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Everything posted by daft

  1. Jesus **** Christ, that was beyond brilliant. Keepingoff the challenge, maintaining possession and then launching a **** rocket like that. Wow. Just Wow.
  2. Some very good play by Heskey there. Poor finish though, too many touches.
  3. Sunderland are pressing quite hard. Hopefully they'll slip up before we do.
  4. He usually shows up and starts posting when transfer time comes around. I'm sure he is lurking though.
  5. I thought Saha's precision hader off the post knowing that Cech's back would knock it in was quality TBH Likewise the pass by an Everton player onto Carvalho's back for the Yak's goal. Brilliant stuff. Also smart of Saha to rise with his back to Drogba knowing the clearance would hit the back of his neck and go in. But seriously, they're the 3 flukiest goals I've ever seen ' Sounds just like Football Manager then.
  6. A bit sad that Everton couldn't grab all three, but at least it is two points dropped in a rather pathetic way by a club I really can't stand.
  7. Actually, I think you might also have to consider the fact that you have, in fact, already hit your stride, and that your final position will be hugely dependent on how you handle a slump in form. I'm not saying that this is the case, but from where we as fans are, it's hard to tell. The same with us really. We've been pretty shit a couple of times but we are still trying to find our feet a bit after loosing Barry, so it's hard to say if we will hit our stride or crash and burn horribly after already having reached our "peak". Time will tell.
  8. True, Spurs certainly pushed us back in the second half, but how many clear cut chances did they have?
  9. You must be chuffed. He still looked average defensively. Cuellar > Dawson (and every Spurs central-defender for that matter lol). I have noticed that recently Villa fans have started talking about their great defence. I think you have decent defenders, but nothing special. Come the end of the season i doubt you'll have conceded significantly less than us, or maybe even more. I think because you've had quite a few clean sheets, it's brought attention to the defence and given them more credit than they deserve. Friedel has had to make more saves than any other GK in the Prem and by quite a distance. It doesn't make much sense that your defenders are that good, if you keeper is having to save you so often. Richard Dunne and Collins can't suddenly have turned into top class defenders because they are now wearing Villa shirts. I've always thought they are pretty good, but I've read about you having better defenders than us a few times on this board and I'm not convinced. I think Friedel is a great GK. But I think the main difference is that Leds and Woody have injury problems. When fit they are in a different league to anything you have. Oh my, this will not end well...
  10. Jesus Christ, calm down. The **** cheated. No luck involved.
  11. Defoe you word removed. Trying to be Henry?
  12. They're making changes and becoming more confident going forward. We might be able to take advantage and hit them on the break now that they have a few new players on the field.
  13. No, not yet. In ten minutes maybe, but not now.
  14. I think we really need to keep a deep line here. They have flair and pace which means that we need to deny them space either by stepping in on their passers or minimising the space into which they can play their speed players. Both are risky, but at the moment I think the deep line is preferable to overcommitting in midfield.
  15. I think our biggest problem is the fact that they are dealing with our counters pretty well.
  16. Yes, please push up our defensive line and let Lennon rape us with his pace...
  17. You do know that Spurs are quite a good team, and not everything is down to our own uselessness?
  18. What do you mean when you say this? He's being a bit clairvoyant I think. Predicting the scorer.
  19. Should he have been sent off there? Gabby would have been clean through if he hadn't held him back with one hand on Gabby's shoulder.
  20. Dowd you **** word removed how can that NOT BE AN OBSTRUCTION!!!!?????
  21. Cuellar is looking just like Mellberg with darker hair.
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