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Posts posted by benireduk

  1. If that wasn't given against us we'd be livid.

    Disagree. Booking at worst for me. And I remember Sanchez making a very similar challenge v Swansea that he got a yellow for.

    Did you see Clint Hill's tackle today that he got booked for? Now that WAS a red. Two footed off the floor and reckless.

    Just shows how inconsistent referees are.

  2. I'll be honest, I've never really been a fan and I probably never will be.

    Yes he puts 100% in but isn't that a minimum requirement for a professional footballer? In the premier league you need to offer something more than that.

    He's been chucked into several positions by Lambert which hasn't helped but I honestly don't know what his strengths are, other than running around a lot, which I don't think actually counts. He's not a natural goal scorer from what I've seen, he's not overly quick and his passing is pretty average

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  3. Problem we have is that we are expecting defenders to provide our width. They are defenders for a reason and do not possess the skills to cross a decent ball or beat a man. End result is minimal chances made and not many goals scored. Look at when we played United, similar system to ours, but they have Young & Valencia as full backs.

    Let defenders defend, and drop Clev and Weimann for Grealish and Bacuna.

    Sanchez was superb today bearing in mind we had 10 men for pretty much half the game. He doesn't need 2 other DM's beside him.

    Pretty disappointing today overall. Thought we'd get a win

    Oh and one more thing. If Benteke had attacked the Grealish cross that he rolled across the 6 yard box instead of standing on the edge of the box, we'd have won today. Christian stop behaving like a spoilt little s**t and get back to what you were doing before you were injured please

  4. If I was you I'd stick on the M6 and get off at Spaghetti. Come off at the first junction and park either on the housing estate on the left hand side for free if you're early enough, or in one of the official car parks for £5. Get away miles quicker from that side of the ground too. In my experience, the A34 is a nightmare after the game

  5. Friedel was decent for us, but the main memory I have of him was how rubbish he was at saving penalties. Whenever we conceded a pen, you pretty much knew it was going in.

    The other three had decent records at saving pens.

    If I had to pick one I'd say Bozzie. Played his best football for us and was a fantastic shot stopper. Should never have left us for Yanited

  6. Sanchez MOTM for me. Very impressed with his range of passing. Okore also worthy of a mention. He's getting stronger every game.

    Still don't think it was a sending off. Yes he over-ran the ball and gave Dean a decision to make but for me it was a booking at worst bearing in mind it was early and a derby game. Mike Dean does love the spotlight thought doesn't he?

    Thought we did well 1st half when down to 10 but Olbiyun were always going to have a good spell which they managed to scored in.

    Not really sure how I feel at the moment. Playing 70mins with 10 men was always going to be a big ask but Olbiyun didn't look much better than Leicester last week if I'm being honest

  7. I didn't play it thoroughly by any stretch of the imagination, but it didn't really grab me like Forza Horizon on the 360 did. That's the only game I feel I'm missing out on by going PS4 over Xbone.

    I'm the same. Forza is a different level to anything the Playstation has ever had.

    I'll hold fire until the full reviews come in then I think

  8. I hope he goes to a club like Liverpool, and flops.

    It might be wrong, but that's the view I hold for players like him who has probably cost us around £100k per game in wages for all the time that he has been injured whilst at the club.

    Funny what a couple of England caps do, and for all the hyperbole about him, he's not a patch on what the likes of Barry and Milner were for us.

    As you can probably tell I'm feeling very angry about this, and don't get me wrong the club deserve a lot of the blame. The writing was on the wall really when we had those contact signings in Sept, and his wasn't one of them. For me this should be a lesson to the club that unless they are at an age that warrants less (30+), players who get down to 2 years left sign a new deal, or are sold.

    Agree with this. Get rid in Jan for what we can. Should get £10m + for him and re-invest in players who actually want to play for us.

  9. Those going to Palace on Tuesday (hats off to you) please can we please show Mr Lambert that we are not in the least happy with how things are going. Getting far too much of an easy ride for my money

    Lambert Out!!!

  10. I just want to say Lambert has got this spot on. Please no blaming him today

    How can you say that? Lucky not to concede again just. The amount of goals we concede late is criminal. Lambert out!

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