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Posts posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Just now, leighavfc said:

    today was the day i turned against Bruce. 

    Totally respect your opinion (and hitherto optimism) but as far as I could see, nothing revolutionary happened today. It was the same dross we’ve seen for the last couple of years. This is Bruce ball.


    The only difference is he doesn’t seem to be able to lift his lumbering carcass out of the wreckage he has created this time.

  2. Only saw the second half, I’m afraid, so please correct me if my comments are out of place. From what I saw, but the usual problems remain. As multiple posters in the match thread said, it was like some of our offensive play in the final third involved players who had trained separately.


    We can’t control games. Blackburn seemed to realise this as the game progressed and filled the vacuum, they pressed harder and pushed back our midfield. 


    I was alarmed by the goal for the lack of defensive shape - something I thought Bruce prided himself on.


    The manager is clearly on borrowed time. I think he should go before the Rotherham game. Quite amazingly, he still seems to have the support of the press - the commentary on Sky was incredible. It was like someone saying that Henry VIII did okay at ruling in the sixteenth century so he’d inevitably do a good job of Brexit. The lack of foresight that Bruce is way out of his depth in 2018 is incredible. 



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  3. Just now, Tomaszk said:

    Didn't he try and pie Adomah off on deadline day?

    How can it go from that to him starting? What's the thinking?

    This must be part of Steve’s ‘we need to loan players out for ffp’. 


    At at least he’s playing players in their respective positions today. 

  4. I’m interested to see what bold changes Bruce makes. I just want to see a defensive selection that makes sense. No Jedi at CB. Play Tuanzebe there. Unfortunately, Bruce will only fiddle with the central midfield: he’ll stick to his guns with the defence: without Bolasie to push Elmo back to RB, Tuanzebe wil continue at full back.


    Are Blackburn a particularly physical side? By Bruce’s own logic, if they are, he can stuff Jedi in front of the back four and that would save face a little. If if they’re a speedy team, he’ll play Whelan. He doesn’t fancy BB. 





  5. I know it’s a cliche for football managers and players to be terrifically unimaginative in how they express themselves but Bruce’s pre-match press conference is almost identical to his pre-Sheffield United one. I thought I had pressed the wrong link at one stage. 


    Here are some classics: 


    ’The good thing in football is that we have another match to get it right’


    ’it’ll be a totally different performance this week’


    ’We’ve lost five or six big players’


    ’and the new owners have come in and breathed life into the club’


    ’using the loan market can obliterate your squad’


    The only new one: ‘I had to let go of x player on loan to free up ffp budget’


    Firstly, he’s giving no practical solutions to any of the on-the-field problems other than time (the great healer and binder of players).


    And his arguments about the loan system not being conducive to building a team underlines his lack of ability to find young gems to operate in this league. Of course, he then goes and loans a load more players so he sets up his agument for next year (should he be here). I know he isn’t a genius but players see through this kid of inconsistency.


    As as a previous poster mentioned, Bruce used to point out that football clubs ‘are one match from a crisis’. Bruce either manufactures many of these crises for rhetorical effect or plays on them. 


    If he’s like this in front of the players then I can’t say it bodes well for dressing room cohesion. 

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