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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Groves looked a little sloppy out there, clear win against a non-puncher but I think he should take a long rest to really allow himself to recover, he took this fight quickly after a devastating KO and he did look somewhat affected by it. He needs a good 9 months rest before stepping with someone like Anthony Dirrell.

    Really dont rate anthony dirrell at all. Dont see any reason why groves cant beat him. Abraham is one dimensional and as never looked the same since Froch gave him a one sided beating.

  2. 4 ganes out of 5 though.

    I find it pathetic that the usual suspects are out of the woodwork (after disappearing)(sorry donnie) after one lacklustre performance against title challengers

    It's games not ganes.

    • Like 1
  3. Common sense to close out the match when the squad is down with a virus. Aren't going to chase a game when the legs aren't in it.

    Arsenal are very lucky that Chambers is still on the pitch.

    Its not the squad though is it. Its 3 players. Bent, westwood and baker. 1 of which wouldn't have played and the other who should never be playing despite one good game out of many many utter shocking performances. How do you know the rest of the squad are ill?? You dont so you shouldn't make excuses for them.

  4. Love how everyone on here is blaming the virus ffs. Bent would never have played, baker is utter shit despite one good game last week and clark really is on the same level of shitness as baker. Westwood was a blow but sanchez as our £5 million pound signing should be expected to effectively step into his position. Total shambles today.

    4 good games this year, FOUR!! So we ignore the last 2 years of utter shite we have had to endure and reward the clown with a new contract.

    • Like 3
  5. Only two good female comedians I can think of that has made me smile (nothing more) (sorry me) and they are joan rivers and sarah silverman. At least they dare to be different. Joan rivers was fantastic actually.

    Cant stand that geordie lass with the glasses who all the females seem to think is hilarious. 'Ooo my vagina' 'men are useless', same unfunny shit all women comedians seem to repeat.

  6. Watch him and tell me he isnt weird?

    Big on substance abuse in the past. He was a long term heroin addict.

    Explains it. Knew something wasnt right about him. Just read he was born in Westminster and his Dad was a professor. So a toff who rebelled and now likes to pretend he is the 'voice' of the working classes. Typical.

  7. I just read a Will Self article on dickheads. The man is far from retarded, although he clearly relishes (wink) (sorry donnie) basking in the radiance of his own intellect.

    What do you think of Will Self's grandiloquent writing style?

    His writing style is very impressive, although I dont agree with most things he says. However, have you ever seen him on question time?? Awkward watching him. Watch him and tell me he isnt weird?

  8. Yeah I did think that watching the Gabby interview after he re-signed. I know he's no Will Self or anything but the questions were so poor he could have done the interview by setting up an answering machine to say "yeah, obviously"

    If they want to mix it up a bit they should get VT writing the questions.

    "Why are you so shit?"

    "Do you plan to stop being so shit?"

    "Why is the manager shit, and is he responsible for you currently being shit?"

    "Is there any truth in the rumour that your move is motivated by an altercation over parking spaces?"

    "Why would you possibly tweet a picture of another teams stadium when watching a game there? Is this some calculated smear on the club?"

    "We've noticed you no longer sign your tweets off with UTV. Is this a response to some fans not throwing the ball back onto the pitch?"

    And so on.

    No Will Self? He always come across as a bit weird when he speaks. Either an alcoholic or a bit retarded.

  9. Why have we seen protests constantly about palestine, even going as far as smashing up tesco in kings heath because they stocked jews products but no protests about the atrocities of a much greater scale by IS??

    The saddest thing about this is the hundreds of yazidi woman that have been kidnapped and forced into slavery.

    Id rather we didnt get involved in another war but now we have no other option.

  10. Religion of peace.

    I'd just like to let you know that this isn't Islam, these are barbaric creatures who aren't even following the religion.
    Where then is the outrage from the muslim community? They are on the streets in there thousand's the minute someone draws a cartoon but after every such barbaric act all we get is 'this isn't Islam'

    Action's speak louder than words and at the moment I don't see the Muslim community doing anything to root out these "few idiots" running around in the name of Islam.

    Well said.

  11. Dr P, is spot on. Khan would beat mayweather. Mayweather couldn't knock skin off a rice pudding, so he isnt gonna test that glass chin of khan's. His relentless non stop style will trouble mayweather. Hope the fight never happens. Id hate khan to be the first man to beat him because he is a tool and also because he doesnt deserve to fight Floyd right now.

    Although it was a one sided bore fest, it was the first time ive ever seen floyd get hit so easily. Father time has finally caught up with him sadly. His options should be an easy fight against garcia (like dr p says, his style is perfect for floyd) or go out in style and finally find his balls to fight pacman. I really think floyd is scared of pacman so I dont think it will ever happen.

    In terms of upcoming fights george groves fights next week at Wembley although I read his opponent shouldn't prove much of a test, pauk smith fights arthur Abraham for a world title. Cant wait to see smith put flat on his arse again. Hearing bellew v cleverly in November. Hopefully cleverly beats him again. BJS v eubank jnr is rumoured to be on the undercard of fury v chisora which would be incredible if true although doubt it will happen. Pacman has a walk in the park fight next week. The one im excited for the most is hopkins v kolovev. Respect to hopkins for taking this fight.

  12. Dickhead dog lovers raising over a million quid in a day for a dogs home in Manchester because of an arson attack.

    Not sure if serious??
    Entirely serious

    Wtf does a dogs home need a million quid for? The arson attack affected ONE kennel block. The building is presumably insured. Is there suddenly a shortage of food there? Nope, and they are 60 dogs down so supplies will last a little longer than normal. Is there a shortage of space for the dogs? Nope all gone to sister site down the road in Cheshire. What will this million quid be used for?

    There's humans out there homeless and starving in this country, in Syria, Iraq, Palestine but to name a few better causes than some unwanted dogs. People in this country seem to value animals more than their fellow man and thats why it pisses me off, especially when theres no need to donate money in the first place. If people wanted to donate a pound a month regularly I'd have no problem with it but appears to be about some kind of disaster relief that isn't a disaster

    You make a good argument but palestine already get millions and millions of pounds in aid anyway. Dont see what harm it is doing in raising money for a dogs home. Im far more likely to give to an animal charity personally.

  13. Donnie getting heated with people correcting him and the whole brackets thing. That bro is certainly mad. It's funny.

    'Heated', 'that bro'...didnt realise you was from the mean streets of compton...nah not mad at all bredrin. Its a forum so dont take it serious and find it funny people get so irate at little things, ya get me bro.

  14. He says brackets are for people who are trying to look intelligent (which is obviously bollocks) (sorry Donnie)

    Never said that exactly though did I, your taking my words out of context. I said when people use excessive amounts of brackets, go into the syria thread for examples, it gets annoying.

    Who cares, you have inadvertently started something very special.

    Thats cool but stevo lying about what I said isn't.

  15. He says brackets are for people who are trying to look intelligent (which is obviously bollocks) (sorry Donnie)

    Never said that exactly though did I, your taking my words out of context. I said when people use excessive amounts of brackets, go into the syria thread for examples, it gets annoying.

    If you used more brackets you'd be intelligent enough to know that (not really but that's the joke) (sorry Donnie)

    Whatever, your, you're, blah blah....who gives a shit mate.

  16. Don't think it's going to happen (Sorry Donnie)

    Nah neither do I. The people of Edinburgh are wonderful and its a beautiful country in parts however the fact they get free university, free healthcare and still have the CHEEK to whine grates on me.

  17. He says brackets are for people who are trying to look intelligent (which is obviously bollocks) (sorry Donnie)

    Never said that exactly though did I, your taking my words out of context. I said when people use excessive amounts of brackets, go into the syria thread for examples, it gets annoying.

  18. My god miliband looks and talks like such a mong. Cringe every time I see him holding the scottish flag and discussing the 'no' vote. Still cant believe they voted the wrong brother.

    Prey that the scots see sense and vote 'yes'. Scotland just fack off.

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