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Everything posted by ED

  1. "will now share", is the bit that did it, its just me being picky about the wording, for a second I thought that there were more AH's that I just never used, wouldn't suprise me! Now let me in!!!!!!!!
  2. It seems to imply that there are already AH's, but that theyre just not linked yet.
  3. :shock: Anyone else spot something amiss here?
  4. Let me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I thought once you roll you can just do one and it dumps it into your bag if you win? If not then I apologise, I'm pissed off as I want to get in there and it won't **** let me, and even once I do get in there, I'm going to hear from tarj another reason why he can't do BRD, which means another day I have to drag those qs along with me. Ho hum
  6. I'd love to know how a delay in rolling can get you killed, you don't just stand there when an item is being rolled for do you?
  7. So I go to put one of my best drops ever in the AH (Frenzied Striker) only to see that theres already one in there, put there by someone called TRL! Wheres that come from Mr "I never get good drops"??? I think he's a lot richer then he makes out and just pleads poverty.....
  8. Nice screenie of me in action, what was said in party chat though that has since been blurred?
  9. Tarj, I killed a Mage in a dual and then asked if he'd do BRD later and he said him and his Warrior mate were up for it. Might be best to have a raid group with a few extra people though. The funny thing is, that in the dual, he was beating me, until I pulled out my best ever crit! (only proof I have as it didn't take the screenshot grrrrr) 1953, pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwned!
  10. You still have an XP bar?
  11. Meh, its just a guild, I hardly do anything with them anyway. Re lvl 60, getting to 60 is like building something out of lego, the fun is in the building, when its finished, theres a short burst of satifaction and then you chuck it under your bed. My first priority when I get 60 is to get my life back, which I fear may have gone for good.
  12. RFD like Razorfen Downs? Yes not RFK! Riss me and tarj did ST, quite badly I might add, but I got what I wanted out of it.
  13. Everytime I set myself to follow someone at the zep stop while I go AFK I always end up on the ground. Wondering why this was, I did it and sat and observed, the clearings in the woods try to get you to run off the edge. Whats the point? Am I cramping their style or something? I didn't think it was possible but it clearly is and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg and the further I dig the more and more I will reveal of this diabolical and seemingly endless plot by the WOW community to make sure that I don't get to Tirisfall Glades. I'll post more as I learn it.
  14. All mounts become reindeer? I hope this is just in Orgri.
  15. I'm sure Bicks will be thrilled to see he made such an impact! I don't think I've ever been killed by a Lock, except Nayson in duels, I took great pleasure yesterday in setting my yeti on one yesterday, he killed the Lock (with a bit of my assistance) and then helped me take out a Pussy Bubble Bitch, that thing is just too cool for words. Our group yesterday was perfect, yes everyone (except me, Vanish!) died that one time but we couldn't do anything about that as every time we killed a mob, a **** patrol would turn up, then we got a runner straight into a mob of five and it was game over. Still I think we did every boss in there including Godzilla, and now I have that carrot that has eluded me so greatly, alas, I never thought it would come... It helped me hit 55 yesterday only to be accused of being a power leveller!
  16. My advice is to let the rogue lead in stealth and listen to his tips, if he says "large group right" don't turn the corner right! and if you see a patrol, don't pull the group that its walking past! My interpretation on the need greed thing, which I did get to grips with late, but not as late as Risso says, is if you see something, and you want to equip it, because its better then what you have and it has stats on it that suit you, then you need it. But if you think "that'll get me shit loads in the AH", then you greed it. Since I got to grips with this I think I've only ever "needed" once, very rarely do I find a drop in an instance that suits a rouge perfectly, and is better than what I have. I have a reputation, but thats only because I got the 2 the wrong way around in the early days, I don't even need lockboxes, even if I'm the only one that can open them, I can open them for someone else (for free) I never seem to get free enchants or summons though! (except off nays)
  17. I'd like to do BRD if someone has any qs. I kind of skipped Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. BTW Riss I ditched that q - it was shit.
  18. I thought that too - a whole riding wardrobe for speed and looking cool. Only problem his when mobs attack you you're gonna lose more health, as you'll have less armour, which will make you more likely to be yanked off your mount. Admittedly, then you'll have your kit back, but the damage might have been done. So I would say that you don't want to buy too shitty gear, though with your budget I doubt you will, remember its only 5 riding slots as far as im aware. Also, lol at the way Nayson patronised you with the getting to Grunt line, and anyway, that trinket has a cooldown, so you may stop the first fear, but not the second!
  19. I've bid on this hat, how cool is it? Its decent armour but not as good as my bluey mask, so I've decided to have it as a riding hat, using the excellent mod that riss suggested. It means when I mount I'll have the hat, speedy gloves, the spurs and the C***** on a S**** which is a trinket is it not? I'll look cool and be fast 8) But I need the C***** on a S**** and the glove enchant. What stuff do you need for the enchant, and can Sie do it if I buy the gear?
  20. I think its that Hunters can use their pets in so called "truced" areas and get away with it. and have you ever tried being invisible when you have a big **** arrow pointing at you? Not as effective you know.
  21. I'd like to do it tonight. And No Riss, you can't redo it. Demonology is an absolute clearing in the woods, he's the Ally Splatter - I want him dead, and not just his character. He uses the Hunter glitch to kill horde in so called truced areas, and then camps them, and he gets away with it. I hate him. Mind you someone a gnome mage probably thinks that about me, I was in a bad mood and decided to chase this L43 just outside gadgetzan - he ran all the way to the race track - where I finally killed him. Because he'd made me run so far with his frosting etc, I decided to camp him, again and again, each time he ressed he got closer and closer to Gadgetzan, finally after one of the kills he got close to the mobs that guard the town, and in his defence from one of my attacks, frosted me again. The mobs took a disliking to this and finished him off for me while I got off scot free! Then when he ressed in gadgetzan, I rogue-attacked him again (dead, again) and managed to vanish before the mobs got me. So much fun! He's on my KOS list now because I'm such a bastard to him, and want to keep on doing so!
  22. Some of us haven't finished ZF yet Mr Carrotonastick! I've done Mauradon, pretty much done the Sunken Temple and just have this last couple of qs for ZF. I'm now getting elite qs for Dire Maul in Ferales which I'm probably too low for. I've heard stuff about Scholo too but I havent got a clue what that is.
  23. resize them to 30 percent-ish, or just cut out the bit you want. Both can be done with the software you have I would guess, if not then open the jpegs with mspaint and use their nasty crude cheap way of doing it you n0000000000000b
  24. I'll be on later Dan. Wouldn't be the same without you, you were awesome in Hinterlands last night. Oh and did me and Dan say we got chatted up by the Polish birds? One of them offered to send me her photo and telephone number! Ta, I'm coming in now to see if youre on and doing it. If you are, I'll speak to you, if youre not in there, you'll probably come on here first, and I will have gone to the pub. I'll be back on in a couple of hours. Hope that made sense. Basically, if youre not on, I'll see you on when I return!
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