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Everything posted by Callum

  1. Honestly the more you look at our window, it wasn't as successful as everyone was led to believe.
  2. Thats enough now Tielemans. You offer absolutely NOTHING to this football club.
  3. Honestly not too fussed about the cup, but want us to win so this commentator has to pull his big blue tongue out of evertons arse.
  4. Yeah, looks like he retired 5 years ago, put on a bit of timber and is now playing in a charity match.
  5. There's potential here that we're gonna deliberately fumble one of the cups - We have not got the depth to maintain these games. We focus on the league and conference.
  6. Disgraceful from Unai if he puts this same shitshow squad out for the second half
  7. Another Unai experiment going terribly, terribly wrong.
  8. I am almost ashamed to say this, but we honestly need another clearout here... 3/4 players have absolutely no place in this team.
  9. Well put mate. Frustrating af. The aesthetics of our club shouldn’t be overlooked during this time of expansion and commercial growth. Fumbled badge, a wanky sponsor and soggy shirts is completely unacceptable. A bit annoyed it’s taken this long to sort to be honest.
  10. Well he can have a word with himself in the mirror, for his part in all this shit.
  11. Yeah mate, but what is tactical is leaving a defensive setup unchanged for 60+ minutes and watching us concede 10+ chances.
  12. Sorry but this is shambolic from the big man. Dogshit defence, AWFUL subs.
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