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Posts posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. 50 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Its said that the Russian Military is so stretched that they have relocated the forces that defend Kalingrad.  All of them.  

    Just to add a little bit of amusement to the story.

    NATO has always been worried about the troops stationed at Kalingrad.  There were approx. 12,000 of various types.

    (Tanks / Anti Tank / Anti Air,  basically a bit of everything).   

    NATO are not worried anymore because they are all dead,  they are all either dead or POW's.  Mostly dead from what I read.  They were useless.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I can only assume this is what he is referring to.

    Its the most pressing issue/threat for super powers at this time. 

    Collaboration with the US from the top man in China is a huge statement.

    China needs to be on the good side of the West,  its a need not a want.

    They see the sanctions on Russia and they are scared to death.  Just like Russia they export and just like Russia they know that if that flow is cut they are dead.  The difference is Germany was very much in love with cheap fuel from a terrorist in Putin so it will take until early 2023 to turn the pipes off and in doing so finishing Russia (They cant store the Gas or Oil,  it needs to be sold).  For China,  this will be an on off switch.  Unless the goods are actually unloaded on that day then no sale.  Secondary sanctions against other countries are easy,  the boats don't dock unless the G7 says so.  (Boat insurance).

    Also,  the weird thing about China is their GDP numbers,  just like Putin's army "We can beat anyone",  the regions in China have a growth target,  you don't get promote in the party unless your region meets these targets.  I believe they have lied about the GDP for 20 years and eventually this will fall down.

    There are problems coming for China,  they know it ,  hence the lets be friends rhetoric.  Never trust them,  use them for what we need but that's about all until they can be proper human beings and treat people properly.

  3. 13 hours ago, avfc1982am said:

    I'm not sure if it's winter setting in or just both sides tiring each other out. Probably a little of both.  

    What I think is going on (From what I have read),  just a guess tbh.

    I wouldn't worry,  Ukraine are getting the NATO trained troops into place to go over the river.  Where they cross is the question as Russia is mining the **** out of certain places on the other river bank.
    Russia is expending a lot of time and effort creating a defensive line that is so long it just can't be done effectively.  Ukraine is just waiting and probing to see what they have where and how fast they respond to pretend attacks.  All the while destroying the anti aircraft defence,  they blo up approx. 3 a day of these at least,  Russia will soon lose the sky completely (For drones and combat aircraft).  The reconnaissance and communications in relation to the drones and artillery strikes is something Russia clearly can't cope with,  they have no answer to this.  Ukraine don't miss much theses days and it is driving the Russian soldiers genuinely mental (Panic attacks etc),  they just don't understand how Ukraine are doing it. 

    Once this is achieved then they can go as they will finally have air support as they cross the river.  Once they do then that will be that.  As soon as Ukraine get a staging area across the river Russia are done and they have no option to run but with the air support they will have no exit.  At this point some Russian positions will be surrounded and they will surrender.  The difference between a average Russian soldier and a trained NATO soldier is now a world apart in terms of equipment and pure tactical intelligence.  I suspect that we are waiting for the cold to arrive,  the Russians will suffer becasue of the cold and general lack of morale, equipment and a plan.  For Ukraine,  the cold is a pain but they have the gear(A lot of the Ukraine troops have $300-$400 boots and Oakley gloves for example).  For a Russian,  they might genuinely die if it gets to -15.  You will hear Russians actually moving into houses on the Battlefield soon to get out the cold at a guess or they will die,  they will have no choice.  Odd behaviour for the worlds second most fear army to sit in Grannies favourite chair but there you go.


  4. 36 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    and yet we've not heard a squeak out of anyone 

    Yes and no,  even if they are out there,  nobody can ever communicate.

    Even if we knew of a planet and its exact coordinates 200 light years away that has got intelligent life on it,  what then ?

    There is no way at all to send a message and get a reply as far as I know.

  5. "Extra Terrestrial Life. Do you believe?"

    How certain am I of life on other planets either before,  now or in the future.  100%

    Why?,  it's seems to be a mathematical certainty given the amount of time and space available and viewable from where we are (we can't see that far in relation to the size of space)

    Earth exists with life just becasue all the levers that were required to create life were in the correct position for our planet.  Water,  Oxygen, Volcanic activity, the Sun and the moon are just a few of the ingredients that helped to get things going on our planet. The infinite nature of Space and the fact we live on well,  the very living proof of the variables all lining up means that as I type the first Extra Terrestrial Life on a planet or multiple has just sprung into action,  I hope so and I christen him "Gerald".

    The alternative is to think we are Special and the only life in a universe that is so big it hurts to think about it.  I doubt this is how it is.

    We will never find out unfortunately,  that's just the way it is.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Particulate pollution is much worse from tyres than exhausts

    Its a mad thing to read at first but it's true.  Trucks and buses must be  nightmare for this as they have loads of wheels.

    This is one part of the Electric car solution that still needs to be looked at.

    I always wonder why freight doesn't travel by rail,  its got to be the best bet for the environment (Steel wheels)?

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    The more I think about, the less sense in makes for Ukraine to undertake bitter urban warfare.   

    Totally agree,  the one thing they don't want is to be bogged down with this. 

    Surround and go around.  Starve them out with 24 hour a day noise,  they have no support and no plan the Russians will give up.

  8. 20 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

    Starmer was giving genuinely one of his best speeches at the TUC Congress meeting this morning only for it to be cut off by the BBC to go to HoC as they were talking about Cruella resigning. Very frustrating. 

    He's doing OK but pleading for a GE every second is not a good look.  Desperate to have a go on the Playstation.  He always does this,  even the LIB dem bloke is asking for a GE like eager for some crumbs of seats.  

    He must agree that if Labour were in the same position as the Tories they would not have a GE with the polls in their current state.  

    Just sell it like "Every day the Tories do more damage, when the GE arrives Labour will be ready,  we are ready now.  It will be a monumental task yo get Britain back on its feet but we are more and more ready for the task every day"

    I just can't stand the pleading and the made up rubbish about what "Everyone" wants,  he doesn't know this.  Tactically,  he should say less and watch more until the Tories implode.

    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    Something to hide? 😂 truly pathetic. Just kick them out already its a complete farce

    Treat them as an Alien race,  sub human.  They can create their own United words removed on their own if they want.

    The way Russians talk about Ukraine is exactly how the world should speak about Russia. 

    If Russia could build concentration camps as per WWII they would and have queues of people itching to work there.  Is it the Russian peoples fault? I don't really care at this point,  evil words removed.


  10. 1 hour ago, Rich192 said:

    Apologies if this is an obvious question, or has been answered previously, but what are the chances of Ukraine (or Europe) being able to ‘intercept’ or stop a nuclear missile? 

    Quite high at a guess.  The West has been thinking about this problem for 50 years.

    I doubt a single missile would make it,  it would need to be multiple.  Multiple means no more Russia and there is still no guarantee they would get through at all, the West is not going to let us know its full capabilities in this area but I suggest the US for example has spent Trillions on it over the years,  the levels of corruption in the US compared to Russia is miniscule.  They probably have something amazing. 

    Putin tries to Flex with the nukes but he is words only.  I wouldn't waste time thinking about it mate,  that's what Putin wants and we can't influence responses.

    Looking at their military expertise (Russia) there is a significant chance that never fired missiles that have stood for 30-40 years would be more dangerous to the operators than targets 1000's of miles away.  They can't even look after trucks or planes.

    • Like 2
  11. 25 minutes ago, bickster said:

    You booked your ticket, turned up and your car was loaded onto the low loader rail truck

    You then travelled on  the train, took your car with you but didn't have to drive it all the way to Scotland and arrived as fresh as a BR Ham Sandwich made the day beforeetc.

    The bit about being such good value might actually be a downright lie


    That maxi might have rusted completely by the time it got to Scotland

    There is no way this wasn't a roaring success.  I presume this is still bookable.

    • Haha 1
  12. The sanctions are an interest to me,  especially the Boeing and Airbus no spare parts.

    I don't the plane in the clip.  From a Pilots POV I suppose there are always a few little things that don't work,  I don't know but there is more than 1 on this plane.

    Primary displays,  sounds important I don't know for sure.  At what point do they actually become unflyable ? 


  13. 10,000 UK trained troops for Ukraine hit the front line soon.  As soldiers,  they are probably now,  4 or 5 times more effective than a mobilized 2 week trained gimpy orc from Russia. 

    Putin will go home before the 2 biggest Generals of all arrive anyway.


    Both "General January" and "General February" have an impressive and consistent hit rate over the years.
    Russians can't even fight in the summer FFS.


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