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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. Man I was nervous seeing Anwar was taking it but what a penalty
  2. Lamptey is some player tho, just unfortunately for him he is so short... ala Alan Wright.
  3. There must be a petition out there somewhere to get VAR binned off. It’s ruined football on every level, I’d rather have the odd dodgy human error decision then whatever the hell this tripe is.
  4. So you’d be happy if that was given against Villa? No way. Foul was committed outside.
  5. They have had more then their fair share.
  6. Man United got to retake a penalty after the game had finished, I think this should happen now for Villa too.
  7. Need a petition to get rid of Var for next season, keep Hawkeye get rid of Var.
  8. Off side should be decided from foot position, makes more sense.
  9. Should be based on position of feet.
  10. Honestly trezeguet is so shit. Don’t care how hard he works.
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