the Blackburns the Coventrys and all the horrors they've seen on the pitch and with their infrastructure or just anyone supporting an unglamorous lower league club... yet their love is unconditional and then there's us, also loving Villa in that way. 

    Peaks and troughs and all. Football is cyclical, sure. But it pisses me off, that whatever happens in my week I love it when our matches arrive and I can either tune in or watch on tv or ahem other means (as I only get to a few games a season) and then comes the dread as the match unfolds. This has been happening for years now. 

    The blind hope and faith I have and then being beaten down like today with the Cardiff match. All the negatives. 

    Itll come good one day. Sooner hopefully than later. But supporting this club is a curse sometimes. It pisses me off, that curse. 

    Now, please excuse me I am going to go hide my razors. 

  10. I am loyal and believe in giving managers time and all that. I hate the transition phases we always seem to be in. I want stability. 

    I was happy with Bruce appointment. I could see the logic, well the theory of the logic. 

    There were many alarm bells last year. So many overlapping issues that are elementary and obvious and well referenced by others in this thread. 

    He has had two transfer windows. A full pre season. Has had money to spend. Wages to play with. Had the opportunity to sweep a broom through this club. To advance us. 

    We are not advancing. We are stale already , two matches in, five points dropped. There can be no excuse for this crap. Lessons not learned and even more issues emerging about our ways of playing that sound more alarm bells. 

    This is going to go one of two ways. 

    1- suddenly by our third game we magically resolve all of the issues that are plain obvious to everybody on here and we start playing like champions, gain consistency and some identity, stability of how we play and act as top-two favourites a la Brighton or Newcastle. 


    2- we continue as seen. 1 point in every six or the occasional guillotene-sparing win until we realise the playoffs are all what's left. Ours will not be a Huddersfield story. Mid table at best. 

    There's more chance of me winning the lottery tonight and Emma Watson delivering my pizza than there is of scenario 1 happening. 

    Heart says give him three games but head knows those three games would just be the same old same old. It's like Groundhog Day. 

    Hurts to be a Villa fan. 


    • Like 3
  11. On top of all the wise words in this thread, whatever Hutton gets paid , for what he does on the pitch and the return we get off those performances it is utterly criminal that he gets paid at all. What, 30-40k ish? 

    And if we keep playing him he might even trigger another year extension and suffer this nightmare even longer. 

    Tony, you're a successful businessman. Hutton is an expensive liability that is not fit for purpose. He is weakening your asset and threatening your ambitions for us to advance as you'd hope, with each selection ahead of De Laet or Bree. Either of those deserve more opportunity and can do no worse than Mr Hutton. 

    Selling / freeing Hutton won't make everything better but it makes good business sense and football sense to get rid. He is not the only one but the writing is on the wall, neon lit... can you see it? Step in, over ride Bruce.

    Quite simply we are a worse team with him selected, also costing a terrible amount for that privilege. 

  12. Also sorry just got to throw one last one in. I could live for the rest of my life stuck in a Groundhog Day spanning the latter Ron times and Brian Little times

    this match needs little introduction. But what it meant for me, around that time was in my mid teens, life was a sort of unknown quantity at that time but football a constant. I  was so in love with this club back then that watching some replay like this just brings so much back. Damn , life goes so quickly, this is as vivid as a yesterday for me.

    Damn that's really got to me o:rolleyes:ne day, these times will come to VP again. For the club, I wouldn't want it to be the Man City / Chelsea way but somehow "our way" when one day we have an identity / trusted formation / settled squad and staff. We will know what our way is too one day. Personally I'd like it to be a blend of 

    Iceland in the Euros 75% - who were like a fearless spaniel pup biting chunks off staffies and alsatians impetuously 

    millwall 1% - and by that I mean only one thing. They have a phrase: 'no one likes us we don't care' and forget the obvious negatives about them but I mean their almost Wimbledon crazy gang plain just not giving a F , a bit like Iceland but with slight swagger of arrogance. 

    Leaving 24 random per cent for hopefully some nice quick passing and retaining old school Liverpool style ,Pass and move, get forward... lose it? Get back and get that ball back asap repeat. With some in built Leicester / Ranieri

    Anyway. On a tangent. But my point is, our spell there say 94 ish was magical. Football has moved on so much since. The cartel elite, ok were interrupted by Leicester but we have so many mountains to climb to even think just with Tony's wealth and ambition we could ever be one of the big boys again. So much so that all that BS about ah they can't take the memories off you. I love my memories of the old days and while I was 3 years old at the time of our greatest achievement, fair play to the lads on here who were around for it. Envy that. 

    Oh and one random point is... you look at the young uns these days and the "sexy" teams like Chelsea Man City united, and it makes it even more special that kids support villa as they do. By that, I mean our sheer lack of success over the years. It'll come one day you skinny jeans wax-haired hipster millenials you! 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    I bought a cheap but cheerful £1500 peugeot as my first car at the end of last year. It's old, and slow, but it's **** lime green and I love it.

    Regrettably, it turns out everyone's right and french electronics aren't great. The ABS has shit itself today, they've found another couple of issues and I'm looking at a £1k+ bill. I'm not sure if fixing it is throwing good money after bad, or if it's better to spend it knowing it has a new working ABS and will have just been serviced and MOTed, rather than taking my luck with another second hand car that could turn into a money pit itself.

    Yes, I know people on here are driving around in cars worth tens of thousands :P

    I recently had an expensive bill myself, I got different quotes from garages that people I know swear by. Long story short, I ended up having the work done for nearly two thirds cheaper than the first quote I got. 

    Yes in some cases, good mechanics don't come cheap. But in other cases, ask your friends , family, colleagues for garages who they know don't take the P or especially don't pull tricks say like they charge for labour time they simply haven't worked etcetc. My point is, if you now know that is definitely the problem, get more quotes from trusted garages. Is it driveable at all, despite the issues? Take it in see what they say. 

    if it's generally in good condition otherwise, me, I'd be inclined to keep it after the work is done, assuming you can maybe get the quote cheapened slightly or even massively. Google the problem and the car and you might see what it has cost other people recently. Good luck fella

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