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Posts posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Can we just close this thread? I think it’s more a reflection on our desire to get a new CB in rather than any efforts by Bruce. 


    It’s over, ladies and gentlemen. Bruce will be playing Jedi at CB until January (if the former is here that long). Tuanzebe might get the odd game there when there’s an injury. That’s it. 



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  2. If this has been posted elsewhere on here then apologies. 


    Just spotted this slightly odd one about JT:





    Former captain John Terry appears to have dropped a very clear hint that he’d be up for a sensational return to Aston Villa.


    Presumably JT has watched the same defensive frailties as the rest of us and, perhaps, thinks that this might his way into management if and when Bruce gets the chop.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Made In Aston said:Bruce's biggest problem is his small club mentality. He is most comfortable working with mediocre, hard working players at clubs where the expectations are not high. He likes to be the plucky underdog.


    I agree with this. Bruce frequently trots out the same laboured ‘big club’ lines but he can’t walk the walk. He doesn’t exude ‘big club’. He’s a firefighter and, in that respect, his utility to us is over. Thanks but bye.


    He thinks he’s deserving of a big club like ours because of his connections with United. The thing is, he was the gritty bit necessary for the flair players to work during his playing career. He could’ve found his way to the likes of Oldham if Fergie hadn’t have taken a liking to him. 

  4. As somebody on the match thread mentioned, he used the ‘putting your boots on’ and going again line.


    While I wish he would go today, he’ll be given some time while the new signings come in. Ultimately, despite his bolshy, I’m-going-to-come-out-fighting comments post match, he won’t be able to change his style. More importantly, without the likes of Terry and Snoddy, he won’t be able to regain the dressing room.


    When the time comes, I can’t see him resigning. He’ll want the payout.

  5. The equivalent of corporate sharpening of the knives is happening as we speak, I’d imagine: CEO in touch with the in-house legal team to talk about Bruce’s termination package and the finer details of his payoff. Calderwood will probably go too. Mark Delaney in as caretaker until Henry signs over the international break. 



  6. He will not be able to gee the players up at HT. He’ll try to make a substitution or two to mix things up but it’ll just paper over the cracks. 


    He can’t do anything with the defence in terms of substitutions. 


    The players will be able to see that he has no options left. Some will be expecting him to be gone by Monday. 

  7. 1 minute ago, foreveryoung said:

    He would have upset some of the seniors from his comments after Burton, an players don't appreciate being played out position then slagged for it.

    Well said. This is Bruce’s last line of defence - he’s attacking the players who he is relying on to get him out of the hole. 

  8. Bruce post match: ‘Sheffield United are a big “clubbe” and their manager has done a good job. They outplayed us today. And we’ve got to be better. The good thing...about this division...is that you get another chanc very quickly. And you can guarantee that the team in the next game will be TOTALLY different.’


    And what did you say to the players at HT and FT, Steve?


    Bruce: ‘nothing’.


    That’s  management for you. Same excuses. Hollow words. No clue. 

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  9. Quote

    Steve Bruce has told fans to judge his Aston Villa side after 12 games following the fall-out from their dismal Carabao Cup exit at Burton Albion.

    Only a few more to go Steve. Hope he has the decency to resign and not expect a pay out. 


    You dtaiised the ship but your lack of ideas are holding us back. You’re now ruining our chances. 



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  10. 1 minute ago, jacketspuds said:

    I don't care what anybody says, signing a soon to be 38-year-old John Terry will not solve this shit. It will help but it won't be enough to get us where we need to be to go up.

    I don’t think this is about ‘going up’ now. This is about bringing in a leader  because we have a manager who has lost the dressing room. 


    And thats 2.

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