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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. If McLeish is appointed it will be our Hans getting frozen in carbonite moment. On the plus side that means we'll have the destruction of the second death star, the ewoks, and the defeat of the empire to look forward to.
  2. Think about it! When SAF wants to sign Albrighton and Clark next season he needs to have one of his men at Villa to make the deal go through easier.
  3. When GK said the uproar over McLeish was totally uncalled for it was only a drop in the ocean compared to what has come since said post leaked.
  4. I know he just re-signed for Wolfsburg but I would do everything in my power to get Felix Magath. He would be an excellent follow on from Houllier. Having majority of fans or squad against new manager from day one is always going to end badly. I suggest the board watch The Damned United for a history lesson.
  5. You mean the one he sold before he bought AVFC?
  6. I won't. I voted for McLaren in both polls as soon as they came out. Moyes was never going to leave Everton, Ancelotti never going to come. Schteve has a much better record than most on here give him credit for. I'm not English so couldn't give two shits that he failed to get a bunch of overpaid prima donna wanabe celebrities to qualify for a tournament. That many on here would have prefered Martinez is both laughable and frightening. McClaren has found his level IMO. The fact you are not English will dilute the disgust that we English have for the job he did with England. I would ask you to respect that. Just as I respect that you feel McClaren would have done a good job at Villa, and perhaps have been a better appointment than McLeash. Fair point. Back to current situation, as a ardent Villa fan since 94' I am utterly dejected at how the club has become part soap-opera/pantomime/farce in the last 48hrs. It all feels like a bad dream at the moment.
  7. I won't. I voted for McLaren in both polls as soon as they came out. Moyes was never going to leave Everton, Ancelotti never going to come. Schteve has a much better record than most on here give him credit for. I'm not English so couldn't give two shits that he failed to get a bunch of overpaid prima donna wanabe celebrities to qualify for a tournament. That many on here would have prefered Martinez is both laughable and frightening.
  8. First Class post. My nominee for POTY
  9. Dont buy this for one minute. "He didn't realise..." Rubbish. The clubs media people for one would have made damn sure he new. And again, the only way you can delete on FB is if it is your post OR on your wall. So we really have no way of knowing who deleted what. Its all too slick to be believable I'm afraid. That said, the "fact" that the club are considering AM doesn't mean they will appoint him. I for example and considering doing Scarlett Johansen up the wrong 'un later....... Yes. It was his post on GKs FB page. When other Villa fans posted on it he saw what was happening and deleted but it was already C+Pedto several other websites. Don't shoot the messenger who asked a legitimate question and GK reponded how he did.
  10. Sorry, don't know how to do links but if you go to the new manager thread on vitalvilla between pages 46-50 you'll see how it panned out for real. Richard is the name of a poster on the site who is also a facebook friend on the "Chuck Krulak" fb page. If you check out his friends list, there is indeed a richard with a surname similar to the posters user name. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. If it's a fake I doff my hat to whoever wrote it cos it's a bloody good'un. If your info is correct then fine, I have no problem with the message being real or not and if Jon Fear had no involvement then my appologies to him. That doesn't change the fact that Somebody gets a "PRIVATE MESSAGE" from The General and decides to be Billy big bollox and post it for the world to see For me that is very very poor form regardless of circumstances HE DIDN'T It was a wall post. Obviously GK didn't realise that friends of wall poster would see response. Other Villa fans chimed in. OP deleted post when he realised but it was too late. It had already gone viral.
  11. Sorry, don't know how to do links but if you go to the new manager thread on vitalvilla between pages 46-50 you'll see how it panned out for real. Richard is the name of a poster on the site who is also a facebook friend on the "Chuck Krulak" fb page. If you check out his friends list, there is indeed a richard with a surname similar to the posters user name. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you. If it's a fake I doff my hat to whoever wrote it cos it's a bloody good'un. FFS lads. I've been a long time poster on VV. Meakers is there even longer. I'm pretty sure he is one of the lads that meets up with GK for beers when he is at VP. He is Richard GK is refering to. It is GKs facebook page. When I C&Ped the post from another site on VV in the General's thread Meakers apologised to GK that it had got out onto the internet. Nuff said.
  12. At the very least you'd suspect the General would have to pop in and clarify/verify/deny this Facebook post. I'm almost certain it's legit based on the VV member he was conversing with. I don't think it was intended for public consumption.
  13. I remain focused and am working hard to secure the best lunch which will complement my commitment to be true to my heritage, competitiveness and passionate appetite, and will have the lunch in place to prepare myself for the afternoon and this evening's pub quiz. No further statement will be made until the press conference. I finished 2nd in tonight's pub quiz getting such obscure answers as Falcon Crest for a TV show question.
  14. Some paper said he was on holiday in Italy.
  15. Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience?
  16. Bin dunne but... Like they do every night! More like turned down the opportunity to be interviewed
  17. Neil_Moxley_DM Neil Moxley Crass mismanagement on a barely credible scale. I never thought I'd write this: Would never have happened under HD Ellis. No way. 8 minutes ago Who rubbed sand in his clit?
  18. Er NO! What planet are you from? Seriously are you Mclaren's agent? I agree with Valhalla
  19. I'm not English. Can someone explain what's so bad about McClaren if you leave out the failure as England manager?
  20. I have ITK that's absolutely nailed on regarding the next Villa manager! The bookies are going to make a killing...
  21. WHY? What in the name of **** christ has he done that makes him a good candidate? Let's see. He let Loew sort out the German team for WC 06 while he played to the cameras the whole time. Oh and he was a failure at Bayern. Yes. What a fan-****-tastic choice for next Villa manager! Give me 100 McClarens ahead of Klinnsman thx
  22. GHs exit statement was bursting with undercurrents of him being pissed off about his departure.
  23. No, it doesn't, not when you consider the other candidates out there. I think Hughes is a good candidate. When you take into account the other possible candidates out there (Moyes or Ancelotti for example), why? Moyes is that much better than Hughes? Ok whatever...
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