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Posts posted by benireduk

  1. Trying to buy 2 tickets but its saying I need to assign the 2nd one to somebody else, rocket polishers!

    You will need another reference. Must have booking history. Stops WBA fans buying in our end

  2. My logic is this

    42,000 capacity

    -6,000 WBA

    - 20,000 ST holders

    - 5,000 non ST holders who have been to enough games

    Leaves 11,000 for general sale.

    Anyone who really wants to go won't have a problem

  3. Today was as bad as anything under lambert.

    But what annoyed me the most was the attendance. So many said they wouldn't attend under lambert, so where the **** were you today? 31k is embarrassing!

    I came here to post exactly this TLR.

    Either people couldn't be bothered because it's Stoke, people already think we're down or they let their petty dislike of Sherwood stop them from going.

    Either way, 31k is pathetic.

    On the subject of the crowd, bear in mind we've got WBA twice in a week soon, so think people would rather pay for those games given a choice.

    Anyway, yesterday was frustrating. We didn't kick on after our goal (best header I've seen in ages) and our midfield got bullied by N'Zonzi and Whelan.

    My main gripe is at Benteke, Fab and Gabby. They're all on big money, multi-year contracts and it's time to step up. Gabby had been "on fire" in training according to TS. Didn't see anything to suggest that and his performances this season definitely do not warrant a start.

    Fab hasn't been the same since he came back. No driving runs forward and doesn't seem to have that snap in the tackle. Maybe he's still getting up to match fitness.

    Benteke's performance was what we've become used to of late. I think he's just so frustrated. Stoke are physical and I didn't see him pushing their defenders around enough.

    We've changed the manager so we no longer have Lambert to blame. It's time for the players to dig us out this mess

  4. I don't get the argument that Sherwood is not a long term appointment.

    As it stands, we have major problems and the only thing that matters is staying in the Premier League. Relegation would be a disaster. The club can't plan beyond the end of the season as we can not guarantee which league we'll be in next season.

    Sherwood being appointed will ggive us a short term boost which will hopefully push us over the line and we can worry about next season later.

    Also don't agree with Chris saying how we'd picked Sherwood because his name was on the back of the papers. Realistically, who else could we have got in mid-season? Some of the names being banded about we're just ridiculous.

    Love the podcast, keep it up lads!

  5. Think this has got potential. It's not too fast so easy to pick up.



    Lord holy **** jesus

    I got to 30 seconds.

    Listened to another bit there out of fear that I'm just being a hater. It's awful. Truly awful. I'm going to listen to the entire thing now as a sort of lenten penance.

    There's only one Pat Rice has a better fluency to it than some of those lyrics. My word

    Think you should be more honest! [emoji1][emoji1]

    It's not the best song but in terms of singing at the game, I think it could be decent

  6. Can't wait for this. Haven't been this excited for a cup game in ages and although I don't agree with the semi's being at Wembley, after the last few seasons we've had, I'll take it!

    Hoping we're not picked for a lunchtime kick off. Atmosphere is never as good.

  7. However his passing is completely risk free and I think he is definitely a contributor to our inability to build attacks.


    Danny Murphy said the same on MOTD last night. Takes the easy option far too often, though I don't think he's the only one on our team that does that.

    I'm convinced there's a clause he has to play when fit. Sanchez was shocking v Arsenal, but Clev has had some awful performances that warranted dropping as well. Plus, Clev seems to be subbed off most games, which tells you something

  8. As I said earlier...if we have 5m we should have got Defoe. And if Lambert prefers to stay on the bench at Liverpool he is not the type of charcter we need at the club IMO!

    We'd never have got Defoe. They paid cash + Altidore, who the Americans love for some reason, despite his appalling record in England.
  9. Ive gone beyond caring. Today was dreadful from minute 1.

    This result feels as bad as the 0-8 v Chelsea. Just shows how little progress has been made since that game and I'd argue we've actually regressed.

    Toothless up front and no creativity (Gil apart)

  10. Weimann showing us what he can do when played up front.

    He is a decent instinctive finisher. Give him tIme to think and he struggles.

    Pleased to get a win and a couple of goals. Hopefully this will give us some confidence going into a couple of tough games.

    Gil definately gives us something different and he's won our goal of the season today. No way anyone is going to better that.

    • Like 1
  11. I admire the thought that people are going to, but I believe for the sake of 1 home game we really need to make this a hostile environment against Lambert. Plenty of chants like

    Boring boring Villa

    Let's pretend we scored a goal

    We want our Villa back

    We want Lambert out

    It won't be pretty, but for the sake of one game, it might push him over the edge and do the decent thing and resign.

    I've completely had enough now

  12. Plenty of ironic cheers when he was subbed.

    It just hasn't worked for him with us. As others have said, I'd cancel his loan and let him go to Everton or wherever he wants to go. At least it would free up some wages.

    Can't believe he was anywhere near the England squad once upon a time

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