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Posts posted by DJ_Villain

  1. 37 minutes ago, Supervillan78 said:

    Congratulations Randy this is your legacy, now please F@#K OFF!! .

    Nah mate... I don't want him to **** off... If we have to watch it go down in flames, so should he...

    That man has ruined our great club....

    Not Faulkner
    Not Houllier
    Not McCleish
    Not Lambert

    Christ... Not even Sherwood....

    Randolph D. Lerner...

    Hate every cell in that septic pricks body...

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, KSV said:

    Such negative tactics. Why defend when you have a shit defence? Why sit deep and play Gil and Grealish wide? Its farking stupid. Our midfield trio are useless. Worst performances of the season right there. Barry has out run them.. and hes what 35? Ahh i just cant be bothered with it all.

    The only positive outcome from this match is for someone to do to Barry what Benn did to McClellan...

  3. On 11/16/2015, 8:15:29, Stevo985 said:


    Granted I only went to three islands so I hardly have the best sample. But Koh Tao was amazing.

    I won't go to KT ever again...

    I am doing my diving next year somewhere else... Two Brits were killed there by some Hi-society Thai gangsters kid... Everyone knows it but nobody will speak out...

    Now two poor Burmese lads are copping the flak because they dont have the money/power to fight it...

  4. I live just outside BKK in a place called Samut Prakarn. Having lived in Thailand for over 3 years, I can safely say that if lapdancers, prostitutes, paedophiles and overweight, balding sexpats leaking curdled seminal fluid is your thing... go to Pattaya or Phuket...

    Thailand is a very beautiful country with plenty to see and do without having to put your hard earned money into those two hellholes...

    Pattaya was flooded not long ago... That was a bath well overdue... 

  5. On 11/8/2015, 11:05:50, DCJonah said:

    I don't think he's needed. Ayew is playing better and I'd rather Gestede coming off the bench over Kozak.

    Can you explain why?

    I personally think Kozak has more in his locker than Gestede... Kozak can play with the ball at his feet, he looks for space and seems to move a lot more...

    I'm not saying you are wrong as you are entitled to your opinion, I just want to know what it is you think that Gestede brings to the team more than Libor

    • Like 1
  6. At the end of his tenure here, I couldn't wait for him to go... Square peg, round hole; but I never wished Lambert any ill, just wanted him to go so we could get someone else in.

    Hope he does well.

  7. It can't be disputed but my point is Sherwood is just another symptom of the virus which is Lerner and co. I don't understand how Sherwood can be resented for trying to do a job which he failed in and lost his job for. It's not like he wanted us in this position.

    But Lerner should? It's not like he wants this either.

    The buck stops (pun unintended) with Lerner...

  8. And to think he is our all time leading premier league goalscorer. 

    Then again, it must have been much easier when 'our dear leader' was paying for the backing staff to feed the ball to him...

    From Young, Carew, Barry, Milner, Downing et al.

    to the dross we have seen for the past few years...

    The buck stops with Lerner... Promising so, so much and delivering only until he shit his pants and decided he didn't fancy it any more...

    • Like 1
  9. Seems to be a nice bloke... Don't blame him for signing if he was given a nice looking contract...

    He just isn't very good at anything else but heading a ball...

    Maybe... just maybe... he might turn good if a coach comes in with any tactical knowledge that can effectively play to his strengths and bring him into the game; but unfortunately, I don't think they will and think that Kozak is a better option in every department

  10. Well, he's been gone around 90 hours. I'm happy to give the club a little longer than that to bring in the right man - we can't muck about and waste time in our search, but I think shouts of "What are we playing at!" are a little impatient.


    I don't... We have been playing at it for 5 years and still haven't got it right...

    In that time; Palace, Swansea and Southampton have managed to come up from the lower leagues, hold their own, stabilise themselves and humiliate us...

    • Like 3
  11. Beaten by Southampton reserves tonight who were in league one back in 2011

    Just shows you have far we have regressed as a club under this clown thank you Randy

    Not really.

    Clearly we've fallen behind but Southampton have progressed massively in the last few years and also let's not forget that we played a weaker team under a caretaker manager in a cup we could probably do without.

    Not trying to defend Lerner's running of the club because he's made so many mistakes but I just don't get posts like these. I mean, who gives a **** where Southampton were a few years ago? Put it this way, losing to someone like Newcastle would be a lot more embarrassing than losing to Southampton.

    Actually, I do... They were playing Crewe and Port Vale and we were fighting for European places five years ago... and now, due to mismanagement and penny pinching by our 'dear leader', the tables have completely flipped...

  12. Regardless, its's till more than 10%.

    As you say, if it only mattered that much, why would clubs bother paying managers?

    And given that we've only lost one game by more than one this season that 10% could be all the difference we need.

    That said though, I think Arry's 10% is working on the given assumption that the manager is selecting his teams and tactics in a sane and consistent manner.

    I wouldn't trust Redknapp with percentages and statistics...

    Doesn't he let his bulldog do his tax returns or something?

  13. i know its euros but Wayne Bridge, Kolo Toure, Javi Garcia and Jack Rodwell cost nearly 70 million euros :o



    A lot of that was down to just wanting to destabilise other teams in the division like us, Blackburn, Chelsea etc...

    Throwing money and their weight around and wanting to be important...

    I still pray for the day their owners get bored and they do a Portsmouth and disappear into nothingness...

    That wretched club and their shitty fans deserve nothing less... 

  14. I think he is innocent. Don't think he'd be pushing this hard only to be found out as a fraud especially now that he is trying to re-establish himself. 

    So despite the fact he was found guilty, served time and has already lost an appeal you've come to the conclusion he is innocent based on the fact he is still claiming to be innocent? :)

    I think he thinks he is innocent. Might be as well. If she was apparently too drunk to say no, how can she recall her story? This is my speculation. Not taking his side, not taking anyone's side. I just know that there have been a lot of rape accusations in today's world that ended up being the woman lied then was pressured to keep the story going. 

    If she was too drunk to say no, then he raped her. 

    What if he was too drunk to say no?

    Or is that not how equality works?

  15. I had a look on twitter and Lerner is getting stick with lots of people saying a change of manager won't matter which is such bollox. Fair enough if Sherwood was working on a similar budget to Lambert but he's not and has been backed so takes all the blame despite trying his best to push it onto anyone but himself. Lambert signed the players required to keep us up at the very least while Sherwood goes and signs Lescott and Gestede...



    I don't think it's completely rubbish to have that opinion. We've been utter garbage under four different managers now.


    What can Lerner do? He was vilified for handing O'Neill too much money - he's certainly addressed that. He's been vilified for handing managers too much control of the squad. He's addressed that. He's been vilified for not having any football people around him to help him make decisions - he's addressed that. He's been vilified for his choice of managers - he's brought in people qualified to make those decisions on his behalf. He's desperate to get rid of the club and get something back to cover a fraction of the millions he's wasted. He currently doesn't seem to have any influence not he running of the club other than how much money to put into it.

    Does all the hyperbole about Villa being rotten to the core just come down to 'Randy needs to throw more money at it'? He's seems to eventually do everything that people on here demand of him (other than leave).

    I never vilified him for giving O'Neill money at all... I thought it was great... We were competitive, at the right end of the table, beating Ajax in Europe, scoring goals and playing some nice football...

    It was when Man City won their lottery and suddenly Lerner bottled it and wouldn't spend anymore that I vilified him... Thats what drove O'Neill (and the good times) away...

    Lerner had the money, he was just being a tight arse... I hope he never gets anywhere close to the money that he spent back when he sells us...

    The idea was he was a billionaire no?? So bloody act like it when you have a quality manager in charge! The days of Milner, Young and Carew seem a long, long time ago... If only O'Neill was allowed to spend the Milner money

  16. I think we should just ban transfers. Players should only be allowed to sign for the clubs they supported as a kid, and forced to stay there.  Robbie Keane would have to pick one, or retire.

    Southampton are a bunch of tin pot nobodies. They only found their way back up from obscurity because they got bought by a billionaire who thought Hampshire would be a nice place to park his yacht on Saturdays. Such was their financial dominance over their rivals they were able to get promoted with Nigel Adkins as manager.

    To try to suggest that any person should not look to further their career out of some misguided sense of loyalty is absolutely bonkers. Loyalty usually only works one way. Since Gabby has been out of form most of our fans would sell him to the highest bidder. Five or six years ago there'd have been outrage if he left.

    Shaw did absolutely the right thing, and quite frankly I'm appalled that you think him wanting to make the most of his ability is deserving of a double leg fracture.

    I never said he deserved a double leg fracture...

    I just said I can't bring myself to feel sorry for him now he plays for Man U.

    He doesn't need my sympathy anyway, he is getting plenty from you chaps!


     Do you see them all? Do you travel all over the world looking for total eclipses of the sun? No, I meant visible from the UK... I just assumed you may have read between the lines and seen I was implying that seeing a full solar eclipse wasn't an 'every day thing'.

    And what it meant was just because I had to go back 20 years for an example doesn't mean that Luke Shaw couldn't have been the next player to do it and set a new example for everyone to admire...

    As it is, he is now on a treatment table as a Man U player... and as such, I couldn't give a rats arse about his career progressing

    I still have no idea what you meant by that analogy.

    Total solar eclipses visible in the UK are rare occurrences as is loyalty in football.
    Hanoi mentioned that I had to go back 20 years for the last occurrence of a player who specifically turned down a bigger team out of loyalty (Le Tissier)

    I was saying that just because players haven't shown that loyalty for 20 years, doesn't mean they should just stop altogether...

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