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Everything posted by paul514

  1. Lets not get carried away we are up against the champions of the universe on Friday
  2. There is a simple solution to our play, Doug and John need to sit, Ross needs to stay in the 8/10 position and they need to switch the play more often.
  3. I don't understand why we aren't switching play more and why the two defensive midfielders aren't staying in their area
  4. paused it, had a cig came back and it made me watch it from live again. Farce.
  5. The ref is shocking letting so many fouls go and we need to use the right hand side more......
  6. Pfft should have scored by now this lot aren't supposed to be as good as Liverpool
  7. It’s riddled with adverts and just has commentary, no presenters with analysis.
  8. I would assume it is split equally because you don’t know what clubs matches will be selected home or away.
  9. As an FYI I just read on the radio times website that the money goes to the clubs so if you do pay you know some of it is finding it’s way back to VP
  10. I still think we have two more summers of a handful because of squad depth and replacing any who don’t hit the heights expected before going to just a couple of signings
  11. At 1 million that is a good gamble to take
  12. I book it on virgin media yesterday
  13. Going off the early performances and some of the squads there are a handful of poor sides this year so it’s possible.
  14. If he scores 10 goals for them then he will have done alright at that price and sell for more. He is a decent buy for them.
  15. I take it we haven’t bid for anyone ?
  16. Perhaps he fits the system they play? I dunno.... I am just happy we haven’t wasted money on him instead of signing someone tomorrow, January or next summer who does.
  17. I think it is fair to assume that. Also I am sure someone can have a quick look for this, but hasn't most of their share issues been 30 million? I may have made that up but I have some memory of it.
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