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Posts posted by CastleBromVilla

  1. Because 1) I want to and 2) it is better than 'bro'.

    Are you black? American?

    Don't know you're even bothering to post in here anyway, you'll play the game for about 10 minutes, then come on here and slaughter it because Infinity Ward made it. Prior to black ops release, you thought WAW was the best in the series, i mean, what **** planet are you on.

    Why don't you just stick to black ops and having to fire 600 bullets into someones dome before they go down, thanks to the games dog shit hit detection.

  2. To be honest, I think it looks terrible. Looks the exact same as MW2. They really need to progress a bit. I will definitely be picking up BF3 before this. Apparently nukes are back ?

    No nukes.

    I'll be getting BF3 before this aswell, but only because it's out the week before, soon as this is released, i'll be all over it.

  3. That ProSyndicate is from Walsall, is he not?

    The Syndicate guy in that video is not the one I thought it was. I was referring to the one that posts all the COD zombie videos on YouTube, he's TheSyndicateProject. He's from the England, not sure where abouts though.

  4. http://www.twitch.tv/woodysgamertag/b/293498215

    Wings of Redemption raging quiting and smashing his controller during live stream, ha! The whole stream, which got short as WOR started crying, is about 20 minutes long, but he starts going off on one from about 18 minutes in.

    The host is WoodysGamerTag, he's quite a well know COD player on YouTube, as is ProSyndicate. They're having one on ones, WOR (Unlimited-UAV) Vs ProSyndicate, he starts bitching as he's getting beat, then he flips out.


  5. I'll get this, but probably won't be playing it long, same as the last one and gran turismo 5, look great, but become boring, fast. Although different types of racer, i'd rather play dirt or nfs hot pursuit. The career in forza is a real grind aswell.

  6. Xbox mate. Never used Bee.com either, only use ShopTo.net

    Looks like you got a good deal though. Only thing is....you didnt get the avatar outfit :P

    I'll be getting it from ShopTo aswell, the limited edition is £36.85, you get the DLC maps lapal mentioned, and you're pretty much guarenteed to get it a day early.

    I'll also be getting it for 360, wouldnt get an fps for the ps3 unless i had to, such as Killzone, which is a ps3 exclusive. Mainly due to the controller. Don't do pc gaming other than Football Manager either.

    12 players per side will be more than enough on consoles. I'd rather they cut the numbers than have games lagging etc.

    It'll be interesting to see how this does in terms of sales compared to Modern Warfare 2 which is out the following week.

  7. Never played any of the BF games, but im sick to death of CoD tbh. 100% going to give this ago.

    Is it basically CoD with vehicles? or is there more to it?

    It's a lot slower than COD with more emphasis on teamwork. Running and gunning, which is how i like playing, doesnt really work.

    Although COD will always be my preference of the two, i'm definitely going to get this, looks really good.

  8. 1min 21secs in, camping in a door way, he'd have had a shitfit had he been on the receiving end of that. He'd probably try and say he was playing defensive, but thats campin' to get to the top killstreaks, then he decides to run around when the other team is getting wiped out by his dogs. Bingo Wings of Redemption is the same aswell, and he uses the famas, easy street.

  9. I renewed but voeted for my dad who didnt.

    General apathy towards the Villa. In his words "I sat there at the end of last season, even the last game, and thought I'm not enjoying this anymore, I wish I wasn't here"

    I felt the same at the end of O'Neill's last season, the second half of the season did it for me, couldnt be bothered rushing home from work (we had a lot of mid week evening games), in the shit weather, to watch the crap we were serving up at the time. Completely lost interest and didnt renew last season and won't be getting a season ticket this season either.

    A little bit fairweather I know, but I'd had a season ticket for a good few years prior, so i've sat through a few bad times too, such as under Graham Taylor. I may go to a few games this year, not sure though.

  10. Theres 2 Barebones options, one jumps between FFA and TDM, the other mixes up the objective games like Domination. I stick to the FFA and TDM when I play, I really do enjoy the straight gun fights you get without killstreaks, and I say that as a player who remains shit and has never put that much time into COD multi.

    Same here, i'll have a look at those later.

  11. People camp usually because they're shit, you go toe to toe with them, they're dead, but thats no excuse for sitting in a corner and shooting people in the back that don't have a clue you're there, it's just not very fair. I don't know how this subject come up, it's usually me moaning about them, but I've not had too many problems lately as i've been playing barebones pure which strips away the killstreaks, perks, attachments etc, so theres no reason for people to camp, although you still get the odd goon or two.

    I hope the TAR-21 is in MW3, been using that on MW2, beast of a weapon.

  12. Never really understood why people dont like campers, I think they're great. As soon as one kills you, you know exactly where he/she will be so you can go kill them. Then can keep checking out the same spot for the rest of the game.

    i think the point trying to be made is that campers are acceptable on TDM games but royally piss you off when you are playing CTF or domination, i **** hate it when people play domination purely for kills (which IMO is alot of people) so hopefully this new reward system will balance it a little

    Camping isnt acceptable full stop, and people that do it are words removed.

  13. Other good news... quickscoping is in, as are those model 1887 shotguns.

    I'm looking forward to getting shot from the other side of the map by someone wielding dual 1887's, and getting killed by some 16 year old chav called iiZZ ScOpEz HD ZZii, who jumps out of a window, does a nice little pirouette in mid air for his montage, and quickscopes me.

  14. They say that the two different versions of the MP5 are probably just the same gun with different attachments. Lots of guns from previous games return, I guess it is impossible to make a modern military FPS game without the AK47 in it though.

    MP5 and MP5k according to Bowling:


    Robert Bowling

    @FTWinfinityward Yes it will, both the COD4 style and the MW2 MP5K variant

    In response to a question about whether the MP5 will feature in the game.

    Apparently kill streaks are going to be toned down too, so you can't rely on camping until 5 kills then building up kill streaks. I do hope they retain the AC130 in MP though as it was probably the most fun part of MW2.

    You'll never stop scumbags from camping, I play Barebones Pure TDM, no killstreaks, perks or attachments, and you still get people camping. If you're going to camp, **** off to regular TDM.

  15. Approve - Lerner is the best to have happened to this club in a long time. Although AM wasnt top of my list to replace Houllier, he's should be given a chance. I'd hoped he'd have been given most of the money generated by the sales of Young and Downing, but it looks as if thats going to offset what we spent on Darren Bent. Hopefully we'll sign N'Zogbia, and get a few more in, maybe a couple of loan deals. We've got a lot of good players already, and if we can get Ireland performing like he did at City under Erikson, that'll feel like a new signing. It's a big season, if we another poor one, it'll just undo all the good work thats been done up until now, and we could end up losing more players, so I hope AM gets it right.

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