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Everything posted by ED

  1. Well I got my 4th shadowcraft set yesterday, after a flawless Scarlet run with people from Malice and Surge. We couldn't really afford a wipe, as we had no Shammy or Lock, and we absolutely owned it, in less than 90 mins (I won't be going back there, I only went in for SC, which I was told I got lucky with as they'd never seen it drop before). I'm going to keep farming DM until I get what I want, although yesterday it didn't go to well, you can see that its possible, its just those mobs seem to hit harder then the bosses. Oh, and I have another Tank on my ignore list.
  2. Agh! Someone was offering to buy Ace of Beasts for 200G just now! I gave mine away! You know where you sneak past the ogres? Omokk is just there, Wyrm is the furthest away, Voone is easeh.
  3. ^^We established that a long time ago. You really notice it when running along side someone without any speed boosts. Anyway, just now I bumped into the second person in 3 days that has said "I haven't seen you in months!" The first time I gave them the old "yeah, I've been busy", but today at the petrol staion I was honest. "I live in a computer game now"....the comment was laughed off unsuprisingly.
  4. I'm warming to Warlocks actually. Summons, healthstones and Soulstones are extremely useful in instances. The only problem is, that if they replace a Mage, the party members that need something called "nama?" mana?" (something like that) take longer to fill up their tanks, obviously theres no sheep, but the wandering sheep has caused me plenty of problems since 1.9 anyway, and seduce and banish are both useful when they can be achieved. You can also get by on Lock AOE. Of course, you could have a mage and a Lock, and ditch the Jack of all trades, but mail is needed in some form, 3 clothies can be a bit dangerous. Mind you, as I mentioned earlier, we did DM East without a mage, priest or shammy. A resto druid is just as good as a Priest (I don't care what anyone says) as long as you have a Shammy for the ressing (I think Dr00ds have a long cooldown) it all depends on the instance I suppose. BTW Riss I'm not a fan of you wearing all that Hunter gear, its like me wearing Dr00d gear just because its leather, it sucks.
  5. How about we agree a time to do LBRS then? As opposed to coming on and different times and doing other instances, then finally getting together back at orgri at 12am when Tarj wants to go to bed....With us 4, all we need is a Tank, as Nayson showed yesterday we don't need a Mage. Plus, I know none of you are going to roll on my gems. Or we could do Tribute...The only thing from there that appeals to me is an agi ring, with a 1% chance to hit, it will do me.
  6. Hahahahahaha. Nice one, that actually consoled me when I saw you raped him with that roll. Time for a comparison again. Still the same shirt!
  7. Thats really annoying. I can farm Voone all night long it takes 15 minutes to reach him if you use the short cut. His gem will be a piece of piss. Wyrm takes 2 hours to reach and rarely drops the gem, so when he drops it, and I've been told I'm the only one in the group who needs it, I'm quite happy, I never have to see him again. Until the bastard priest outrolls me, all of a sudden he needs it. The worst part is he was a shit priest anyway and it was me and nayson that ended up downing Wyrm, I took out the last 20 odd percent of his HP while he chased Nayson and looted a second before I died. Wyrm is such a pain in the arse to get too, and when you do he rarely drops the gem, and when he drops it theres always another word removed that needs it.
  8. Stop moaning Nayson! the amount of squishie shit I see in instances, it was refreshing to do a run which had leather drops TBH. Yes it was the hunter's lucky day, he rolled like a bastard, and as I said he won an epic in scholo earlier that day... I can't believe I managed to find a competant group for such a shit instance at that time on a Sunday night! Then to get my Cap at the first attempt, I was quite pleased I must say. I've started researching fire res too, currently I have 45, 65 with the Druid Buff, theres a girdle that drops in Strat that will take it to 85, and a tailor can make me up some shitty green leggings (in terms of stats) but with high armour and 20 fire res to take me up to 105, throw in the UBRS key, and some tasty Blue shoulders that drop in DM, I'll be up to 125 fire res, which should at least help me getting fried on certain bosses when I don't have aggro. Its all about balance though, you can have all the fire res in the world but without other stats you will still die. Nayson needs Warlords and I need UBRS key, perhaps a run down in LBRS tonight?
  9. After that disastrous run, me and Nayson did DM East (which is what I wanted all along) and my cap (the whole reason I wanted to go DM anyway) dropped! Again our tank was a bit of a dickhead but we completed the instance without a Priest, Mage or Shaman......Hunter, Dr00d Lock FTW!!!
  10. Tarj, you may be interested to know that The Beast dropped something called the "Ace of Beasts" just now, and I now have it.....
  11. Epic skin is soulbound. And since its for cloth-wearers insance pvp hat, dont roll. How about.....**** off! As the provider of the skin I have earned at least a need roll on it, otherwise I just won't skin him!
  12. Epic skin is soulbound. And since its for cloth-wearers insance pvp hat, dont roll. How about.....**** off! As the provider of the skin I have earned at least a need roll on it, otherwise I just won't skin him!
  13. Someone needed the Dagger even though they couldn't equip knives? Thats horrific! I want to know what happens if I skin the beast and get the epic hide. Surely as its MY dagger and MY skill then I should get the hide, no? Then who can roll on it? Theoretically I have no need for it, except selling it at AH, so I can't roll on something I've skinned? Please put me right on that one.... Also, after 10-12 attempts, Rattlegore dropped my Rogue boots! I am now fully blue. W00t!
  14. Has anyone got the pic of Blair that was on the front page of the metro the other day? Find it! Those who saw it will appreciate its comic value...
  15. I don't like these threads. Whatever "science" they are based on is fundamentally flawed, in that the same people aren't going to be voting each time. You might as well spare us the tedium of it all and go straight to the "Villa fans are fickle" thread I've no doubt is planned....
  16. I led a UBRS raid for the first time today, it was flawless, (as Tarj will vouch) except the drops were shitty. Then 2 cool members Voodooface and Shadym stayed on to help me and a Warrior slay some Dragons in various places. Onyxia chain is nearly done now, I'm gonna do BRD for MC key tomorrow as well.
  17. I'm enjoying it more than ever, though I'm not sure what I will do when I have everything I need from BRS/Strat/Scholo. Maybe it'll quieten down until the EXPANSION PACK! Speaking of which - those who are thinking of quitting, don't you want to keep your 60 character until that comes along, and take him to 70? BTW PDX are attempting MC on saturday with another guild, now this I have to see! I'm gonna try and get in to see the carnage...
  18. Noooooooo, everyones leaving :evil: :cry:
  19. We don't just have a stealth button! We have lots of in-fight moves to pull off and build up combo points etc... I sympathise with Bicks, if I couldn't do instances I probably wouldn't be playing, and 5 man runs are never going to include a hunter, perhaps just stick with raids? Despends if its worth the monthly fee I suppose....
  20. Not sure we'd have succeeded anyway, it wasn't the best group in the world, even I had a shocker right at the end!
  21. Ninjorzzzzz! That Lock we did the run with sounds like a good bloke to "get in with". I chatted to him after the run and it seems his guild (and him personally) downs ragnaros frequently. If he has a high opinion of us, maybe he could put a word in? I really want to be part of a guild that actually knows what it's doing.
  22. Guys I will need to slay a lot of elite Dragons over the next couple of days for my Onyxia chain, I would appreciate the help at very short notice please
  23. Haha! A lvl 12 lowbie challenged me to a duel at the zep stop. I thought maybe it was to get his weapon skill up, so I just sat there and took his pitiful damage. He then said "not funny" - so I asked him what he wanted. He must have had a terminal illness or something, because his reply was...."make it quick". So without further delay I critted the shit out of him, and he disappeared! Maybe he logged, but I like to think that I hit him so hard that it wiped his character off the server and cancelled his subscription... The onlookers were baffled and quite amused too
  24. Something must be boosting me even more than your blood pact and the priest buff as I can go from 3300 to over 4500, I think thats MOTW again, the Cow buff enables you to get your fire res up too, for MC. I like Kapteinen, got no problems with him yet...
  25. My friends list used to consists of mainly VT people, but since 60, if I have a successful group - they go onto my friends list for next time. The perfect instance for me is: Tank - Hold aggro! Rogue - DPS, sap, lockpicking and much much much much much much more! Mage - Water for pussy juice, sheeeeeeeep, aoe Lock/Shaman - Self ress/Soulstone Priest / Resto Druid - Kapteinen reckons Druids are better healers then Priests, I'm beginning to rate those Taurens too, can't beat that Cow buff either! Hunters - Sorry, not interested. Your pet aggros, you ninja my shadowcraft "for teh agility!!11" and you just stand at the back shooting your stupid gun! Plus, your feign death means that I'm not the only person who survived the wipe, and I don't feel special anymore!
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