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Everything posted by ED

  1. BTW, I really would advise doing DM instances, if you don't get the gear you're looking for, you might pick up a book worth a quite bit. Yesterday I won a roll on Libram of Focus, apparently it fetches upwards of 200G!
  2. Now if Wowrush accept you it will be interesting!
  3. I panic in duels too, but I make sure that I only duel 60s, so that no level 55 can brag about WTFPWNing a 60. I suppose the only way to get better is to practice. I accept your Bank roof challenge, and raise you a whimsical "Valley of Trials" run, to see what the good old days were like, maybe WTFPWN in echo isle? Actually yesterday, I rolled ally alts of all 4 races, and noted down where they start off. Next phase of the plan is to head there, and hope that the n00b level 1s naively aggro me, so that I can slaughter them.
  4. Hehe, Nayson and Tarj really don't feel our pain do they? You must be getting bored I could have sworn I saw you duelling the other day!
  5. Riss, about our guild, I've written up a l'il manifesto: New pawnzorz Guild "Waiting For MC" LFM Will do daily runs around the bank roof, jumping beams is a must. Ramdomly scouring the AH through boredom also plays a key roll. Also enjoy tidying up our bag slots, and heading over to the vendor just incase we have something that need repairing. Feel free to /dance in Orgrimmar, or make humerous remarks under the general chat channel, maybe laugh at prices in the trade channel too. Specialise in inspecting members of Mist, PE and BotS, then linking the epic gear through party channel and exclaiming how much you want that particular item. Killing Gamon and listening to his groans as you crit him for 2000 is also recommended, who needs Ragnaros? May we also suggest ticking the "at war" box next to Cenarian and Booty Bay so that you can slaughter the NPCs stood outside the Windrider Tower and at the top of the Zep tower respectively. Weekly runs through SFK, and ganking lowbies in Wetlands form the main body of our activities. Have Tabard
  6. Another Shammy has applied for Wowrush, one with MC, Ony and BWL experience. He deserves to get in purely for this stand out line: LMAO! Thats all I do, I thought I invented that! Or better still, run and jump over the beams, can't beat it.
  7. Do what I did, take one guild at a time, or it can get messy. I have Malice and Precious in mind to apply at next, although they don't seem as laid back as DG, who seem like an ideal guild for me, should I get refused I'll go to them next.
  8. I'm still farming DM West for a dagger and Strat for my Leggings and another dagger. That should tide me over until I get a guild. Riss you want to thott some gear then see where you can find it. Can't beat the buzz of when something you've farmed for days drops off one of the bosses!
  9. Gratz mate, I can't wait to kill him myself. What did he drop?
  10. Hehe, Sie please keep posting in this thread despite not playing anymore, we value your input.
  11. ^^^He might be, I remember a certain ninjorzing Shaman in UBRS **** up the ML! It was him wasn't it?
  12. Anyone know whether these pop up in the AH? TBH I never look for them. Also, I'm gonna start farming DM West for this, much higher drop rate then the Barons dagger
  13. Rissok has a rival
  14. WoW defined MMORPG defined Some bits I liked:
  15. Anyone else thinks that Sion sounds like a recovering alcoholic? Have you realised that theres so much more to life? Do you do cartwheels in fields and sit and watch the sunset?
  16. Ah but your character stays in limbo for a whole six months, and can be reactivated if you re sign up! C'mon Si, Deathwing's forgotten about your Baron run disaster now, time to get back on the horse old boy! My master looting nightmare in UBRS was a far, far bigger **** up than that, and no mistake! And Bicks as well, just seems to have disappeared into the ether! Either that or he's fallen down a hole somewhere! Every time I bring it up in threads he just ignores me, its as if he is in denial that he ever played the game! Just an update Bicks is all we want! Have you deleted? Have you unsubscribed? Are you on sabbatical? Sion, your account is never actually deleted, if you kick up a fuss you can get it back, stop being such a drama queen!
  17. Not a bad idea, it cost alot back in the day to make VTV, but its nothing now to us, a few sigatures and we won't get n00bs inviting us to Guilds, and it would save us having to party up! Also our guild name could be any message we want people to see! I'm still waiting on my Dark Guard application, I've had whispers in game asking me to link me fire res gear, and I've been told to expect a response soon. DG are at Ragnaros ATM, and will down him soon. Bradd from there has helped support my application.
  18. Has anyone started looking at their class epic gear that drops in MC? Rogue Nightslayer gear is **** awesome, but I'll need a Guild and a lotta DKP first!
  19. You havent done the MC Attunement yet, or reached their fire res minimum, the best you can hope for is consideration once you have achieved these. Even then, you have to be "exceptional" :shock:
  20. Are those resses unbuffed? Druid Buff adds 27 fire res (for some reason, +20 on all resistances and 7 from somewhere else), and takes me over 150. I could get to 150 unbuffed, but that would make me less likely to do any real damage. I'm trying to find a balance between actually being able to achieve what I'm there for (damage dealing) and getting good fire res. But if a Guild gives me a minimum, I suppose I'll have to abide by that. Risso let me know when you want to farm Incendius, and Nayson, I will be on late tonight....
  21. Speaking of BRD, do you want to farm Lord Incendius for his fire resistant bracers? He drops all 4 types of armour so its a 25% chance of you getting your mail. It can be done with a dmg dealer and a healer, I've done it 3 times with a Shammy, a Druid and Tarj. The Druid, like me, stealthed through the mobs, the Shammy relied on his mail to survive the battering, and Tarj relied on a well placed death and Nayson's soulstone to survive the mobs. Us 2 should piss it.
  22. MC: Not sure its possible to do half, you get the q from the bloke by the BRD entrance and then enter BRD and find the MC entrance, click the portal there and that links the 2 portals, to allow quick entrance to MC. i did this in a stealth run I've no idea how many it takes to do normally. Onyxia you have done. BWL is a piece of piss, before you enter UBRS turn right and run down the corridor with some raid members, kill the bloke at the end (stood by an orb) and loot his letter that begins a Q. After you kill Drakki, touch the orb behind him, and that allows for quick entrance to BWL, again linking the orbs.
  23. Riss you need to do attunement to the core and get the BWL portal, one can be combined with a normal UBRS run, you just have to get the q off a mob and touch the orb behind Drakki, the other involves stealthing into BRD....oh thats right, you can't! You'll have to do it normally then! Those with Onyxia are a must as is the fire res.
  24. Not sure I'm a fan of armour with armour res. Kind of a contradiction in terms if you ask me!
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