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Posts posted by DJ_Villain





    like leave at the very 1st opportunity of a big contract?


    You mean the very first opportunity to win the league and play in the Champions League? You begrudge him his medals? Or wanting to win them to begin with?



    of course not but this opinion that people have that Milner is some sort of diehard Villa fan or even a Villa legend is sad and pathetic.


    some Villa fans hold this guy in better regards than Barry



    In terms of what they've given the club there's no doubt barry is head and shoulders above Milner and don't think any Villa fan would dispute that. 


    It's easy to see why some don't hold Barry in high regard, though - due to the way they left the club. Barry opened his gob, talked a lot of bull, went to the press, got suspended from training, was disruprive, etc. etc. Milner kept quiet, was thoroughly professional, played for Villa a couple of days before he left and gave his all, as always, not pulling a Dwight Yorke. So there's more context here than simply what Barry or Milner have given Villa throughout the years. 



    Yeah, Milner kept quiet, let his transfer drag out until the season started, didn't hand in a transfer request when he obviously wanted to leave so he could get that fat pay off, left the transfer so late that our manager walked about a week before the first game because of it (supposedly), such a better way to leave, I mean he only screwed over the club and fans to get more money. I'd have loads more respect for the way Downing left if it wasn't for the fact he said he was staying no matter what about 2 weeks beforehand.


    As for the leaving for CL and title nonsense, yes he got it eventually, and in hindsight Man City would have obviously been a much better choice than us at the time, but people should remember that the season before Milner left, Man City were in the heady heights of 5th and finished 3 points ahead of us. We even took the lead at the Etihad with about 3 games to go that season, if we'd won that game I think we could've finished above them (not sure if it was just that result or not). It's not as if he was leaving to go directly to title challengers and immediately get CL football, a la Young or Yorke, he was going to what seemed a direct rival at the time, though it quickly became apparent that they weren't any more. Some act as if by leaving he instantly got all those things, well it took a while for it to happen (a short while granted). The only apparent thing at the time that Man City were in a better position for was money, everything else at the time was practically the same.


    I know this is massively OT for the Sherwood thread but the Milner stuff on this forum does my head in some times, yeah he was very good in that one season, but the way people talk about him is pathetic. Face it, he doesn't give a shit about the club or fans, and he's never coming back until we can afford to pay him silly money.


    This 10000%!!!

    However... I wouldn't say no to him signing for us again... but if he doesn't sign for us, I hope he never wins another thing in his life and ends up destitute and miserable...

  2. Potential song for Jack:

    To the tune of 'Hit the road Jack'

    Get the ball Jack

    Put defenders on their backs

    Then score, then score, then score, then score;

    Get the ball Jack

    Put defenders on their backs

    Then score

    What do you think?

    I know he hasn't actually scored a goal yet, but he will.... One day...

    You could replace the word 'backs' with 'ass'...

    But then I am British, so ass means donkey... not backside...

  3. Posted this in the Jack Grealish thread.

    What do you guys think?

    To the tune of 'Hit the road Jack'

    Get the ball Jack,
    Put defenders on their backs,
    Then score, then score, then score, then score;
    Get the ball Jack,
    Put defenders on their backs,
    Then score'



    Potential song for Jack:

    To the tune of 'Hit the road Jack'

    Get the ball Jack

    Put defenders on their backs

    Then score, then score, then score, then score;

    Get the ball Jack

    Put defenders on their backs

    Then score

    What do you think?

    I know he hasn't actually scored a goal yet, but he will.... One day...


    Agreed! That song is a winner all day long.


    It's been said, but his foot is a **** magnet.

    I love him. I just hope he carries on next season.




    Cheers lads... Quite proud of myself for thinking of that...


    I'd like them to drop down another division. But you should never want a club to fold, IMO, no matter how much you despise them. I'd like to play them in the FA Cup sometime, it would be good fun.

    It's a fair point. You could look at them like an inconvenient shit stain in the toilet. It doesn't really bother you that it's there, but you still piss on it every time you visit.


    I disagree... I want them to crumble, fold and disappear into oblivion... I want that club badge to be history just like Wimbledons is... I want to see the pictures in the papers of their fans in tears at the demise of their beloved shitbag of a club and the concept of them being no more...

    • Like 3
  6. **** em... Hate them...

    They were the architects of our downfall by, essentially, buying up the spine of our team to destabilise us even though they had the money to afford much better...

    What is it with teams in blue and white being so easy to hate...

    Small heath..... Check
    Man City.... Check
    Portsmouth.... Check
    Everton.... Check
    Ipswich (if only because Richard Wright ended Nilis's career).... Check

  7. Hate seeing our players shake the hands of opposition players when we lose...

    Yes, I am a bad loser but thats beside the point... We were robbed today and I **** hate Man City...
    We shouldn't be wasting time congratulating them, we should be straight in the tunnel into the dressing room...

    **** em...



    The anti-drugs lobby always demonise the drugs and paint a much blacker picture than the reality of the situation.


    True, but why do governments actively encourage such demonisation? You'd think that with the amount of money potentially available they would be partial to legalisation.


    They run scared because there is so much misinformation. any government that went "soft" on drugs would be pilloried in the press and face a huge backlash

    And what matters most to politicians? the money in their own pockets


    THIS ^^^

    If they legalised drugs and then it became apparent that people weren't dropping dead, stealing, raping, killing etc all over the shop, people would finally realise how long the establishment had actually been lying to them... and to what extent...


    Was a bag of shit aside from being on the line to head the ball away...

    That, and only that, was his worthwhile contribution

    Not to take it away from him, what a contribution it was...

    But had he scored in from the fairly open shot that was given to him or not misplaced two dozen passes previously, he may have been appreciated a touch more


    Disgraceful comments about a player who played his part in a superb victory.


    If that is how you and others view my comments, thats fair enough; Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    However, all of the players played their parts in the victory...

    Richardson, aside from the clearance off the line, did the least and actually cocked it up a few times...



    saw him outside of VP before QPR and I asked him how life was outside of Aston Villa

    He simply replied 'not great'.

    I feel sorry for him, he was more than decent for us

    Can't really feel sorry for someone being paid £40,000 a week to play football in the premier league.


     I feel sorry for someone who is Villa through & through yet couldnt stay involved due to Lambert's silly decision. His dream must have been to play for us.

    Hence, I feel sorry for him,



    The lad is having to make a career doing something he loves...

    However, he was doing something he loves for the club he loves the most, and some other tossers decision took it from him.

    Ok, he gets paid a lot of money; but I reckon he would have played for us for less money than Leicester were offering... He doesn't strike me as a mercenary...

  11. Was a bag of shit aside from being on the line to head the ball away...

    That, and only that, was his worthwhile contribution

    Not to take it away from him, what a contribution it was...

    But had he scored in from the fairly open shot that was given to him or not misplaced two dozen passes previously, he may have been appreciated a touch more

  12. Im glad im watching this in Thailand with Thai commentators... At least then I dont have to put up with what appears to be bullshit commentary from Michael Owen...

    This is one of the very few times that I am glad that I don't understand Thai very well... as I am pretty sure they are probably licking Liverpools balls as well...

  13. Come on Jackie boy, just give it a shot... Just hit it... and put some mustard on it...

    If it flys in, you become a legend, this board goes into meltdown and the distinct scent of seminal fluid permeates the air around Wembley...

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