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Everything posted by thunderball

  1. Would be very happy if we bought El Ghazi, Bolasie, Abraham and Tuenzebe
  2. I can’t beleive how long we finished games with such poor possession and shots statistics with virtually the same squad
  3. Kodjia on. Bruce would have put on Whelan and Jedi at half time.
  4. This is as a good a side since the MON Milner, Young era. (McGinn could be the new Milner.)
  5. Sorry, but Moreira is a worse version of Nyland. Bring back Spink.
  6. We are really ticking up front and across the middle. Tuenzebe looked terrific. Hutton has become a creative midfielder. Surely Nyland will pay the price although every attack by them resulted in a goal, and we must defend as a team.
  7. Not on our A game today but top result and very decent performance considering the context and Birmingham’s threat. Have to hand it to Hutton, he still finds a way to keep it going, he deserves that and someone you want in a war. Not a team in this division is better than us, we have nothing to fear and really should be aiming for top 2. We just need self belief, stay injury free and a touch of luck
  8. Sloppy. Cant see a sub that would make a difference? Maybe Bolasie for Adomah
  9. Whenever I look at Monks eyes I see Karen Matthews (infamous mother of Shannon Matthews). Google it.
  10. We are not playing the possession game we have over the last 3 games, they are playing a derby match
  11. I lost literally **** thousands on the stock market today and I feel worse about this
  12. I wish I could share your optimism, I think we are miles away. Granted, Norwich and a sorted unit and playing well so away from home a draw would have been a result. What concerns me is our movement and distribution in possession is poor. Hopefully as this is a trade mark of Smith it will be drilled into them, but we look short up front and defensively and that will cost us. Our goal difference tells the story.
  13. I think Hogan deserved a chance to prove himself worthy of consideration, but he failed big time. He looks like a fatter, less dynamic Mickey Quinn.
  14. Very, very average. Not deserving of much on that display, Smith needs a miracle to turn this around. Poor everywhere, he has tightened it up but at the cost of creativity. Wouldnt bother me if Hogan, Whelan, Elmo, Hutton and Nyland never played again. We miss McGinns energy.
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