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Posts posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. He will not be able to gee the players up at HT. He’ll try to make a substitution or two to mix things up but it’ll just paper over the cracks. 


    He can’t do anything with the defence in terms of substitutions. 


    The players will be able to see that he has no options left. Some will be expecting him to be gone by Monday. 

  2. 1 minute ago, foreveryoung said:

    He would have upset some of the seniors from his comments after Burton, an players don't appreciate being played out position then slagged for it.

    Well said. This is Bruce’s last line of defence - he’s attacking the players who he is relying on to get him out of the hole. 

  3. Bruce post match: ‘Sheffield United are a big “clubbe” and their manager has done a good job. They outplayed us today. And we’ve got to be better. The good thing...about this division...is that you get another chanc very quickly. And you can guarantee that the team in the next game will be TOTALLY different.’


    And what did you say to the players at HT and FT, Steve?


    Bruce: ‘nothing’.


    That’s  management for you. Same excuses. Hollow words. No clue. 

    • Like 2
  4. Quote

    Steve Bruce has told fans to judge his Aston Villa side after 12 games following the fall-out from their dismal Carabao Cup exit at Burton Albion.

    Only a few more to go Steve. Hope he has the decency to resign and not expect a pay out. 


    You dtaiised the ship but your lack of ideas are holding us back. You’re now ruining our chances. 



    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, jacketspuds said:

    I don't care what anybody says, signing a soon to be 38-year-old John Terry will not solve this shit. It will help but it won't be enough to get us where we need to be to go up.

    I don’t think this is about ‘going up’ now. This is about bringing in a leader  because we have a manager who has lost the dressing room. 


    And thats 2.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, avfcwills10 said:

    Only video that seems to be online of Moukoudi, nothing on YouTube really. Looks very good to me, very calm.



    Second and (?)fifth clips look suspiciously like he could play right back. Might as well try him out on the right first... ?

  7. The interview transcript reads very strangely indeed: 




    It has given me food for thought of the people, as I say, who keep knocking on my door, insisting they should be in the team.

    “Obviously I am right that they shouldn’t be. They've let me down and themselves and the supporters."


    He mentions multiple times that he was giving these players ‘who knock down his door’ a chance. And then he says they’re not good enough. He assumed they’d bottle it.


    We’re seeing his relationship with Elphick writ large with the entire squad here. Despite claims to the contrary, he is deflecting  criticism of his tactics and man management by blaming the players. Is it more likely that 11 players are at fault or one manager who is meant to instruct those players? 


    What he’s saying is: ‘Kodj, Jack and my favourites have saved you lot in the past. Lansbury, Elphick, Adomah, RDL: you’re not good enough. Not only has he lost them, it will create a toxic resentment against those who are his favoured few. 


    Last season son he hid behind the motivating abilities of Snodders and JT. With them around, he probably could just say ‘go play’ and those two would gee up their team mates. It’s the classic 90s player approach - the ‘senior pros’ getting ‘stuck in’ at half time. Steve now looks increasingly isolated and ineffectual. 


    He gets a game or three more and then goes. 

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