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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Best thing about this thread today is how half of ye are saying he wanted £80k a week!! Seriously guys we wouldn't have even wasted our time this late if he was asking for that. We would possibly have gone to 45k max for him per week. So if he asked for 80k there would be no negotiation.

    I go in and ask for 80k a year and they say 40 is the best they can offer. The discussion ends there.

    I'd imagine it's actually 60k per week he wanted as has been reported. Inflated to 80k of course by angry emoitional Villa fans. :D

    Eh?? The 80k wasnt exaggerated by villa fans though. It came from BBC journalists and other media sources. The rest of your post was just guess work.

  2. 4/10 would not bang

    You know before the leak I would have gave her a 4 out of 10. Never found anything remotely attractive about her. However, after the leak she has gone up to a 7.5. What a body.

    • Like 1
  3. Damnnnnnn the naked pictures circulating online of jennifer lawrence!. Shittttt never rated her but she has gone up in my estimation. Porno videos of her to be uploaded as well in the next few hours. Other celebrity's such as kate upson, the usa womens goalkeeper, kirst dunst (yuk) have been released and other celebrities such as cat deeley. Shit got real on the internet tonight.

  4. We needed a CB and we needed a LB.

    I'm not happy with the signing because we don't need him.

    How do we need a CB when we already have 5?? Plus we have 2 LB's already not to mention enda stevens.

    You wanted to see Baker and Clark again? And you wanted to see Stevens starting in the league?
    No but we have vlaar, senderos and okore above those two. They are good enough as 4th and 5th choice CB's. Did I say I wanted stevens to start? No, but he is okay for 3rd choice even if the chances of him getting a game above Cissokho and Richardson are slim to none.
  5. We are signing an england international, who hasnt even reached the peak of his career and was picked regularly for Man Utd by the ATG premiership manager for £8 million!! Roughly the same price as james mcarthur from wigan, and david livermore. Sounds like a good player to me.

    As much as I like westwood, cleverley is obviously a better playet and if roberto martinez, who has an eye for a good player, has always been a fan then its good enough for me. Still would have like an AM and a winger or 2 to take the place of the woeful gabby and weimann but still a good piece of business of it goes through.

    • Like 1
  6. We needed a CB and we needed a LB.

    I'm not happy with the signing because we don't need him.

    How do we need a CB when we already have 5?? Plus we have 2 LB's already not to mention enda stevens.

  7. Some perspective.. if your earning more then £30,170 a year then you are richer then 99% of the global population. If your earning £21k a year or around that then your not far off...some low paid mofo's on here though.

    Whether tongue in cheek or not, your last sentence negates the points made earlier in your post. But anyway.........

    Not really. Your the one who said your earning peanuts even though your earning more then others so you agree with my last point dont ya'.

    Anyway I earn £25,000 a year (peanuts by voinjama's terms) doing 35 hours a week and not a single minute more! My household bills are £350 a month also as share the rest with my gf. £200 in transport costs. £150 for meals and nights out a month. £30 a month fone bill and I can easily save £800 a month and go on 5 trips abroad a year. Its all about living within your means.

    My mate is on £65k a year yet is broke as fack. Stupid ott mortgage, paying £300 a month to lease a car, spends £100 a week on nights out, spends lots on weed and booze, yet wonders why he is broke despite earning nearly 3 times I am.

    I say again...all about living within ones needs.

  8. I'm disappointed this thread isn't still only talking about GOTG. It's the best film I've ever seen. And I've been listening non stop to the soundtrack since I watched it. 'Please.... Go all the wayyy'

    Best film you have ever seen??? WOW!

  9. For a similar genre of film, Elite Force 2 was much much better. Still have to see part 1.

    Elite force?? Do you mean elite squad 2? If so I concur, although Raid Redemption is absolutely brilliant.

  10. Its the silly bints who 'check in' every cool place they are at on facebook that do my head in. 'Ooo look how intresting my life is ' -Nice restaurant - check in. Holiday airport - check in. Night out - check in.

    Yet why dont the silly bints check in when they go lidl?? Or to the STD clinic??

    • Like 2
  11. Crazy taxi was so much fun! It was so difficult though and could get repetitive but god it was good. Jet set radio was also genius

  12. I've been reading Tom Holland's 'Millennium' - a very good history book about Europe in the 10th & 11th centuries. It reads like Game of Thrones - superstition, barbarity, hatred, backstabbing, greed, callousness, starvation, disease, rape, theft, and massive amounts of horrific violence, perpetrated by quasi-military gangs, in the name of Islam, Christianity and various deranged madmen.

    Right now, 2014, the world looks EXACTLY the same - the only difference being the killing power of the weapons being used. I fear that as a species we are doomed, and frankly we deserve to be extinct. Utterly depressing.

    There's a Steven Pinker book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, in which he shows the number of deaths by violence (as a proportion of population) has been declining for centuries. Don't know how accurate it is as I'm too lazy to read its 1000+ pages.
    That's not actually that surprising when you think of how many wars there have been over the years and the amount of men that must have died on battlefields.

    When we see atrocities committed by ISIS and other so called terrorist organisations we find it hard to comprehend how humans are capable of such acts. That is because we have not lived through war. We haven't had our families killed before our own eyes. We haven't suffered years of persecution by brutal regimes.

    Think of the psychological damage inflicted on people growing up in these places. War can make people do things they would never dream of.

    Yet they are people fighting for isis from countries such as the US, UK and Australia where the only war they have experienced is on there xbox. They are brought up in nice houses, drive nice cars, free healthcare, safe environment yet certain people still hate us all in the name of religion.

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