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Posts posted by LondonLax

  1. Very frustrating against a team we put 5 passed last year.

    We couldn't take control of the game with such a light weight midfield in the second half.

    Lets hope we get a new manager bounce because the fixtures just get harder from here.

  2. Well I think there would be anti discrimination laws against barring non Catholics from joining.

    AFAIK, as long as the school doesn't take federal money, then they're exempt from laws concerning discrimination on religious/sectarian grounds.

    I was thinking more about the UK. Not sure what the rule would be.

  3. It is pretty pointless looking at the figures now for whether people are happy with the government. They are undertaking the massive budget cutting part of their term so I'm surprised more people arn't dissatisfied.

    If in 4 years time (a long time in economic terms) the global economy is back in shape or even booming again the government will be riding that wave back into re election.

  4. Interestingly enough, a fairly large percentage of students at Catholic schools in the USA aren't Catholic (because outside of the uber-expensive, generally Episcopal-affiliated or -backgrounded, elite private schools, the Catholic schools are the only game in town outside of the government-run schools).

    The same thing happens over here. Parents faking a Catholic background to get their kids into a better school.

  5. It will never be a vote winner so it will not be legalised here.

    There are lots of calls for it to be legalised and supportive comments but I'm sure there is a silent majority who are pretty happy with the status quo. There would be whole swathes of middle england up in arms if any serious moves were actually made to legalise it.

    It would have to be done by stealth like it has been in California for it to happen without getting a backlash.

  6. What the Catholic Church needs is a progressive Pope who is going to move with the times and get the young people back into the chapels.


    Please explain why you are shocked about this. Not trying to be funny, just interested in your opinion.

    It seems as though you have missed the obvious paedophile double entendre in what you have said...

  7. What the Catholic Church needs is a progressive Pope who is going to move with the times and get the young people back into the chapels.


    There was an old woman on BBC news last night being interviewed outside her church about the Popes visit. She was asked by the interviewer if any of the scandles had caused her to turn off the Pope.

    She replied, without a hint of irony, "None of the scandles change my view of the Pope, they might affect the younger people more though but not me".

  8. G20, London. Cost £50m. How many of them did you have the chance to go and meet?

    So your main defence of the Pope seems to be that there are other things as bad as him so therefore he should be excused?

    Well the OP said he didn't want this to be about religion, yet all the things people complained about existed elsewhere, but only got complained about when they were due to religion.

    Not defending the pope - Never said he should be excused - I really don't condone child abuse to be honest in any situation, anywhere. Just pointing out that people were not interested in protesting the same issues elsewhere. So why here. Or is it about religion?

    Thought it might be helpful, in the absence of any actual debate (not one poster has welcomed his visit though 19% have voted that it's a good thing).

    I'm not really sure how you can make the claim that "people were not interested in protesting the same issues elsewhere".

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