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Posts posted by beasley14

  1. Not the only way though, hey, the key is conceeding fewer than you score, not matter how many that is. We do also keep the ball a bit better. For me Carew is a perfect imapact sub.

    I agree completely. Someone we bring on when we need a goal. Not someone we try to shove out the door for a measly few million.

    I can agree with that. I know Carrick has been poor but he did form the basis of a very good Manure team two years ago. As they say, form is temporary, class is permanent. I don`t particularly want him mind.

  2. To be honest, you might be different but I care more about the team than John Carew individual stats.

    You might be different but I'm quite keen to see us score lots of goals. If Carew is going to do lots of that, then great.

    Yes we are different then. I prefer to see a winning team.

    And you might have noticed that scoring goals is a pretty good way to achieve that.

    And your ridiculously flawed statistics don't really do much to change that.

    Not the only way though, hey, the key is conceeding fewer than you score, not matter how many that is. We do also keep the ball a bit better. For me Carew is a perfect imapact sub.

  3. ---------------Gabby----------------




    So replacing three of our starting front six from this season with inferior players?

    Not one of the best ideas I've heard.

    In your opinion of course. So who do you think is better than our current players? Seen as you have now written off Carrick and Parer at least.

  4. I think the one thing Milner lacks is pace. Almost all top players have it.

    Milner has loads of pace. You'd find very few top central midfielders that would be even close to Milner in terms of speed, Ballack, Gerrard, Lampard, Scholes, Essien, Carrick, Alonso, Barry. None of them could get close to Milner in a foot race.

    Out of those players at their peak, Milner is quicker than maybe Alonso and Barry. You wouldnt expect Alonso to be quick either, given hes a passer, not a runner.

    Milners got a good engine, but no pace. I never used to rate him that highly as a wideman because of his lack of pace, being switched to the middle has made this lack of pace less important and suited him.

    He's quicker than Carrick, Barry, Alonso, Scholes, Lampard and Ballack.

    Gerrard is a lot quicker than him. I'd say Essien is as well.

    I dont think hed be quicker than Scholes, Lampard and Ballack at their peak.

    My nans quicker than Carrick so he doesnt count :)

    Anyway, dont suppose it matters.

    He is quicker than them for sure. He use to run the 100m when he was younger. Not that been a top cm is reliant on been quick.

  5. I agree with Bicks. He's nailed it for me. He's out for tactical reasons and we, I suspect, would probably look more vulnerable with a more adventurous RB in place than Cuellar.

    I'd rather Young stayed but to be honest, he's not played and we've been fine, and he's not so amazingly good he's completely irreplacable.

    I understand your point but saying we`ve been fine is daft. What if having a more adventurous rb would have given us more balance and attacking intent at home. We may have won a few more of the games we drew which ultimatly cost us 4th position. We don`t need to be so safe at home, we need to win.

  6. I think he has been treated unfairly as there are games that Cuellar didnt play well at all but still stayed in the team. I thought you only kept your place if you played well. Says a lot about our team that we got so high in the league with a player looking so out of sorts in the team. Theres defintaly been times when Young needed to start a game.

  7. I was thiinking about this possible team at work today:


    --------------------------R. Keane----------------------


    Warnock--------Dunne--------Collins----------M. Richards


    Wow, two central midfielders who aren't as good as our current central midfielders, a striker who isn't as good as our current striker and a passable right-side with the combined IQ of a tractor tyre.

    Be still my beating heart.

    Carrick is better than petrov, lets be honest. He`s had a poor season but he`s definatly better than Petrov. Ireland is pretty good, not too far off Milner atm when playing well. I`m not a massive fan of Richards but as rb he`s decent. I don`t trust him at cb yet but at rb he`s ok.

  8. Mascherano is better than NRC. He`s as good at tackling, as quick pretty much and is much better with the ball at his feet.

    That's pretty much what I said.

    But 'being slightly better than Reo-Coker' isn't really a pedastal that most top-level central-midfielders would want to be put on.

    I didnt say slightly better, you did. I think he`s a fair bit better. Certainly one of the better DM`s in the league.

  9. Can't someone start a military revolution?

    Indeed, 2/3rds of the population didnt want these tw*ts and for good reason.

    And 3/4 didn't want Labour. Besides the vast majority of the military are pro-Tory, why would they support a Labour party that lied to send them to war and then supplied them with two land rovers and an air rifle to fight it while deploying an army of ambulance chasing lawyers to try and prosecute them?

    If Brown had tried to hang on however...

    I don't support labour either, I was just pointing out that that 2/3rds of the population didn't want David Cameron, yet he's in power. That's a flawed system. Don't be surprsed that when the shit hits the fan there will be mass protests unlike any we've seen before IMO.

    In regards to the military it was just a joke on my behalf, i'm more a fan of a silent coup during the night ;)

    Its not that flawed, more people voted for him than anyone else. Not that people vote for a leader here, were suppose to vote for a party, this isnt a presidential election.

  10. No craft, guile or intelligence from the midfield to the attack. No movement from the forwards even when someone in midfield is carrying the ball forward, make a **** run for the man with the ball. We need to work on our passing and moving or we won`t get any better than we are because we cant break teams down at home. We are just not enjoyable to watch at home in the slightest and its been like this for a while.

    Why does Cuellar still get in at rb, L.Young played well when he came on today. Makes it hard for me to wsnt to renew my ticket again tbh.

  11. Great piece on Vital Wigan site, particularly like the quote from McLeish:

    Moaning Brum Bitten on the Bum

    I don`t usually comment on decisions in games that don`t affect Wigan Athletic, I usually just watch and enjoy but the Aston Villa Birmingham game has left me a trifle confused.

    Late in the game (82nd minute) with the score at 0-0 Agbonlahor races into the Birmingham box with the ball at his feet, Birmingham defender Johnson slides in from behind and brings down Agbonlahor, the referee gives a penalty 1-0 Villa.

    A spot on decision but what a fuss that followed!!!

    First off the Birmingham players surround the referee, Johnson screaming at his face about his innocence, mind you it`s the same Johnson who screamed at a ref at the DW Stadium earlier this season in an attempt to get Hugo Rodallega sent off for an innocuous challenge, so shouldn`t be too surprised.

    At the final whistle the Birmingham players were at it again pointing their fingers at and surrounding the referee and his assistant and Brum boss Alec McLeish had a go as well.

    After the game Sky pundit Andy Gray tried his best to convince the world that Johnson had got the ball and it wasn`t a penalty, what?

    Gray slowed the replay down, moved the camera angle from the front to the side to the back and still it looked 100% a penalty, then he brought up the referees position which was directly in line and said `if he isn`t sure he shouldn`t have given it`, again what?

    He got the ball says Johnson, Brum skipper Carr, boss McLeish and pundit Gray, I say Johnson`s stud almost brushed the ball and he got Agbonlahor, the ball neither sped up or changed direction and he bundled into the Villa player who was heading towards goal, a stonewall penalty.

    I must admit I enjoyed watching the Birmingham players anguish and I felt a little retribution for what happened at St. Andrews when the Latics visited in February and got done by the dodgiest of dodgy penalty decisions after Mario Melchiot was adjudged to have brought down Fahey when it was clear that he was at least a yard away from the Irish Olympic diving champion

    I remember McLeish at the time saying 'even if there was no contact Melchiot should know better than to challenge there`, well back at you, though there was definitely contact today.

    Birmingham have won many plaudits this season for the way they have played, thuggish bullying tactics that have seen them spoil their way to 9th spot in the table and scoring just a paltry 35 goals along the way, revenge is a dish best served cold, nice one Villa and Mr Attkinson.

    Read more: http://www.wigan.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=196469#ixzz0mCQtQrmC

    HA like that.

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