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Posts posted by ben1505

  1. 1 minute ago, foreveryoung said:

    Not true,  I think he would be doing exactly what he's doing just to keep fit.

    But why would he be with the rest of the squad, in a very public location? Doesn't add up... if he's decided to go, why isn't he in Manchester having that medical that the papers have said that he's booked into? I'm not saying he's going to stay but it just seems odd

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  2. 7 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    Also Villa have spent 300m+ in three years building a team around Jack, and the owners and management don’t want to sell him, don’t need to sell him and don’t have to sell him.  They have also invested into a five year contract with Jack which he’s only less than a year into.

    All of this... which is why I would be surprised if he goes. If he was likely to go then why parade him in villa gear so publicly over the past few days?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Room, could be in a house but what if it meant squad? Training pitch and lose the training and what's left, squad pitch and what are Man City doing, yes that's right making a pitch at Villa's squad, can not be all so must be one, Oh course its Jack Grealish and you have got rid of him. 

    Here's the Ted Rogers connection with the next clue 




    They should remake this.. the clues were so tenuous… 

    “Don’t accept this if you want to win… choosing this prize will get you the bin”

    Turns out it’s a holiday for 4 to the Maldives

  4. 2 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    that's where the bullshit comes in, according to various reports its a buy out clause so nothing will be being negotiated, also seen more than a few suggesting personal terms are agreed

    so what exactly is left other than Jack making the decision?

    £100m bid on friday and still nothing today...it is a bit fishy, leans towards the bid being bollocks or being rejected

    I really hope so

  5. For me, this won’t be the loss of a player.. it’ll be the final nail in the coffin that football is dead..  if this goes through then it’s proof that there’s no loyalty in football and that all the “big” teams have to do is click their fingers and they get what they want.. it’s a perfect opportunity to let the media and these clubs know that we mean business.. will we take it, or roll over like everyone else?

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