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Posts posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jonesy7211 said:

    I watched this, and whilst it was absolutely hilarious and a pretty accurate piece of commentary, I thought the end scene where Harry asked Meghan to come with him for a normal life was utterly savage towards Meghan. I won't spoil it for anyone, but I thought it was harsh.

    I thought she got off lightly,  they could have gone for her in a lot of other ways.  


    The end part was clever IMO,  remember,  she only cares about herself.  She wants to be the President after being the next Oprah.  She is trash and deserves it.  Nothing she says is of any value.
    They could go and live quietly anywhere in the world if they wanted too.  


    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    I was in court earlier in the week.  A colleague alerted me to an amusing case.  

    Mr X is 24 and lives at home with mom.  He has a night out drinking with his girlfriend and they return to mom's house.  It's 4am and they are peckish.  So they both hop on mom's mobility scooter and head off for the local 24 hour McDonald's.  He is driving.  She is hanging on the back.  They get to McDonald's and decide to park up next to a Police car with two officers enjoying a doughnut based snack. He falls off the scooter and then makes a joke about the officers food choices. 

    They immediately arrest him for drink driving.  



    Guess at location,  Liverpool or Yorkshire ?

  3. 10 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Butlins ‘84, jeesh those were mad old days, formative years for me.

    Same for me,  I was there in 1984 or 85.  Loved it.  Never ever ever bored.

    I started playing Snooker and Pool there and never stopped and ended up really good at both.

    As a 12 year old I thought it was an amazing place.  Brilliant memories.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    The reality is, a ‘straight’ regime, or even a bent one that understood business, could make Russia a superpower.

    The chance,  if they ever had one is gone for good now IMO.

    There are too many problem bred into the country it's impossible to do.

    The West helped them after the fall of the USSR to get the oil and gas going,  it took decades, with help.  It's Western knowhow that kept it all going as it is a unique drilling environment (Things can't freeze)

    The corruption,  health, demographics, geographical location,  lack of warm water ports,  brain drain, removal of western companies,  removal of the easiest profit making gas and oil sales,  price caps and the basic fact they are a pariah in the world as an entity mean if they stopped the war now and tried their very best to get the economy going,  still won't happen.  It would need people who recognize that joining the EU would help enormously for example long term as the location lends itself to trade.  I don't think they can change.

    They are actually going to run out of money,  they have approximately $350-$500 billion dollars in Gold and assets that they can unload (According to Russian numbers) + the trading account (Cant spend this).  They are,  from February going to lose 35 billion dollars a month because of the caps and EU ban.  Hopefully one day soon the pension money or teachers pay or whatever will not arrive in the regional bank's in Russia,  then we know where they are at.  And then we watch.




    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

    Season 4 of You out on Netflix. It's a crap show really but it's pretty enjoyable nonetheless, if you find this sort of thing funny.

    I really enjoyed the 1st 3 seasons,  bookshops and libraries and all that as a background,  nice.  

    4th Season,  is trying to be a serious who-dunnit of sorts.  I have 1 episode to go.  I don't know who wrote this but they are living in an actual dream world.

    3 /10


    Even though the bloke is a lunatic,  he was sort of likeable within his own environment.

    The 4th season however,  I don't even know where to begin.  It's so bad. It's like a comedy but without jokes,  its the situations and how people act that's funny.  Its all unintentional. 
    The location is London but the people,  oh god.  I want them all to die.


  6. 2 hours ago, Xela said:

    The benefit of living next to an accident blackspot is the abundance of free flowers.



    name the comedy show I paraphrased that from.

    To be honest,  they brighten up probable areas that need a lift.

    • Like 1
  7. Criminal Minds: Evolution (Series 16) -

    3/10 - It's comically awful.  If someone told me it was written by Megan Markle and Oprah Winfrey,  this would not be a surprise.

    The original Criminal Minds was very good but lost it's spark so they had a break or an evolution.

    There are a few blokes in this,


    They are essentially there to show the opposite to the strong women.

    The role call of the men:-

    1 has Cancer but his strong woman sorts his attitude out for him.

    1 cant function as he is consumed with grief

    1 doesn't listen to the strong women and he gets killed because he thought for himself.

    1 spent 10 years trying to find his sisters killer,  finds him and because he thought for himself,  gets shot,  but its OK,  strong intelligent tech woman (who is a munter but gets loads of male attention) stumbles across him in a ****ing forest before all the trained FBI people on her 1st trip (Out in the filed for years) and saves him.

    1 is the killer over over 50 people.


  8. 10 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Even in resignation she loves the sound of her own voice  , all it needed was a 11 seconds  ..  I've been rumbled and I'm out of here  , Goodbye 

    I can't stand her,  she is deluded, dangerous and dishonest as a base line and makes Nigel Farage look intelligent.

    Sturgeon and Truss have not done women in politics any favors either,  two bottom of the barrel people that managed to fail upwards.  

    Scotland will never leave now,  she has managed that I suppose.  @tonyh29 I will watch and laugh at her for you 👍

  9. 4 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    That's going to hurt them short but especially long term too. 

    The demographics for Russia are amazing.  Compared to women there are hardly any men above the age of 70 in Russia.  No males get to 95 at all for example.  None.

    Ultimately this is what will finish them hopefully as this is unstoppable and baked in.



  10. On 13/02/2023 at 19:43, blandy said:

    It's doing better than ours! They're selling (at a discounted price, but still selling a load of it) oil and gas to India, China and so on. they're running a big deficit (so are many nations). Their GDP is predicted to change by between something like -1.5% (according to Russian economists) or grow by 1.5% (IMF prediction). It's not really tanked, because of the non-western nations carrying on trade, or filling the void (see India, China) and even the West continuing trade in some stuff. I mean it's not doing well, and sanctions and the costs of war are clearly taking a toll, but it's not terminal or anything.

    I disagree,  I believe Russia's economy is almost dead.

    • The below numbers are Russia own published numbers they prepared so I suspect the yare made to look a bit better than they actually are.
    • The *585 for Jan-23 is the most interesting,  in February it will be around 50% less (At a guess I would say 220-270 max if they can get it out to customers) as this does not take into account of the Feb 5 sanctions on processed oil / gas products (EU used to buy 50% of their output,  this is now a hard 0%.
    • The + 32% was because of the high process in Jan 22,  that is all gone for them now.
    • At no point since Dec 5th have Russia sold any oil above the $60 mark,  none.
    • The reduction in VAT will get worse as the inflation and drop in wages starts to hurt normal Russians.
    • They can't go to any of the big companies anymore as they have already done a profit grab from them (Gazprom etc).  They will now get money from SME's,  basically just steal it if a company makes too much.
    • They might need to bail out some banks soon enough as well so need some money for that I suspect.
    • Feb-23 will be a lot worse than the Jan23 I know this for sure.  If the below was a balance sheet for a company it would be closed IMO.
    • State procurements 1305 vs 249 YoY,   😁 

    A few more months like this is just not possible.

    (In Rubles)


    *Sorry, forgot something,   the numbers on the right are the Forecasts/ budgets for 20223 total I believe.

    State procurements,  they have blown 26% of their yearly budget in one month for example.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  11. 12 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

    Question for the language scholars on here. 

    What does the prefix 'para' actually mean?

    Looking it up I can only see that it means 'linked to' or 'beside/beyond etc'  (i.e. parallel) which makes sense for words like parasite. 

    But it links to so many different words with very varied meanings I'm struggling see how that definition links to them (parachute/paramedic/paragraph/paramilitary etc).

    para- (2) word-forming element of Latin origin meaning "defense, protection against; that which protects from," from Italian para, imperative of parare "to ward off," from Latin parare "make ready" (from PIE root *pere- (1) "to produce, procure"). It figures in parachute, parasol, parapet, etc.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

    I know a lot of people really struggle to understand what woke means, but I didn’t know they were so confused they thought it was something to do with biscuits.

    Ironically,  biscuits seem to have the balance between inclusion and diversity pretty much nailed on.

    Watch out white rice is all I can say at this point.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Paddywhack said:

    I know a lot of people really struggle to understand what woke means, but I didn’t know they were so confused they thought it was something to do with biscuits.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  14. 15 hours ago, HKP90 said:

    I must say this latest 'build up of troops' by Russia is a little ominous to me as a layperson. I take it there are reasons why it won't work?

    It all has to be coordinated perfectly across all the attack points.  I haven't seen anything from Russia that makes me think they can do this effectively.  They might gain a town or two,  at what cost and with what logistics to support the newly taken towns.  Gaining a town with untrained soldiers is not a gain,  its probably a hindrance. The Russian soldiers have no idea what they are doing.

    Ukraine may let them move forward but I suspect it's a trap long term.  It will be to encircled and mince them up.  

  15. 17 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    I wouldn't rule anything out mate, like we didn't think anything of the school caretaker when he was interviewed in the media.

    I have read a few books on this case,  they had him as Number 1 suspect almost straight away,  cleaning your car was never a good look,  once he spoke on camera he was effectively done (He actually said I could be the last person to see them) + his house stank of bleach etc + mobile data from the girls and so on.


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