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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Hahaha pictures are hilarious!! Shame for his poor kids that he is putting them through this humiliation. Have to feel for Frank though, its clear he has had a mental breakdown. Been a tough few years for him with the break down of his marriage, he was declared bankrupt, his boxing promotions company is no more and he was recently involved in a high profile court case about the suicide of one of his boxers. Hope he can pull himself together.

  2. Guardian's of the galaxy - 6 out of 10. Alot better then I expected. First 30 minutes was brilliant I have to say then it descended into any other generic blockbuster film and the last 40 minutes was a bit of a mess. The super fast action scenes where you have no idea whats going on are frustrating. Was still pleasantly surprised as I was entertained throughout, the main chracter was excellent and loved the soundtrack.

    Joe - 7.5 out of 10 - has to be one of the top 10 movies of 2014. Nicholas cage was excellent as was the homeless guy. If you liked the film Mud, this is very similar and you will certainly like this.

    Planet of the Apes - 7 out of 10 - Still prefer the old school original planet of the apes from before I was born. Enjoyed it as much as the first one and the third one should make up a decent trilogy of films.

  3. Booked 4 nights in Istanbul for October. Wanted to go Marakech for the simple fact it was a new country and continent to tick off but with the reported ebola thing spreading across africa, although im sure its over exaggerated, dont want to take no chances.

  4. Less then 3 weeks to go and I'm buzzing. need to finalise a few things but I'm almost ready. Didn't bother with the gym to get in shape in the end.

    You didn't bother to get in shape?! Bet the chicks will dig your lardy arse...only messin'.

  5. Let's not take the focus away from the vile crimes being endlessly committed by the shock troops of the IDF, nor excuse the pitifiul hasbara lies of our Israeli mouthpiece chum.

    Mass murder is being committed daily by the vile IDF, for political advantage and economic gain, including but not restricted to oil and gas off the coast of Gaza.

    Thieving, murdering scum.

    The recent casualties of 2000 people is hardly mass murder, sad and unnecessary, but not mass murder. Hamas allow their people to be put in the line of fire. They know they cant do shit to the jews but they still continue to fire their silly little rockets at israel. They openly admit to wanting to wipe out the nation of isreal. Hamas have had their chance to settle for peace but they dont want it. Doesnt justify the over the top actions of Israel who are as guilty as Hamas but if I want to talk about northern iraq rather then gaza then I will.

    Yet we have over tens of thousands (not 2000 like gaza but over 40,000) of innocent people in northern iraq being slaughtered, beheaded, kidnapped, just because they are not a certain religion yet you say lets not take away the focus from gaza?!?!

  6. I wonder how much an impact the film 'the beach' had on places like phi phi. I know

    after watching it I thought 'I want to go there!'. Im guessing every other schmuck thought the same and thats why it has been ruined by the flood of tourists.

  7. Hopefully the US bomb the fack out of ISIS and give the iraqi army and the kurds the full support they need. Certainly an agenda when day in day out we hear about 2000 deaths (2000 to many of course) in gaza yet the death of potentially 40,000 people barely gets a mention on.

    • Like 1
  8. If there ever was a time for the west to get involved in the middle east then that time is now.

    What ISIS are doing is truly disgusting. If they manage to take control of the country and its resources then the world will have a big problem.

    Its truly shocking that thousands of yazadi are stuck on the mountains whilst a terroist organisation are sitting below awaiting to kill them and in the mean time thousands of Christians are fleeing in terror of the prospect of being murdered.

  9. They weren't heroes. They were (by and large) normal young men who were led into slaughter by heartless empires. A good number put considerable effort into making that point known and we would do well to remember it.

    Dont get the point your trying to make here, makes no sense...make what point known??
    That point. This wasn't a glorious battle of fearless heroes, this was forced self sacrifice of innocent people.
    I get that but for him to say they weren't heroes is pretty poor
  10. They weren't heroes. They were (by and large) normal young men who were led into slaughter by heartless empires. A good number put considerable effort into making that point known and we would do well to remember it.

    Dont get the point your trying to make here, makes no sense...make what point known??

  11. I'm expecting guardians to be something special

    It is!

    How have you seen it?? Didnt think it was out in the UK yet or had been leaked??

    Looks like tosh to me. Batista from the wwe as one of the main actors?! Its a kids film essentially I guess.. I expect it to be awful but ill watch it im sure at some point.

    Prefer the dark, moody comic book films like blade and batman that are aimed at grown ups.

  12. Land of hope and glory for me.

    I quite like the religious mentions in our anthems. After all we are supposed to be a christian country.

    But it doesn't reflect the majority of the populace anymore.

    ooh, a chance for some pedantry....

    I think the last ONS had it at just over 33 million classifying themselves christian, UK population is 64 million

    so strictly speaking it does reflect the majority

    but probably only for the next 18 months or so (on the presumption all those east european immigrants are atheists and muslims)

    Well Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria etc are all majority christian and Catholic countries so that figure will actually rise.

  13. After all we are supposed to be a christian country.

    What a load of flan.

    Nah, its true.

    After all we are supposed to be a christian country.

    What a load of flan.

    Nah, its true.

  14. New Interstellar trailer is out...WOW!!!

    Has to be one of the best trailers ive ever seen (id post but dont know how to from phone). Gives away very little yet is compelling throughout.

    Anyway film ive seen recently:

    Badlands - 8 out of 10 Cult classic from terrence malick about a young couple who go on a killing spree. Excellent.

  15. So, I'm going to take the gf to Florence next year, and I am fairly certain I am going to propose. Both going to be 26 by the time we go and just bought a new house - thinking it's time!

    I'm a little stuck though, how the fudge do I get from Pisa Airport to Florence?? I would ideally like to avoid the train cuz I'm certain we will end up in Rome or something... Also, any recommendations on places to go whilst there??

    Your in the wrong thread fella this is holiday plans 2014 not 2015!! :-)

    How else you gonna get there other then train?? No offense but if you concerned with getting on the wrong train in another country your best staying at home. Seat 61 is by far the best website for planning european train travel

  16. Features underfeated aussie heavyweight lucas browne. Im half tempted to go.

    Lucas Browne's a good boxer in my opinion too, I'm with you on that; I remember he had a good one with Richard Towers. Browne's a good mixed martial artist too.

    He is half decent and like watching him fight. Although he has no chance of ever being good enough to win a world title, he would give the likes of chisora and fury a run for their money. Im sure I read that he still works on the doors in aussie land.

  17. I don't know much about the dude that Gavin is fighting, Gavin seems to have been out out of action for quite a while, I've never really rated or paid much attention to him but he has improved over his last could of fights if I remember rightly

    Problem with gavin is he is so boring to watch. On paper he has the talent to be up their with fringe contenders like kell brook but a mixture of poor management and his own issues has held back his career.

    Seems a good card in Wolverhampton. Features underfeated aussie heavyweight lucas browne. Im half tempted to go.

    • Like 1
  18. Now I'm working full time, I want to visit 2 countries per year. But not because of totals, but because I like to visit new countries and meet new people.

    Maguluf and faliraki tick off 2 countries, hell why not make it 3 as your such a cultured swine and make a trip to sunny beach :-)

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