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Posts posted by choffer

  1. And I bet her house is three times the price of mine! Hail the valleys lifestyle, surrounded by smack heads, roiders and staffs running free, but the house is cheap as ****.

    I know that. My gf is just outside Swansea and I can't believe how cheap her house was. Thankfully, it's not quite the valleys so we don't have to put up with what you do Chris but for the price of property down that way, I'm seriously considering jumping ship.

    Theres a contractor in the office whos from london - couldnt believe the other day that someone was buying a house for "just" £140,000.

    Mine was less than that but unfortunately bought in November 2007 - the peak of prices of all time :(

    GF bought hers about 8 yrs ago for about 60k!!! Now worth about 130k and still three times nicer than what I'm paying 250+ for in London. I really don't know why I'm still here ;)

  2. And I bet her house is three times the price of mine! Hail the valleys lifestyle, surrounded by smack heads, roiders and staffs running free, but the house is cheap as ****.

    I know that. My gf is just outside Swansea and I can't believe how cheap her house was. Thankfully, it's not quite the valleys so we don't have to put up with what you do Chris but for the price of property down that way, I'm seriously considering jumping ship.

  3. As of Friday I shall be a grand overdrawn and have a huge mortgage beginning. BUying houses is shit!

    Tell me about it. I've written a cheque to my solicitor today and am trying to decide if I should put a note in asking him not to cash it for a few weeks.

    I thought I was all set, done my sums and everything stacked-up but now I've started to look at furniture, I see that I don't actually have enough budget left to buy a bed and a sofa!

    All the more galling when I see the palace that my sister has in Brum is half the price of the flat I'm buying down here :(

  4. Save yourself the bother - it's a truly awful movie. I can't think of a single redeeming feature in this film and you'd think with the amount of killing and shagging that goes on, there should be something good about it.

    Totally agree with choffer on that one. A truly poor movie.

    Only DVD I've ever put in the bin.

  5. didn't get around to watching baise-moi last night so ive still got that to watch

    Save yourself the bother - it's a truly awful movie. I can't think of a single redeeming feature in this film and you'd think with the amount of killing and shagging that goes on, there should be something good about it.

    Then again, you could always watch it and make up your own mind ;)

  6. Watched this last night for the first time in years. I'd forgotten what cliche-ridden, laugh-out-loud entertainment it was.


    The only problem I had with the movie was shaking the thought of a separated at birth:

    Silent Bob:


    Rantin' Rob:


  7. Possibly covered in the thread already or in the news somewhere but a mate of mine is a Boro fan just told me that Villa have made an approach for Mcallister. No idea where he saw/heard it.

    Being reported on 5-live according to the twitterati.

    **Edited to clarify - 5-live were suggesting it was going to be announced today but this has since been denied.

    This from the Express and Start todayshould give some more background (if it is to be believed).

    Gary McAllister will move a step closer to becoming Villa’s new assistant manager today by telling Gordon Strachan he plans to quit Middlesbrough.

    Sources in the North-East have confirmed Boro are already resigned to McAllister’s departure, with the Scot desperate to link up with new Villa boss Gerard Houllier after enjoying a successful spell under him as a player at Liverpool.

    Strachan, who confirmed “interest” from Villa on Monday, will hold talks with McAllister today but will not stand in the way of the former Coventry manager moving to Villa Park.

    McAllister is the fourth person to be offered the post after Phil Thompson, Patrice Bergues and current caretaker boss Kevin MacDonald all turned it down.

    Another one of Houllier’s former midfielders at Liverpool, Dietmar Hamann, was also believed to be in the running but the German, currently a player-coach at MK Dons, is eager to continue his playing career for as long as possible.

    MacDonald has been at the helm since Martin O’Neill quit five days before the start of the campaign and will again be in charge for Saturday’s Bolton clash.

    Having missed Monday’s game at Stoke, Houllier – who is currently in his homeland finalising his exit from the French Football Federation – is expected to take a watching brief from the stands at the weekend.

    Although unable to offer any concrete guarantees, his first game in charge is currently pencilled in for the Carling Cup clash against Blackburn a week today and the Frenchman will want McAllister alongside him in the Villa Park dugout for that game.

    And captain Stiliyan Petrov says the Villa dressing room are looking forward to a chaotic spell at the club coming to an end.

    He said: “It is complicated. Complicated for the new manager, complicated for Kev, but there is a solution and we will see the new manager soon. He has been at the top level for a long time. He knows what he needs to do.

    “Are the players looking forward to stability? Yes.”

  8. People were not really thinking it would take 3 months did they?

    It was clear to me it was just a few loose ends needing tidying up and leaving on god terms.

    Interesting listening to the Guardian podcast how he was involved more of the decent generation of French footy when they won the world cup, Henry etc etc. Only loosely involved with the current mess.


    But if you go and listen to one of last weeks podcasts, they painted GH in a very different light. According to them, he was the one lobbying hardest for Domenech to keep his job - the subtext being that he expected him to resign with one or two more bad results at which point GH would take over again. They painted him as a very self-serving Machiavellian type. Not saying I believe either stories TBH but I thought it interesting that they could discuss GH one week and then give him a completely different description a week later.

  9. Second ep of This is England was decent. Could be subtitled the Sex Episode. Funnier than last weeks as well, if also still pretty bleak at times.

    Agreed - it's looking like it's shaping up into a good wee series. Shame it's only going to be 4 episodes though - hope they manage to get a commission for more.

    Still trying to work out why I fancy Smell though - so wrong :oops:

  10. I'm sick to death of hearing how **** brilliant Adam Johnson is. How long has he played well for? 6 months?...and he gets straight into the England side. Ashley Young has been consistently brilliant over the space of 3 years and has never been given a decent chance for England never been talked about the way Johnson is being talked about on TV and in the papers. All because he plays for Man City, it's a joke.

    When Adam Johnson has performed consistently well over 2 or 3 years I'll say he's as good as people seem to think he is, personally I don't think he's anywhere near as good as Young and never will be.

    rocket polishers.

    I'm as much of an Ashley Young fan as anyone but to say he's been "consistently brilliant over the space of 3 years" would be stretching is a bit for me. Equally, I've seen him play in an England shirt and be pretty awful too. Sure, he's not had many chances to impress Capello in matches but he's been in plenty of squads and therefore trained a lot with England and you can bet, if Capello had been impressed, he'd have played him a lot more.

    For my money, I think AJ is a great wee player. Maybe slightly over-hyped at the moment but when I think that we had the chance to buy him but MON insisted we got DJ instead........... :cry:

  11. Bit surprised that Houllier backed Domenech after Euro 2008 though - that's a bit of a worry!

    Think this was discussed on Football Weekly last week. The consensus was that he backed Domenech, expecting him to not be able to turn the French team around and consequently fall on his sword. At this point, Houllier expected to take over the national team for the second time, in the hopes that he could make up for his poor first attempt. Sounds all a bit Machiavellian to me.

  12. Fantastic summary, Blandy.

    Was going to say "couldn't have put it better myself" but that wouldn't be true - I couldn't have put it anywhere near as eloquently as you have.

    I just hope that everyone will now unite behind the new manager and support Randy's decision although I fear I may be slightly optimistic in that hope!


  13. The Guardian article talked about one of Houllier's duties being o set up a global scouting network at hte club. Which would certainly help us out (if we're actually going to buy some players ever).

    I saw that too but did wonder if they were just using GT's comments from yesterday about his recommendation for the same during Gregory's time to make a story out of it.

  14. No one knows **** all. Not mysteryman, not gaztonvilla, not villa_insider not the thetrees. No body knows anything about anything do to woth the manager, possible players etc. Its just pure guess work. Only people who know who the next manager will be is randy, faulkener or krulak and none of those people are stupid or unproffesional enough to disclose a business' affairs to any tom dick or harry. Drives me mental how people hang on the every word of these so called ITK's when they know no more than me or any other villa fan.

    History proves otherwise especially when it comes to MM

    I think he means in relation to the current manager search. MM has already said he is in the dark.

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