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Everything posted by Villanun

  1. Sounds like Fulham are going to wait until we tire out in the second half. Also sounds like our players are still not giving each other enough options.
  2. I wonder if the inflated prices we paid for these players have gone to their heads? We seem to have bought a group of highly-paid individuals who cannot seem to get it together as a team. And with the team still arguably front-loaded, Bruce had his work cut out for him.
  3. Remember when supporting Villa used to be fun?
  4. Good stuff from Gollini - and what a step-over from Hutton.
  5. We never seem to give enough support to the player on the ball. Are our players all lazy or just stupid?
  6. Had a dream last night that we went ahead but threw it away. Hope I'm not too prophetic.
  7. This has got short term fix written all over it, and if Bruce gets us promoted it will mean another rebuilding job in the premier league - but given the players we've been buying, proven championship players who probably wouldn't cut it in the Prem, i thought that getting promoted and then rebuilding was the plan all along. If Tony reckons he's got the cash to do it then fair enough. Until then Bruce gets the same treatment from me as every other manager, which is a fair chance to show what he can do.
  8. Only saw the highlights, but... er... Joe Hart did well.
  9. Too easy. Won it in the first half and therefore showed zero ambition in the second, making the whole match feel like a damp squib. Too much idling on the ball, too little effort to break down Malta's defence. Hopefully the match against Slovenia will be a bit more interesting.
  10. I'd usually mock a club for sacking a manager so early in the season, but RDM has been a bit of an eye-opener for me. He got to buy his own players but still couldn't shape them into anything resembling a team, and the downward trajectory of the performances means he had to go. Onto the next one, I suppose.
  11. I'm afraid I have zero confidence in Rdm having the ability to turn this around. The fans are against him, the players look like they don't know what they're supposed to be trying to achieve, and his go-to solution remains replacing players from an already weak midfield with out-of-position strikers. If his time hasn't already run out then it must be getting pretty scarce.
  12. True. RDM should find out who decides on the formation and have a word with them.
  13. Oh good, leaving Sissokho without cover. A proven guarantee of success.
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