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Posts posted by CastleBromVilla

  1. Yeah, I click submit and it just shows me the previous page.

    Try tomorrow, if not, stick something on the forum, someone should know what the deal is.

    Edit; I've just had a quick look on the forum and some others are having similar problems with theatre mode.

  2. I'm actually getting alright at this game now. Not Rino good, but good by my shit standards. I've just won 10 games of TDM ina row (a record for me) and had a positive result in all of them. My KD ratio for the month is something like 1.8. I'm still under 1.0 for all time though, as I got wasted over and over again when the game first came out.

    But you camp, so your kill/death ratio is going to get higher. :)

    It's bad news playing like that, sitting in a room with a shotgun, shooting people in the back as they run by. It's not very fair is it, at least when you run and gun, it's 50/50, you're on a level playing field, where as when you camp, you've always got the edge as your opponent has no idea you're there, so easy kill. Get few kills, move to next spot, rinse and repeat.

  3. I've been in quite a few games today were a few people have been using grenade launchers. Such a cheap way to get a kill, some people practically use it as their primary weapon. People that want to use it should have a perk taken away or it should carry more of a penalty.

  4. You could say they won because they had just as good players also to be fair.

    I'm very neutral to them at the moment, since they are way above Villa, I've no reason to dislike them that much. I hope they don't win anything, I prefer all the other CL teams from England but certainly hope they beat AC....then get knocked out.

    I'm the opposite, i'm bored of seeing the same old four teams in the CL, I think it's good Spurs are in there this season, they've played some really good football, they've been triffic.

  5. They won't win it because every team won't be as poor as AC Milan were last night.

    I think Spurs deserve a lot of credit aswell, they dominated for long periods of the game, and this is against a side that are top of Serie A. Redknapp's built a quality squad there, but they better make the most of it, he'll be the new England manager soon :mrgreen:

  6. Havent Activision just taken on another company to look after all the online side of things? Possibly another step in the direction of a subsription?

    There have also been suggestions of dedicated servers if they bought in a sub for paying online, which would solve a lot of the issues Black Ops is suffering from.

    Although it not good as its more money to have to shell out in addition to paying for an xbox live sub, but i'd probably pay it. Although there are a lot of first person shooters, i've not played one thats a good as COD online. Killzone 3 may change that, and Battlefield is good, but its not as fast paced as COD.

    To be honest, i think the series may have seen its best days now Infinity Ward are virtually finished. They developed best games in the series, Treyarch have always been second best. I can't see the two new devs they got on the next game topping COD4/MW2. Hopefully the guys from IW will make something special at EA.

  7. This game is comfortably the worst of the series in the terms of connection, it's a mess. Its very rare i get through a game now without a host migration, which in a lot of cases, fails, leading to to the game bombing out and the lobby closing. Its bollocks.

    Well, don't you think that's more to do with your end seeing as no one else is complaining of connection problems?

    The servers to seem to be a little slow in comparison to MW2 however.

    No one else? you not visit any other gaming websites? Does everyone that plays this game post in the thread on this site only? Just because i'm the only person to have mentioned it in this thread, doesnt mean others are not having the same problem.

    Too right it's slow in comparison to COD4/MW2, those two put it to shame in terms of connection, the games a mess. As i said, virtually every other game, the host leaves, the game tries to migrate to another player, and in most cases, it fails, so the games bombs out. Still get that connection error message appearing at the end of games aswell.

    Have a look about the net, believe me, i'm not the only one suffering with these problems.

    And to think them greedy words removed at Activision are thinking of making people that want to play online pay for a subscription, they want to fix the **** game first.

  8. This game is comfortably the worst of the series in the terms of connection, it's a mess. Its very rare i get through a game now without a host migration, which in a lot of cases, fails, leading to to the game bombing out and the lobby closing. Its bollocks.

  9. I accept that with the objective based games, you're going to get a degree of camping, as you're protecting something, but I play team deathmatch, where you're suppose to go for kills, but people still do it.

    Like that guy I referred to earlier on the cliff on Jungle, he sat up there for virtually the entire game, overlooking people playing the game properly and not hiding, just picking them off, thats not fair in my book. Then the killstreak rewards started rolling into town, so i **** off, i can't be playing with people like that, god knows how he gets any enjoyment out of playing like that.

    I would play the barebones playlist where it's just gun on gun, no killstreak rewards, perks etc. But i shouldn't have to sacrifice perks that i usually play with to avoid these words removed.

    Fairplay to Treyarch for sorting out the Second Chance perk aswell.

  10. That is camping.

    I run and gun, I don't stay in the same spot.

    I don't mind being killed by someone who is not camping, as you've got a 50/50 chance of coming out on top, but thats not the case with a camper, as most of the time, you don't know they're there. They don't want to play on a level playing field because they're shit and their precious kill/ratio will get raped.

  11. Anyone who has played counterstrike in a clan knows when it comes to matches camping is good. Campers get their comeuppance in public though. I'm the kind of grenades, so once I know where someone is, BOOM. got 7 base kills in one match of TDM on jungle last night.

    I've come acrocss loads of campers this weekend, and to be honest, despite the killstreak rewards having been toned down, the game is still full of them. People that camp are words removed and ruin the game for those that want to play it properly, sit in a corner, picking off unsuspecting people, protecting their kill/death ratio, and making their way to nice chopper gunner they've not earned, tipping the game in their favour despite the fact they've done absolutely fuckall. I don't mind getting killed by someone who's not playing like a coward, but campers, no!

    Some guy was doing it on Jungle last night in one of my games, on the top of the cliff. We were running his team all over the place until they all started camping and getting choppers etc. **** that, needless to say i left the game!

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