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Posts posted by sheepyvillian

  1. I think Hearn makes a very good point with his remark about "Taylor being under appreciated." You can't question the resume and he is definitely a future Hall of Famer. I do think, sadly, he may be on the decline but take nothing away from the man, he is up there with the very best of British boxers imo.

  2. On 19/05/2024 at 14:20, Designer1 said:

    S4 - ep3 of Succession.

    **** hell. Just when I thought the quality of the show couldn't get any higher they land this episode on me.

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    First off, did not expect the death of Logan at all. Genuinely thought he would be in every episode and how he was written out was so brilliantly done. Completely out of left field and unexpected, I was thinking 'he'll pull through" for a good few minutes.

    Also have to mention the acting of all four kids. Three of them almost reverting to being children again, Shiv saying "Daddy" properly got me in the feels, and Connor taking on the comforting big brother role that we assume he had when they were all younger was a great touch.

    It's just stunning TV really, comfortably amongst the best shows of all time.

    It's some ride. Very addictive. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, nick76 said:

    To be honest, I’m still waiting for it to go wrong 😂 I’m not used to continued optimism 

    But it's that sense of security that is now wrapped around the club. Almost, like it's only an upward trajectory, with the odd hiccup here and there. 

    We can't ask for more than that really. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, CarryOnVilla said:

    Mad thought, but true. Gerrard being useless made this happen 

    No matter how immense the hurt and disappointment, there's always something positive to take from it.

  5. On 20/05/2024 at 14:53, TRO said:

    I don't think, we realise how important that is.....He too needs to be fresh.

    We have seen JK bow out, citing the work intensity required at the top level....its relentless.

    His recovery time is important too.....I have seen him leaving BMH quite late.

    It's passion at it's finest. There's a uniqueness about his approach and it's to our credit how we have indulged that uniqueness. What I really admire, is the way he presents himself, win, lose or draw, he never looks over excited or ruffled. That alone demands respect. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    It’s pinch yourself time. The first time in ever I don’t think we’re gonna **** this up.

    The decision to give Unai Carte Blanche was a masterstroke. 

    Its crazy to think, but without the Gerrard debacle, we, arguably, wouldn't be where we are now.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, Davkaus said:

    Early signs are not good.

    I think we're now so cynical of foreign intervention that we're at least safe from another jolly off to the middle east, but I doubt he'll do half as much good domestically as Blair did. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm thoroughly underwhelmed by what he's offering.

    Whatever "Good" Blair did, and it was good at the time, will forever be tainted by the despicable way he and Campbell misled the Country into the debacle that was the invasion of Iraq. 

  8. This managerial merry go round should benefit us in the long run. We haven't looked as stable as we do now in a very, very long time. 

  9. On 23/05/2024 at 11:34, Genie said:

    Mike Tyson still going 

    There's a massive difference between  exhibition and competitive. Even though you could make a case that maybe Tyson had one fight too many. 

    He took some awful punishment from Lewis. It was painful to watch. I still say to this day, Tyson was never the same fighter once Kevin Rooney left his corner. That really was a special Trainer/Fighter relationship. 

  10. 12 hours ago, avfc1982am said:

    Foreman.... 48 when he eventually retired. 👨‍🦯

    But he took a long time out prior to coming back to beat Moorer. Hence, he doesn't sound so "slurred" as those I previously named. But Yeah, no one should be boxing at 48.

  11. 15 hours ago, avfc1982am said:

    Yeah.... they hated the shit out of each other. I think it was more Morales tbh as he was a ghetto creature and always thought Barrera was a middle class Mexican ponce. I think that was the way most Mexicans saw it too. Morales was the poor kid against the lawyers family. IIRC

    And I was a fan of Barrerra, even though I was way more "Ghetto" than middle-class. Two tough Hombres that's for sure. 

    Incidentally, it was the same with the great athletics rivalry between Coe and Ovett, I kind of preferred the smooth elegance of the posh Tory, Coe.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    I think fury will win the rematch. He went too light in this fight and his usual lean on them and tire them out wasnt there. Think he also under estimated usyks punch power.

    Furys a exceptional fighter he will bounce back

    I don't see it myself. I think the fact Usyk now knows he can beat Fury wiil play a big factor uf there's a rematch.

    I think the Usyk game plan was always to pounce when Fury tired and, let's not forget the will of Usyk to withstand those punishing body - shots. I just don't see the rematch being any different. 

    Usyk reminds me a lot of Holyfield, the way he bounces around and his willingness to bite down on that gumshield in moments of adversity. 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, ml1dch said:

    He made his debut in September 2020, just after we'd finished 17th, and has been in pretty much every England squad he's been available for since then.

    And still struggled to get in the team, even suffering the ignominy of coming on as a substitute and then being substituted, only for the manager to make, arguably, one of the worst decisions in managerial history. 

  14. Just now, VillaChris said:

    O.k 95/96 we also finished 4th and lost three of our final four fixtures. Were people slagging off Brian Little in those times because he was playing Scott Murray and Neil Davis?

    We achieved one of our season objectives and we've looked completely done for the last month in regards fitness. If anything was riding on today then Bailey, Pau and Tielemans would've been out there I'm sure.

    It really dosen't need weeks of crying about this result on here although from the "race to 4th" thread in last three months we've seen for some reason certain posters seem to revel in us having a bad result and then making endless posts about how Man. United/Spurs were just going to breeze past us so just in people's nature I guess.

    I give credit where it's due. And criticism, I apply the same rule. I'm not one for petty hatreds either, with all that "Sky Six Scum" inferiority complex nonsense. That's just me. Like it or not!

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