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Posts posted by Rds1983

  1. 1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

    I don't think tuning into the Grand National makes you a horse racing 'fan' though.

    I'd be very surprised if that Snooker figure was right.  Surely it's a cumulative figure or something.

    By the same argument, does tuning into the Superb Owl or going to a live game at Wembley make you an NFL fan? How many at Wembley were just after a novelty day out or tourists? How do you actually define what a 'fan' is?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

    Purely anecdotally based on people I encounter, I'd say it's in front of the ones bolded.

    According to Google (so probably wrong) viewing figures in the UK where the following:

    -  Superb owl = 4m people (seems high)

    - Grand National = 10m people.

    - Snooker Masters = 14.5m people.

  3. 1 hour ago, Seat68 said:

    Its difficult to get the starting point for this but the wiki says


    If I get a proper source I will update my post.

    I'm mainly messing with my replies.

    I'd (grudgingly) agree that it is definitely growing in popularity (whilst reserving the right to condemn it's fans).

    I'm not sure if say it was actually popular yet though when compared to other sports.

    It's nowhere near football, will be behind rugby, cricket, F1, probably behind darts, snooker, horse racing etc in terms of active fans in this country.

  4. 40 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Whilst I tend to agree with regards to the sport itself, denying its popularity based on that is daft. When they play those games in the UK (and in other countries) the crowd isn’t mainly Americans

    Have you got the data to confirm what percentage of the Wembley crowd are American?

    I'd also suggest that selling out one stadium once a year doesn't necessarily reflect popularity. If it was sold out 30 or 40 times a year, or multiple stadiums were selling out then possibly but I guess we have different views on what popular means.

  5. 3 hours ago, bickster said:

    Yeah that’s why they sell out Wembley every year for a pre-season warm up game

    200k American's live in the UK, they'd fill Wembley twice over. 

    American football sucks, it's rugby with pads, forwards passing to make it easier, a break every 10 seconds and endless advert breaks.

    • Like 2
  6. 11 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    But what about people from the USA who have PL teams (e.g. Aston Villa)? 

    Football is a fantastic sport with a global audience whereas American Football sucks and pretty much only Yanks watch it.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Adam2003 said:

    My Plymouth mate, who is a good judge of a player, says he’ll 100% play at a high level in the PL. Whether that’s with us or not who knows.

    If worth noting that Argyle are not only in a new league but they're still playing very attacking football. Consequently they're letting in a fair few goals and any defender will struggle with that.

  8. 2 hours ago, meregreen said:

    Globally the broadcast revenue for PL games is included in the money negotiated with Sky. If clubs negotiate their revenue individually through ppv. The gap in revenue between Liverpool and Man Utd and the rest, would be huge.They have, potentially millions of subscribers in South East Asia alone. Possibly hundreds of millions. At the moment clubs cannot negotiate their own deals in isolation. Long May it remain so.

    This is what has been unique about the Premier League compared to the other big leagues and helped it to become the global leader. Leagues such as La Liga allowed clubs to negotiate individual deals and naturally two or three of them took the vast majority of the money and killed any competition. The league then became boring.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    They’re not. Unless the ingredients they list are lies. Which would be illegal. 

    Are the ingredient amounts the same? Is it produced in the same way? 

    Have they said nothing has changed?

    I'm not saying it has or hasn't changed, just wondering. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, imavillan said:

    Always use one. They are dirt cheap and you can use multiple devices.

    They are particulary useful when using public wi-fi

    I have one on all my devices. 

    I dont use iptv/firesticks to watch games but have seen the authorities are trying to clamp down on people who do.

    I still think ultimately the league will set up their own streaming service but right now they probably see it as a faff they don't need to deal with (as multiple firms are still throwing money at them).

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    Word of the year apparently is "rizz" I have to admit I had never heard it but apparently the young set use it. 2 instances of it being used on VT so perhaps not that widespread. 

    "Rizz" is kinda awful but is much better than "the drip" which is the latest trending phrase and is apparently the thing you want to have.

    Means being cool or having swag etc.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    I cant disagree with this more.

    From my own personal experience, when im on keto hardcore i sleep better, wake and feel energised. I can go gym just have my electrolyte powder (no food) and work out excessively then carry on my day and i feel great. 

    When im off this i feel sluggish tired and get brain fog.

    Im also reading abit about cold plunging.  Its suppose to be absolutely brilliant for you. The thought of it esp now sounds like absolute torture but i really want to give it a go

    Disagree all you want but can you offer scientific evidence to justify your position or are you using personal anecdotal evidence instead of basic scientific fact?

    At a base level, calories are energy and keto massively reduces calories, which is why you lose weight. 

    If you eat less energy then you have less energy to use. Entering ketosis will burn some fat but this will not give you more actual energy then eating more would.

    As I said, you feel sharper mentally, physically you will have less energy. This is a trick of the brain and linked to blood sugar levels. Try going for a long run or doing a full body heavy weight exercise without eating sufficient amounts in the last 24 hours.

    Too many people dont actually push themselves properly at the gym. 

    Cold water therapy can be helpful for rehab and getting the blood pumping (which bring nutrients to fatigued muscles) but it's just the latest fashion.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, VillaJ100 said:

    They won't get champions league anyway. And if they did it would be 'he's not majority owner' or something

    Isn't he only getting a 25% stake of Utd? They'd use that argument that he isn't in charge.

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    On keto you should have more energy to be honest if doing it 100% with no breaks.

    Not technically true. You can feel more alert and like you have more energy, but physically you don't. You might not get the sluggish feeling you get from a carb heavy meal but you have drastically reduced your calorific intake and carbs are the traditional 'energy' macro. As such you won't actually have more energy for physical activity than before.

    I've done long intensive workouts both in and out of ketosis. There's a reason my caffeine intake shoots up when I'm cutting.

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  15. 50 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

    He'll pick up a melon from the top shelf and get on the floor while looking around all smug. 

    Pickford's arms aren't long enough to reach the top shelf. 

  16. 2 hours ago, sne said:

    As mentioned in the Saudi thread. This goes above the PL. It's international affairs and the British government is no doubt under pressure that Abu Dhabi will pull funds if the PL doesn't play ball. Just like when Saudi was allowed to take over Newcastle. The PL is no doubt fully aware that they look like a joke league but what are they going to do? Big money always win.

    I'm curious what the Saudi's would want to happen and if the PL (or UK government) would listen to them over Qatar? 

    Would City being given a big enough penalty to knock them off top spot then allow Newcastle to take their place faster?

    Or, would Saudi not want them severely punished as that sets the precedent for them to bend the rules even more than City did?

    • Like 1
  17. https://iapp.org/news/a/uk-gdpr-reforms-move-forward-in-uk-parliament/

    "On 29 Nov., the proposed U.K. Data Protection and Digital Information Bill moved a step closer to passage.

    The U.K. House of Commons voted to avoid recommitting the bill following the recent introduction of U.K. government-backed amendments, instead moving the proposal to the report stage of consideration. If the recommittal vote succeeded, the bill and its proposed changes would've moved back to the committee debate.

    The bill, originally published 8 March — the first day of IAPP's Data Protection Intensive in London — seeks to make various reforms to the U.K. General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018."

    Some good, some bad, but feel it'll just be rewritten by Labour when they get in anyway.

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