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Everything posted by ED

  1. actually I take that back. I'm 2/4 on UBRS key parts now, so I might as well keep doing it until the other bits drop. I learned some new tactics from the last group - like when we had that big left! right! debate? I was wrong, its left you need to pull :?
  2. Riss after you left - there was a shout out in orgri for LBRS! I joined, and we did it the other way round this time, killing every boss then heading back to where we normally start it. We got to the spiders without a wipe, but then the warrior had to go to bed because he has school in 3 hours! So I still need Wyrmy, but have all the rest. The group owned, and as we only need the one boss, we only need to do that one part, probably tomorrow, which means I'll be getting Rend's head and Warchiefs blessing for everyone some time soon! I'm not gonna say I'll help you with the whole run, because I hate the place. Ha! I think you are the curse maybe, Zabusak FTW!!!11
  3. Ditto. And now we're at a level we can all do stuff equally, he's gone and disappeared! Anyway I've been reading Thottbot, and I've more chance of Elements dropping from UBRS, so I want to do some of those tonight please chaps!! *rubs hands* You're preaching to the choir mate - I am to URBS (intentional spelling error) what Nays is to strat. Always willing to do a run, I know it so well that sometimes the raid leaders ask me things :shock: I'd prefer to start with L and do U a bit later though if you're up for it
  4. Shit I wish I hadn't said this now. Is the account gone forever? Did you do a [delete]? Did you send us all your cash before you quit? How much of this is down to Stratgate? Anyway cheers for all your help, I wouldn't be playing if it wasn't for you, no offence Nays but you weren't around much in my early days - Sion was.
  5. I'm the opposite, I can't wait until I'm face to face with Ragnaros, but each to their pwn I suppose...Are you saying that you're gonna unsubscribe? hehe, that was an accidental "pwn" - but I'm leaving it there...
  6. No I wouldn't, theres a lad called Heelfaction who's much more fun than you. Riss I see what you mean, I ditched PdarkX because they pretty much suck, but then I couldn't find a ZG guild that needed rogues so I rejoined. I'm sticking with them to see what their ZG runs are like, they will be shit, but at least I'll get to see what 40 man raids are like and get some experience. Most guilds you have to officially apply for now, the people from Malice, Helgira and Surge all seem nice chaps, but theres no getting in there....
  7. I didn't do a single strat, scholo or BRS until I hit 60, and as for BG, I don't really get it. All I do is kill people, at the Horde camp because the allies have always progressed that far... Its definitely nothing I can spend all night on, the fun in pvp is killing them in the open world, BG feels somewhat contrived. No offence Si but if its the only reason you're staying on, you might as well ditch the monthly fee and play Half Life. A 60 not doing instances is like a bird not nagging...
  8. Following on from my run of good form yesterday in UBRS, I saw the skinning dagger drop today for the first time, and won it! Finally I have what I have been looking for in there for so long, I can skin anything now including the beast. This in addition to a nice 40DPS dagger that dropped in LBRS. Its been droptastic these last couple of days and critline is having a field day with various new records.
  9. hehe, as old as 14?
  10. Thought you prefered going in t'other entrance Si?
  11. No. He can. Put him on ignore and don't group with him again. No wonder Leeroy is accused of being faked, what kind of mod shows up percentage of survival?
  12. Yup, we had 1 shammy and he didn't want them, tragically they'll become vendor fodder. I also rolled 100 on a greed on some leather bracers which I was half tempted to need, it really was my day despite not getting the Shadowcraft tunic. I was actually the most experienced person in the yesterday :shock: I've done about 10 full runs and we've only attempted the egg boss twice. It is easier to wipe there than at Drakki, particularly if your warrior is a leeroy like ours was. Risso I'd advise you to join next time, UBRS is ace (despite what Nayson says) and I still need 2 items from there so will be doing it alot more. BTW if any of you happen to be unfamiliar with Leeroy then search Leeroy Jenkins on Google video...
  13. You were a Private at L57 and we shall never forget that.....
  14. It does work if you alt and tab out of the game Tarj. Otherwise as Nayson said get some **** software, you're 60 and havent posted a screenie yet!
  15. UBRS was a rogues dream tonight. I outrolled the other rogue on 3/3 items and then the Shadowcraft Tunic dropped off Drakki! I'd already rolled on a nice chest piece and felt kind of sorry for him and when I saw him roll a 91 I conceded. If I had rolled I would have looked like a right ninjaing word removed... I'm not sure its fair game to need roll on a chest piece when you won a need roll an hour earlier on another chest piece, in fact, i got pissed off with another rogue a few weeks ago who did just that, in that instance (no pun intended) he wasn't even allowed the second chest piece anyway.... Anyway I'm Rend's sword, a nice set of shoulderpads, and an MC worthy piece of chest better off, I was on such a roll (no pun intended) I expected the Beast to drop the skinning dagger! He didn't of course....
  16. Idiots method: Print Screen, paste into Paint, save as Jpeg and host. Check out this lag! Amazing, the whole world stops still and you can still move around. Do something, wait 5 mins, and it happens! A few people are getting this at the moment its a joke....
  17. Only a game this good could get a thread this big on a non-gaming website. Mind you, I don't see it as a game, its a kind of lifestyle....
  18. You can't concentrate on BG IMO, its good for the odd hour of madness, but after a while it bugs me. Riss, you made a snide remark the other day when I asked a Warrior if he was a tank, I hope you see what I mean now! Warriors don't always hold aggro, it depends on their builds... I've actually grown a lot of respect for Tanks since hitting 60, makes me think if I ever get an alt (I can't see it for the forseeable future) I'd quite like to be one, I'm always a bit jealous at the way they can steam into big bosses, get hit, and not lose a fat chunk of hp. I'd like to wear something tougher than leather too.
  19. I haven't had many days like today. As Risso said, simply the worst group ever, followed by a Siongest nervous breakdown. The best bit was after the members left when he commited suicide by charging a group of elite mobs! Getting stuck in the wrong strat was funny also.... Then a faultless Baron run, no drops of course but then I've come to expect that, Risso I'm with you on the damage meters, dealing damage is only part of it, those displaying dmg should also show dmg received in order to show the tank's abilities, and also healing etc. Too often it becomes a competition between a mage and a rogue to hit top spot. TBH I'm happy coming second to a Mage with all that AoE he hits. Anyway, I'm not a combat rogue, thats my excuse, I have Improved Sap instead I didn't know Shaman needed intellect, are you guys the equivalent to the Hunter, you need all stats?
  20. Cheers. It might just be me but when I duel wield swords it seems to only look like im hitting with my main hand...
  21. ^^^Yes yes how do I get that!
  22. Sie can you link your rogue combat build please? Is it just pure DPS, with little to no subtlety? If so I'd like to try it...
  23. I think that warrior is just the same as me, shit at duels Also, thanks alot Nayson for that Onyxia post. Most of those qs I've helped other people with / seen them do, so I'm gonna head to BRS and start tonight.
  24. There is a difference between a bug and something purposefully put in there to stop warriors **** you over constantly...
  25. I forgot about TS, I'll start using it again, as long as someone sets up the server...
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