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Posts posted by CastleBromVilla

  1. Yawn...Can't we give these keyboard warriors their own thread? Maybe that way, us second class console gamers can get back to talking about the game and not how games look so much better on PC, and that someones graphics card alone is worth more than a ps3 or 360.

  2. I know what you mean, it's quite difficult to chain together kills. I've only had a handful of good games, the rest have been kill someone, then walk straight passed someone cloaked, and get shot in the back.

    I've been using the same two assault rifles for a bit now, i'm about rank 10, rank 13 for next weapon unlock. there is also a classic mode, strip away all the special abilities, straight up deathmatch, but doesn't unlock until quite late on which is a shame, wouldn't mind playing that.

    This will just end up the same as every other fps that gets released in between COD's, play it for a week or two, then straight back to COD.

    I've only played a bit of the single player, i'm always in two minds as to whether to go stealth, or all guns blazing. The whole going in and out of cloaked is a bit of a pain, and i always seem to run out of energy at the wrong time. Sometimes, you'll be cloaked up, energy low, hide behind a vehicle to recharge, but the CELL soldiers still **** spot you! I know snapping necks and picking people off is better than just flying straight in, but it takes too long.

  3. Is it better than Black Ops? (wont be hard as BO's is shite!)

    You wait until the Black Ops defence Crew hear about that, you've had it! :)

    Wrong thread i know but what a disappointment BO's was.

    Looking for a decent FPS to get stuck into, is this it?

    Definitely worth a go. It's quite similar to that Ghost Recon Future Soldier you've created a thread about. It's not as linear as Call of Duty, it's upto you how you approach a mission. You can go all invisible and go for stealth, or go in all guns blazing. The visuals are shit hot aswell, best 360 game to date. The multiplayer is quite similar aswell, really fast paced like Call of Duty.

  4. I stupidly bought into the hype of it being the next big first person shooter, but it's shit.

    I'm impressed with this so far, visuals are some of the best i've ever seen in a game.

    Killzone 3 still my favourite fps for the moment though.

    By the way, if you do have a copy of Homefront and you want to get rid, take it to HMV before 31st March, get £35 trade.

  5. I had a quick blast on MW2 yesterday and remember why it was so infuriating . Playing domination on Wasteland and my team is killing it 192--85. Next thing you know it's " Enemy nuke incoming " .

    **** off IW and stay there ! That game was severely broken . Black Ops is the fairest COD and the best by miles.

    So the game is broken because someone got a nuke in one of your games?

    I played MW2 a lot, and only a handful of games ended early because someone on the opposition team dropped a nuke. It's a bit of a shit killstreak reward admittedly, but they're very few and far between, and it certainly doesnt break a game.

    Nope , it happens a lot more than in just one game .Your experience may differ to mine but I have hundreds of hours clocked up on MW2 and BLOPS and the former has far more flaws than the latter . Why should a dominant team suffer because some douche is camping in a corner gettin killstreaks that in turn gain more killstreaks that then end the game prematurely regardless of the scores ?

    Then take into consideration shit like spawn tubing . What's so fun about some dick grenade launching a whole squad from the the other side of the map within seconds of a game starting ?

    Then you have the unlimited ammo issues , campers with endless claymores , etc. And the obvious knife beats gun at close quarters farce .

    The guns killed far too quickly and you also had the drama with boosters.

    Black Ops has much more balanced weapons and requires you to have more skill and tactical play . Killstreaks are less powerful and harder to achieve and the maps are far less camper friendly .

    Need I say more ?

    The difference in playability is huge and BLOPS is the far superior game to the skill-less mess that is MW2.

    Yea, you'd probably better say some more, because what you've said so far has not convinced me Black Ops is the better game.

    Most of the things you mention are just as rife in Black Ops as they were in Modern Warfare 2. Campers, they were all over both games like shit, I was moaning about them in this very thread not too long ago, yet you just said you need to know how to deal with them, but thats not the case with Modern Warfare 2 as it fits your argument right?

    I tell you whats broken, the connection in this game, its abysmal, yet Treyarch, who supposedly support their games have done nothing, just released a patch in which they've **** about with the playlists, when they were fine in the first place.

    Tone down/ditch some of the killstreak rewards, and balance out some of the weapons, and you're done. You know what aswell, considering it was such a broken game, I bet you all clocked up a fair bit of game time, so it can't have been that bad.

    I'm not saying Black Ops is a bad game, but people saying Modern Warfare 2 was a broken mess is bollocks.

  6. I had a quick blast on MW2 yesterday and remember why it was so infuriating . Playing domination on Wasteland and my team is killing it 192--85. Next thing you know it's " Enemy nuke incoming " .

    **** off IW and stay there ! That game was severely broken . Black Ops is the fairest COD and the best by miles.

    So the game is broken because someone got a nuke in one of your games?

    I played MW2 a lot, and only a handful of games ended early because someone on the opposition team dropped a nuke. It's a bit of a shit killstreak reward admittedly, but they're very few and far between, and it certainly doesnt break a game.

  7. Activision need to get these muppets off the Call of Duty series. Fingers crossed we hear something from the guys that elft Infinity Ward and formed Respawn over with EA this year. Hopefully they'll have another shooter ready to blow this and Activision out of the water.

    I agree, who wants Treyarch and their well balanced games when we can have more of this:


    This game is a poor mans MW2. I know MW2 had it's problem, although I never had many of them, but it was better than this.

    Why have you posted that stupid video aswell, its not genuine gameplay, it's obviously something a MW2 hater like you has put together.

    This game is an absolute mess in places, mainly the connection, but Treyarch do nothing. I'm still getting the 'connection interupted' error message appear at the end of games despite there being nothing wrong, and the whole host migration thing is a joke. Far too many games end up finishing prematurely because it, never had this trouble with MW2. Yet Treyarch, who supposedly support their games better than IW just leave it, and decide to **** about with the playlists, which there was nothing wrong with.

    I don't care what you say, IW make the better games here, tighten things up and get rid of the boosters etc, maybe tone down some of the killstreaks a little, and make some changes to the weapons as some of them were too powerful/too accurate, and you're done.

    COD4/MW2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WAW/BLOPS

  8. Treyarch are **** idiots, there was nothing wrong with the playlists, but for some reaason, they had to change them. I can't play Merc TDM now, so i have to play regular TDM, which is full of parties.

    Why don't they try fixing the problems the game actually has, rather than **** about with things that are fine.

    Activision need to get these muppets off the Call of Duty series. Fingers crossed we hear something from the guys that elft Infinity Ward and formed Respawn over with EA this year. Hopefully they'll have another shooter ready to blow this and Activision out of the water.

  9. and i seem to be getting more points per kill, is this normal?

    Its double XP all weekend :D

    Finally got to 15th prestige thursday took 8 and a bit days.

    Thats only on PS3 though to coinside with the first strike map pack release isnt it?

  10. 1st April for Shift 2 mate.

    Crysis 2 and Homefront this month, both for 360. Would get Motorstorm Apocalypse, but my PS3 is ****, so that'll have to wait.

    Then for the rest of the year, LA Noire, DiRT3, inFamous2, Dead Island, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Unchartered3, Gears of War 3. Then a few others that are yet to be announced like the next Call of Duty and F1 2011. I'll get all for the 360 unless PS3 exclusive.

  11. They seem to have made some changes to the playlists, was promted to update when i played last night, and now theres no Mercenary TDM, its Merc TDM/Domination/S&D, so the game type changes. Nuketown also has it's own game now too. I did play Merc TDM, but i've had to switch to standard TDM , and i seem to be getting more points per kill, is this normal?

    Started using akimbo HS10 shotguns recently, and they're quite good. Got bored with the usual assault rifles and SMG's, so thought run with something else. Scilenced SPAS is good too. I've seen quite a few people using it, so thought i'd give it a go. I'm not sure why people go with the scilencer though, thats probably the last attachment i'd think of sticking on a shotgun, but it works!

  12. They seem to have made some changes to the playlists, was promted to update when i played last for the first time in a week, and now theres now Mercenary TDM, its Merc TDM/Domination/S&D, so the game type changes. Nuketown also has it's own game now too. I did play Merc TDM, but i've had to play standard TDM now, and i seem to be getting more points per kill, is this normal?

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