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Posts posted by choffer

  1. very good preformance last night barry man of the match at the ground milner man of the match on sky

    I'm not one to be a dickhead about grammar on forums but seriously...

    I'm not one to be a dickhead about grammar on forums, but seriously... 8)

    I'm not one to be a dickhead about grammar on fora, but seriously...


    Apparently not. Had a big argument with proof-reader the other day who was insistent that the plural of forum in this context is forum. Apparently fora is the plural of forum in the Roman context only.

    (I did show him countless on-line dictionaries that discounted his position but he went all OED on my ass).

    Wait, what was this thread about again?

  2. It does hurt like stink !!!

    Not saying it doesn't hurt. It's just that never having broken a bone in my body before, I'd always imagined it'd have hurt a lot more than it does.

  3. I always thought it hurt like stink when you broke a bone. Apparently I've been walking round for a month with a broken humerus. That's the last time I have sympathy for someone moaning about the pain of a broken limb. ;)

  4. Was it only a week ago that people on here were going on about what a great bunch of fans Rapid had? Looking forward to seeing them at VP, etc., etc.

    How quickly things change.

    Think it was only yesterday, actually Mike! :shock:

    To be fair, I don't remember any of this nonsense last year.

  5. Personally I tend to watch matches in Cafe Kick on Shoreditch High St. It's a pretty popular table football bar (host the English TF championships!) and has sky sports 3D. I don't know of any dedicated Villa pubs though (strangely there is actually a West Brom pub off Hackney Rd called "The Albion")

    It's actually a really decent boozer, The Albion. Good Curry too.


  6. I'm in SW London (Richmond) but work in Islington. Would definitely be interested in watching midweek games with Villa fans if a suitable pub was found. I'm away pretty much every weekend so wouldn't be able to meet for Sat/Sun games but if a venue was suggested for the week games, I'd be up for watching with other Villa fans.

  7. I would rather have Bradley than Sven. Rather unproven than proven to be rubbish.

    So Sven has proven to be rubbish has he? I think the last 2 England managers have proved he wasn't doing such a bad job.


    He lost it with England and was poor at Man City.

    Admittedly, my memory isn't great but I've read this a number of times in the last few days. My recollection was that Sven was actually going OK at City and was unfortunate to have been given his P45.

  8. What's the Hindu take on this?
    What came first the chicken or the egg? ...................... Oh sorry you didn't Hen Do?

    Wow, that one doesn't even make sense

    I just hope it wasn't meant to

    Am I missing the "gag" here? :?

    Assuming it's an attempt on the old "What's a Hindu? Lays eggs" type of joke that only really works north of the border.

  9. Does anyone find it odd that despite saying nothing since the end of the season, having been quoted on absolutely nothing at all, that Milner has descended from Cult hero to Hate figure.

    We dont actually know anything of Milner's actions, just Heresay. Ofcourse i do believe Oneill when he said that Milner stated that he wanted to leave, but there is a vast spectrum of ways in which Milner could have gone about his actions.

    Stop trying to apply common sense to the debate. Hang him, I say! ;)

  10. The NCT where your car is guaranteed to come out more **** after the test than befor it went in

    Sounds familiar. I spent £250 on my last car to have the AC serviced. When it came back the AC didn't work at all (well, it blew out warm air no matter what setting it was on). When I pointed it out to the Audi dealer they told me it must have been broken before the service (which is clearly was not). I did ask why they'd do a service if the AC was broken and if it was broken why did nobody notice it during the service but they stuck to their guns. I did eventually get my money back but it took a lot of writing of stroppy letters and threats of legal action before they finally backed-down.

  11. I thought it was a legal requirement for cars to carry a spare wheel?

    I always thought that too until I got my current car (RX-8). TBH I never actually checked the legal requirement but assumed that if a car such as mine had nowhere for a spare, I'd be fine without one. Probably a good thing as at £300 a pop, I'd rather not have one just sitting around in the boot doing nothing. Besides, I've always got my (useless) puncture repair kit!

  12. I have a crb for my current job, could i just grab a copy of that from them you reckon?

    CRB is situation-specific, unfortunately. I have one for work, one for the youth club I help at, one for the wee kid I look after at weekends and one for the summer camps I help run. None of them count towards the others, if you know what I mean. If you are in a situation where you need a CRB, the fact that you might already have one for something else is entirely irrelevant.

    Edited (now I've read your comments in context), standard CRB might not be what you need then. As above, they are generally situation-specific. Sure there's something similar you can get done from the foreign office that'll do the trick for you.

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