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Posts posted by DJ_Villain

  1. 1 hour ago, R.Bear said:

    That old chestnut.

    Its just "kicking a ball into a net". Its that easy. Can you do it? Can you do what Premier League footballers do? Didnt think so. Does anyone want to watch you mark papers? Didnt think so.

    They deserve the money they get because 99.999999% of the world cant do what they do. If someone is stupid enough to give them a 4/5 years massive contract then THEY would be the stupid ones to turn it down. Hate the game not the player. 

    And we please stop these "I am a xxxx, I work hard, I have to pay the bills" etc. You chose that life, deal with it.

    Well maybe I can't.... but I would make a damn good go of it if I was on 50k a week and turn up fit in a profession where personal fitness is of paramount importance....

  2. 23 hours ago, R.Bear said:

    I love the hypocrisy in here. Dont get me wrong, Gabby has been a waster for a good few years, he's doing the absolute minimum in order to not get fired it seems. So much like many of us "normal people" who sit in offices browsing or posting on VT complaining about how much effort professionals put in. Football is a job whether we like it or not and like most people, when you have no chance of promotion or the company is doing terribly then you dont give a shit. Not everyone but there are plenty who do this. Gabby is one of them.

    The big difference is that most of us who post in here don't have a job where people around the world are watching us and are devastated by our performances week after week, year after year.

    If I do badly at my job, I get the sack.... Not 500 other people who earn a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what I earn and who need the money to pay the bills and keep a roof over their head.

    I am a teacher... I have to make sure my marking is done, lesson plans are done, equipment for science lessons are prepared, parent-teacher evenings.... And I do all of it because its my job... Sometimes, I might not feel like it, but I have to because thats what I am getting paid for and it is my responsibility...

    All that fat bastard has to do is stay in shape, work hard and kick a ball into a net - and he earns more in a year than I probably will in a lifetime!

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Heretic said:

    You have missed something relevant.

    Gabby is a man well paid to do frankly, not much at all. The very minimum you expect of him if that he is the appropriate physical condition to do his job.:snip:

    I can assure you - I would be ashamed to conduct myself in his manner. I don't earn as much as him and I've got my flaws, but I would be cognizant of the position I am in and stnad up and be counted.

    The only thing you count on Gabby is the spare tires. You know his age by counting the rings around his **** midriff.

    Legendary post! Bravo pal!

    • Like 2
  4. 12 hours ago, S-Platt said:

    I actually have a lot of respect for City Fans.  Not the Johnny come lately types but there are loads more that have been through the ringer with going down to the 3rd division whilst their neighbours won everything.  It's nice that they can lord it over Utd and it's them I hate with a passion!

    Pep has a tough job on his hands though as like people have said their squad is average.   I think he will promote some youngsters and add some proper world class players to compliment Aguero.  Will be an interesting watch next season especially if Mourinho takes over Utd.  

    I wouldn't have minded it so much if they hadn't used their unlimited funds to buy OUR players when they could (and did) have anyone in the world they wanted...

    I couldn't care about them lording it over Utd... Its lording it over us that gets my goat... They were nothing... Zip... F**k all until they struck gold... Bollocks to them

  5. Their fans are on par with another team who wear blue and white and have the word city in their name...

    rocket polishers the lot of them... Seriously think they are Gods gift just because they had Thaksin 'Im banned from my own country' Shinawatra bankroll them before they won the Arab billions lottery...

    I hope Mansour loses interest and turns them into a Lidls.... Im sick of seeing their fans happy...

  6. 11 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

    At this stage I couldn't give a **** about the career prospects of any member of our team, Amavi included.


    Why are so many people obsessed with seeing players do well after leaving us? Who actually cares what happens to them afterwards...

    In only three circumstances would I genuinely care about a players future post-Villa:

    1) The Petrov/Laursen reason - could not continue to play because of ill health. Retired with us as a hero
    2) Buggering off abroad and never to be seen on these shores again in another English teams shirt
    3) The Albrighton/Cahill/Weimann reason - deemed not good enough for regular first team football but came through the ranks

    Unless Amavi stays with us until the end of time, I couldn't care less what he did with his life after leaving us...

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Premier League has swallowed up a lot of high profile managers from abroad before. Scolari, Villas Boas, Santini, Mancini, Ramos, Van Gaal even Benitez wouldnt go down as qualified success in the league

    Dunno man... I think Benitez has won enough honours as the manager of two different Premier League clubs to be considered a success in the league...

  8. On 2/2/2016 at 08:41, Spray said:

    Praying for the death of people, how classy. I met two Citeh fans the other day and they were top guys, with comments like that maybe it's you that needs perishing.

    You must have met the only two who don't suddenly think they are hot s**t just because their team won the footballing equivalent of the Euromillions.

  9. 15 minutes ago, kurtsimonw said:

    For a bloke that never really says anything in the media, for someone we don't know personally, it's pretty alarming how many people actually want him dead.

    To be fair, if maybe he said a bit more in the media and gave us the answers to the questions we have been asking instead of hiding like a pussy and throwing managers under the bus, maybe we would feel for him a bit more and cut him some slack.... Probably not... but maybe...

  10. 2 minutes ago, H said:

    For the above reasons??

    I get what you are saying mate, but the fact of the matter is that Lerner knew sweet **** all about how to run a football club...

    Ellis brought in O'Neill... Since Lerner pulled the plug (even though we were doing as well as we had since the Brian Little days) we have circled the drain because of that white haired Yank prick... He had the money to put into it... He is just a tosser!

  11. When we go down (its not an 'if' anymore); plenty of people are going to lose their jobs...

    Groundsmen, people at the club shop, stewards.... Salt of the earth people like the ones who use this very forum will be laid off and have to wonder what they are going to have to do to pay their bills and their mortgage...

    But at least you lot were 'trying' Micah...

  12. 12 minutes ago, New_Jersey_Villa said:

    Not to be obtuse, but the guy already wants out doesn't he? I'm all for people protesting to get their points heard, but perhaps a more productive statement would be "Hire a management team that is actually qualified and experienced in running an English Football Club and get rid of your American business school graduates who don't have a clue"

    I could understand if there was a queue of potential buyers knocking on the door and Lerner was holding out for more money, but there isn't.

    What's the plan after Lerner out?


    Get an oil rich Saudi / Colombian drug baron in!

  13. 1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    Sorry bud, you just can't prove that. There are too many variables, things like fitness and above all confidence.

    So you're basically advocating calling a human being a rocket polisher to his face for not having a good time at work. It's different from the stands, it's part and parcel of the theatre. The above behaviour is embarrassing, childish and pathetic and those involved should be ashamed of themselves for disgracing their club with that petty, small minded shit.

    They can all **** off as far as I'm concerned.

    The difference is that if you and I constantly had a 'bad day at work' every week and our customers depended on us having a good day like the other companies we were competing against, we would be sacked.

    These players aren't trying, they don't care and they will **** off at the end of the season without 1 regret for the position they have put us in...

    Like someone else said; if they had the desire, we would be doing what Leicester did...

  14. 3 hours ago, Sam3773 said:

    Probably not something Garde has ever experienced. He's never been involved in such a failing outfit.

    That being said, I wouldn't do what these fans did, but the frustration is understandable. There is no other way to show how you feel than on the day. There are no fan representatives meetings with the owner or direct communication. I get the frustration but there's nothing me or a handful of fans can chant to change it. Lerner wants out. Telling him to leave is a waste of time.

    Its not really... He doesn't want out until he gets a substantial amount of money back...

    If he really wanted out, he would take the first offer and **** off...

    • Like 1
  15. Clubs who finish higher up the table should be restricted by how many players they can purchase in a transfer window without some players leaving.

    For instance, if you win the league, you are only allowed to purchase 3 players - however, you can also purchase any players to replace ones that have left in that transfer window.

    This would mean clubs would make it much harder to stockpile players who could not be registered for a squad place in a season

    • Like 1
  16. Well, today marks the 20th year since relatively unknown Belgian footballer Jean-Marc Bosman won a court case that turned football on its head and gave power to the players and their agents.
    I was wondering on how everybody sees this.

    Do you think it was good for the game? or, like myself, do you believe it has caused the gulf between clubs due to smaller clubs not being able to get what they want from the sides of bigger stature?

    Thoughts please

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