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Posts posted by beasley14

  1. As conceeding 3 goals isnt the fault of one CB.

    No, it's the fault of the defence.

    To return to my original point, I'm not sure that any game which provided "everything you could want from a centre-half" would see said centre-half's team concede three goals in one half.

    Are you seriously disagreeing with that?

    Well i can`t remember the specifics of Milans goals in that game but what if said centre half was let down but his other defenders or midfileders?

    Then he quite obviously wasn't providing "everything you could want from a centre-half".

    Paul McGrath keeping Italy out in 1994 virtually on his own was "everything you could want from a centre-half". Jamie Carragher against AC Milan was a decent defensive performance and nothing more than that.

    It's not rocket science.

    Right were having a debate about something here theres no need for the little comments at the end of your posts. Its a computer and its easy to do it, because you don`t see people, cut it out.

    Do you remeber the whole game and everything he did? What if he did everything in his power to prevent any goals.

    **** it thats the last one the matter anyway i can`t be bothered to debate this any more i can`t even stand Carragher.

  2. As conceeding 3 goals isnt the fault of one CB.

    No, it's the fault of the defence.

    To return to my original point, I'm not sure that any game which provided "everything you could want from a centre-half" would see said centre-half's team concede three goals in one half.

    Are you seriously disagreeing with that?

    Well i can`t remember the specifics of Milans goals in that game but what if said centre half was let down but his other defenders or midfileders?

    I understand that if a team conceeded 3 goals you would look at their defence but its may also have nothing to do with one specific player. Ive seen GK`s be MOTM and conceed 5 goals before. I don`t even like Carra but he was close to MOTM in that final.

  3. Eh?

    Managers make mistakes. Sorry, when I see all those misplaced passes I am clearly misinterpreting the grand plan for Carrick! Francis Jeffers has played for England and is now on the bench of some crappy league one side. Carrick has been good in the past, and at United there is talent around him that can carry shite / underperforming invididuals from time to time. mOst mancs I know say he's been very poor all year round, by the same token Gerrard has been very poor all year round acknowledged even by the most defensive of scousers. Yet he's guaranteed to start - partly and to an extent reasonably enough - based on his achievements to date with England.

    Otherwise shit let's just shutdown messageboards and close our mouths for heaven forbid we have individual thoughts and opinions of our own.

    Well my point on this somwhere in the thread was that he is not a shite player. He may not be playing well now, or for the whole season infact but thats not what we were discussing. He`s played a lot for Manure after been the star in a Spurs team that was one game away from 4th. Capello and Fergie can`t be that wrong even if they can make mistakes.

  4. Carrick is possibly the worst player to play for Man United. Makes Djemba Djemba look world class

    Now that is the most stupid thing i have ever read on here.

    Im going to assume you dont know many Manure fans

    I do but as with most of them they only started supporting them again about 3 years ago when they got back to winning stuff. Of course he`s not the worse player to play for them, he`s not even the worse player there now.

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