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a m ole

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Posts posted by a m ole

  1. I'm having visions of it now.. Ashley Young hat trick. And after the 3rd (which was a penalty he dived to win) he struts over to the Holte, kisses his badge and moons the crowd to show a tattoo that says "**** YOU".


    Not only does he not get a yellow for this, but the Holte End receives a yellow for provoking him.


    I'd love to see cards introduced in football for crowds. And managers and the crowd can show cards to match officials. cards for everyone.




    Rooney has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Nolan has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Lampard has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Gerrard has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Lescott has scored more against villa then any other side

    I've also read man u have got more points from villa than any other team.


    All of those are simply the result of us being the worst of the few teams who have always been in the Premier League (when records began). 



    Pretty much.


    At first when you see these stats you think "typical Villa" etc but the real reason is pretty mundane.


    Speaking of funny stats, did Luis Suarez ever score against us once?


    Unfortunately the rat got a close range header to draw with us under McLeish, not his finest goal ever though.


    Rooney has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Nolan has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Lampard has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Gerrard has scored more against Villa then any other side, just like Lescott has scored more against villa then any other side

    I've also read man u have got more points from villa than any other team.


    All of those are simply the result of us being the worst of the few teams who have always been in the Premier League (when records began). 

    • Like 1
  4. what's the truth then, Keane had a bust up with the players, or that Keane had a bust up with Cleverley for saying he has a bust up with the players when he didn't?

    Gossip based on gossip.

  5. He says all the right things to be fair to him.

    yeh but wot the **** does the guy even do we pay him millions and he's not done anything why haven't performances improved under fox, fox out

    Seriously though he seems like he has a real grasp of how to maximise the commercial potential of us and hopefully it will translate into more success on the pitch. Shame we didn't have him 5-6 years ago.

    • Like 1
  6. I wonder, has anyone criticising the team and manager for the result yesterday ever had to play a whole competitive football match with a man less? Because I have, and it is exhausting, having to cover two positions when you don't have the ball, having less options when you do. They actually did fantastically well to edge the possession stats, considering.

    If you lose a man with 15 mins to go you can throw caution to the wind and risk conceding because you have the energy, it's totally different when you've been doing all the hard work for a whole hour.

    • Like 2
  7. Not entirely surprising that when we aren't playing the six best teams in the league in a row we pick up some good points. Hopefully we can build on the back to back wins with some more convincing/attacking performances although losing Westwood will be a bit of a blow.

    • Like 1
  8. Charles Insomnia needs replacing. He has offered nothing to this game. A total waste of space.

    Seems to be lacking confidence in going past his player, gets up to them and then turns or just hesitates and loses possession

    The problem comes when as a player that is your only party trick. He offers us zero at the moment.

  9. Love villatalk.

    Spend weeks and weeks screaming for us to have more possession.

    Then a game with more possession


    came on to post this. I'm enjoying it - but I fear losing Westwood will blunt us a little, his forward passing has been great so far.

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